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Researchers in China and the United Stat...

Researchers in China and the United States have developed a new cataract(白内障)treatment with cells that has restored vision in babies in a trial and may eventually be used in adults.

The treatment- by doctors and staff members at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Sichuan and Sun Yat-sen universities in China-was published in March 9 edition of the scientific journal Nature.

A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens(晶体)of an eye. Typical cataract operation involves the removal of the cloudy lens and the insertion of an artificial one. The new operation has been tested in animals and during a small, human trial. It resulted in fewer complications(并发症)than the current harmful operation, and in regrown lenses with superior visual function in all 12 of the baby cataract patients who received the procedure.

A congenital cataract- lens clouding that occurs at birth or shortly after- is important cause of blindness in children. In the new research, Kand Zhang, head of ophthalmic genetics at US San Diego’s Shiley Eye Institute, and his colleagues relied on the regrown potential of endogenous(同源的)stem cells.

According to Zhang, endogenous stem cells are different from other stem cells that are typically grown in a laboratory, transplanted into a patient, and can have risks of immune(免疫的)rejection, infection or cancers. Zhang told CBS News, “We invented a new operation to make a very small opening at the side of a cataractous lens bag, remove the cataract inside, allow the opening to heal, and promote potential lens stem cells to regrow an entirely new lens with vision.”

The human trial involved 12 babies under the age of 2 who were treated with the new method, while 25 babies received thee standard operation care.. The latter group experienced a higher incidence of pos- operation danger, early- onset eye high blood pressure and increased lens clouding. The scientists reported fewer complications and faster healing among the 12 babies who has the new procedure.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A. The concept of the cataract

B. A new cataract treatment with stem cells

C. Bad effects of post-operation in the cataract

D. The reasons why the cataract comes into being

2.Which of the following best describe the new cataract treatment according to the passage?

A. Convenient    B. Comfortable

C. Cheap    D. Safe

3.What can we learn about the new cataract treatment?

A. It has more risks

B. It may be used widely

C. It has been put into practice widely

D. It can only restore vision in babies

4.What does the underlined word “congenital” in the fourth paragraph mean?

A. Born    B. Strange

C. Serious    D. Dangerous.


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 【解析】本文介绍用干细胞治疗白内障的新方法。 1.B 主旨大意题。根据第一段Researchers in China and the United States have developed a new cataract(白内障)treatment with cells that has restored vision in babies in a trial and may eventually be used in adults.用干细胞治疗白内障的新方法。故选B。 2.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中The human trial involved 12 babies under the age of 2 who were treated with the new method,while 25 babies received the standard operation care. The scientists reported fewer complications and faster healing among the 12 babies who had the new procedure.可知新的治疗方法更安全。故选D。 3.B 推理判断题。根据第一段Researchers in China and the United States have developed a new cataract(白内障)treatment with cells that has restored vision in babies in a trial and may eventually be used in adults.可知这种新的治疗白内障的方法可能被广泛地应用。根据句意可知选B。 4.A 词义猜测题。根据第四段中lens clouding that occurs at birth or shortly after—is a significant cause of blindness in children可知婴儿一出生就有白内障,所以划线词的意思应该是“天生的”,A项正确。 【名师点睛】 利用上下文提供的情景和线索,进行合乎逻辑的综合分析进而推测词义。最常见的就是利用上下文语境、常识和语法关系推断词义。抓住所需推断词汇前后的“mean”或系动词或破折号等直接定义该词的部分。本题第4小题是词义猜测题。根据第四段中lens clouding that occurs at birth or shortly after—is a significant cause of blindness in children可知婴儿一出生就有白内障,所以划线词的意思应该是“天生的”,A项正确。

Last year,around Labor Day,I read a " Happy Ad" in our local newspaper.There was a lady in a local nursing home for the aged,who was celebrating her 90th birthday and her family wanted everyone to know about it.It said that if you wanted to drop her a line,here was her address.So I did.I found a birthday card and dropped her a short note,wishing her a happy birthday.

A week or so later,someone knocked at my front door.I opened the door and found a middle-aged man standing on my doorstep.He introduced himself as the son of this woman to whom I had sent the card.He explained that he just wanted to drop by in person and thank me for sending such a nice card to his mom.Apparently,like many older folks,she did not receive much mail and was quite excited to receive mine.I just didn't know what to say.I told him it was my pleasure and that I hoped his mom had enjoyed her birthday.

That year,I did not send out any Christmas cards,except to this lovely old lady in the nursing home.I just told her that I was thinking about her and hoped that she had a nice holiday.I sent her a holiday card and also a couple of notes in between.I just thought she might like to have someone write to her,to get some mails.

She passed away a couple of months ago.I never met this lady,but I did keep her and her family in my thoughts. I dropped them a line of sympathy.I hope that my few little notes were enough to brighten a couple of her days here on earth.

1.The old lady lived      .

A. at her son's home    B. at her own home

C. in a senior citizen's home    D. in a center of the local newspaper

2.From the text,we can know that      .

A. the son of this old lady opened the door to meet the author

B. the lovely old lady received many birthday cards at the age of 90

C. the family wanted the author to celebrate the old lady's 90th birthday

D. the author sent another card with notes to the old lady on Christmas Day

3.What is the passage mainly about?

A. A moving story of an old lady.

B. A worthy deed from the caring author.

C. A happy advertisement about the family.

D. A perfect plan from the considerate son.



What is success? I am not going to try to explain success. I think a precise meaning is impossible! Is it winning a Gold Medal at the Olympic Games or winning Wimbledon, or being awarded a Nobel Prize? What else? I believe personal success could be anything at all- it does not have to involve public recognition. Who is more successful? A millionaire who is unhappy, or an unnoticed person, who has led a simple, quiet, sincere and happy life? The simplest definition of success, I think, is “to set out to do something and to succeed in doing it.

The first step on the road to success starts with belief. Believe you can succeed and you will. Achieving success in whatever endeavor(努力)you choose may be the goal of life; because it gives you freedom from worry. Could that be?

Success means different things to every one of us. Some people believe it is measured in financial term; others believe it is helping others rather than helping themselves. However, most people are motivated to a great extend by public recognition. How many people are really happy? How many people are really doing what they want to with their lives? Incidentally, to imagine makes us different from animals.

Most important of all, I believe success is a matter of personal growth. If every day you are developing or growing just a millimeter, I believe one is successful. Just being a slightly better person each day for me is success. I’ve got a very long way to go them!

Finally, always remember success is a process and is not simply a matter of arriving at a destination. It’s the journey that really matters. Success is what you become in the often very difficult and dangerous journey down the river of life.

1.What is personal success according to the author?

A. Winning public recognition

B. Being an unhappy millionaire

C. Something impossible to define simply

D. Succeeding in doing what you want

2.Which plays an important role in your success?

A. Intelligence    B. Confidence

C. Wealth    D. Kindness

3.According to he text, humans are different from animals in_______.

A. belief    B. freedom

C. imagination    D. success

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. What is success    B. No true success

C. How to be successful    D. Success is reaching a destination



Lying in Victoria,Australia,Phillip Island Nature Park is a beautiful seaside holiday destination.Phillip Island provides a relaxing,adventurous and memorable costal holiday.Full of family attractions,friendly wildlife,sheltered swimming spots and beautiful beaches and bays,it really is hard to find a reason not to take a holiday.

Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm

A trip to Phillip Island wouldn't be complete without visiting the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm.This amazing native wildlife attraction provides the opportunity to experience wild koalas in their natural environment.You will also enjoy very impressive water views,ancient buildings and lovely gardens. Perfect for a family day out!

Penguin Parade

The Penguin Parade on Phillip Island is Australia's most popular wildlife attraction.Every sunset,wild little penguins appear from the sea and walk across the beach to their sand holes.Here you can experience this natural view that you will find nowhere else in the world.


CLOSING TIME: Varies.Closed on Christmas Day

3 Parks Pass

This ticket gives you entry to the Penguin Parade at Phillip Island Nature Park,as well as entry to the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm.

All tickets will have 12 months validity(有效期)from time of buying.

Tickets will be delivered to your email box within 60 minutes of buying.Please print out all tickets and take them along with you to the attraction.

1.What can be enjoyed in Phillip Island Nature Park?         .

A. Fierce wildlife.

B. Charming beaches.

C. Outdoor swimming spots.

D. Various modem buildings.

2.According to the passage,Penguin Parade      .

A. opens at 10 a.m.every day

B. is opened to us all year around

C. is the most popular wildlife attraction

D. provides the chance to see wild penguins

3.In the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm we can appreciate      .

A. wild koalas and penguins

B. water views and penguins'holes

C. wild koalas and lovely gardens

D. wild penguins and ancient buildings

4.If you buy a 3 Parks Pass online,      .

A. you must use it within a year

B. you must print it out in 60 minutes

C. you can have it delivered to your house

D. you can take your family along to the park









提示词:不文明的 uncivilized

















Last year, during the summer holiday, I found part-time job, worked in a toothbrush factory at night. Not until I experienced it did I realized that it was no easy job.I went to work when my parents were going to bed. On the morning, when my parents were going to work, I came to home to sleep. This backward schedule was very tough for me that I often felt tiring. But I am glad that I had this unforgettable experience. Not only is it fun to “rise and shine” along with the moon or stars, but also I had learned to appreciate the hard work of those which are working while the rest of us are sleeping.



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