满分5 > 高中英语试题 >











Dear Kevin,

I know that you are having trouble fitting in at this new school.










Li Hua


Dear Kevin, I know that you are having trouble fitting in at this new school. Such problems are quite normal. Perhaps the following suggestions may be helpful. First, I think you may need to communicate with your classmates as much as possible. In this way, you will get to know each other better. Second, it might be a good idea for you to take part in more activities, which usually involve teamwork and interactions with other students and are therefore good for developing friendly relationships. Lastly, faced with some tough problems, you might consider asking our teachers, who can usually offer you some wise suggestions. I sincerely hope my advice will be of some help to you. If there is anything more I can do to help, please let me know. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】试题分析:本文是李华写给英国新来的交换生Kevin的一封电子邮件,教他如何尽快融入新的环境。在写这种邮件(信件)作文时,可采用三段式英语作文的写法:1. 第一段开门见山,提出要解决的问题或观点,或者把时间,地点,人物和主要事件及时点出。如本文第一句直接提出要解决的问题I know that you are having trouble fitting in at this new school.2. 第二段要摆出事实或提出论据,或者把事情发展的经过详细写出来。本文是陈述题目所给的三个建议。3. 最后一段,得出结论或理由。 成文时注意:(1)人称使用要恰当。以第一人称和第二人称为主。(2)时态:一般现在和一般将来时为主。(3)适当使用一些连词和插入语,使文章自然、流畅。(4)恰当使用一些高级词汇和句型,以增加文章的档次。 【亮点说明】 1. 使用高级句型:非限制性定语从句的使用Second, it might be a good idea for you to take part in more activities, which usually involve teamwork and interactions with other students……;……you might consider asking our teachers, who can usually offer you some wise suggestions..;过去分词作状语的句子Lately, faced with some tough problems, you might consider asking our teachers;包含条件状语从句以及省略关系词的定语从句的句子1f there is anything more I can do to help, please let me know.2.使用了过渡词语:First,Second,lastly 等,使文章上下文流畅连接。3.使用了重要短语:communicate with与…交流;good for对…有好处。  







Dear Peter,

Our school photography club are going to hold an International High School Student Photography Show. The theme of a show is environmental protection. It will start from June 15th and last three weeks. Any student which is interested in it is welcome to participate. I know you take good pictures but you've always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you show me some photos on that theme the last time when you visited our school. This is sure a good chance for more people see them. If you want to join in, you can send our photos to intlphotosh.ow@gm.school.com.

Hope to hear of you soon.


Li Hua



In a cage, a tiger said to himself that I would break the cage and return to the real world. The other day 1. tiger, still living in the cage, was moved to another place.

Arriving there, he became a performing tiger of a circus. He2.(feed) with unbelievable food. He became milder and milder. He was trained by a beast trainer3.was skillful in training a wild tiger into a performable tiger.

He said to himself that I had to make changes; now that I was the captive(俘虏)and there was no way4.(run) away, I had better adapt to 5.(I) new life. So he became a kitty-like tiger, pleasing people with extraodinary talents in playing6.rings with fire. He was an adaptable tiger.

For years, he lived with the circus and other performing7.(animal). He said to himself that it's enough. So he was trying to be as lazy as he could. In the trainings, he was unwilling to move. During meal time, he8.(eat) as much as he could. He was 9.(final) kicked out of the circus.

Days later, some wolves were seen 10.(tear) a dead tiger on the broad grassland.



In 2009, Ben's new sister-in-law, Melanie Pace, a professional photographer, photographed a series of gorgeous pictures of the young couple. "Those images represent some of the_______moments in my life," Ben_______on his blog.

However, the couple was soon_______that Ali had a rare form of lung cancer. In 2011, just a year_______their daughter, Olivia, was born, the young mom_______away. Ben continued living with Olivia in the house that he had_______with Ali.

But this year, Ben says he is finally ready to say_______to that house, one so full of_______—both sad and sweet. He knew, _______, that he and Olivia couldn't just move out without marking the occasion in some way. So he called his sister-in-law again, in the hopes that she would________him recreate the photographs he once________with Ali. This time, he would pose(摆好姿势拍照)with 3-year-old Olivia, the other________of his life.

"I was just really looking for a(an) ________to say farewell to the house." Ben told TODAY.com. "I did it so I would have something to________for the love and beauty that________that house for a short time in our lives."

"Olivia and I will be able to look at these________and know that for a ________time there was a place where I was the luckiest man in the world, ________just for a little while. And they are________of the great, enduring love he has for both Ali and Olivia. The love is always there and that's what________on." he added.

1.A. hardest    B. saddest    C. happiest    D. busiest

2.A. read    B. wrote    C. spoke    D. saw

3.A. informed    B. said    C. declared    D. announced

4.A. when    B. after    C. before    D. until

5.A. went    B. turned    C. broke    D. passed

6.A. shared    B. dealt    C. talked    D. studied

7.A. hello    B. sorry    C. goodbye    D. pity

8.A. horrors    B. fears    C. pleasures    D. memories

9.A. therefore    B. however    C. still    D. otherwise

10.A. help    B. make    C. have    D. let

11.A. bought    B. saw    C. took    D. brought

12.A. baby    B. lady    C. woman    D. love

13.A. way    B. reason    C. excuse    D. cause

14.A. explain    B. show    C. introduce    D. prove

15.A. added    B. emptied    C. occupied    D. burned

16.A. houses    B. occasions    C. words    D. photos

17.A. long    B. short    C. busy    D. free

18.A. even if    B. as if    C. if only    D. only if

19.A. discussion    B. development    C. improvement    D. celebration

20.A. comes    B. moves    C. goes    D. lives



Finding a new and fun hobby can make you a happier person.Hobbies can be a great way to relieve stress and bring more joy into your life.Specifically when you find a new hobby.Hobbies are for everyone at any age.When you get older,you should not have fewer hobbies.1.You might be looking for a new hobby,but you're not sure what.A new hobby requires finding new interests,which means experimenting to find those interests.

Try new things.To find a new hobby,it will require trying new things.New hobbies won't usually just find you. Don't put things off.You might think to yourself, "I don't like that." If you've never done it,or given it a chance,how can you know?2.

Learn new things.You're never too young or old to learn more in life.If you take the time to learn new things, you'll develop new interests.Let your curiosity run wild,and develop more knowledge over the things you don't know or are familiar with.3.Reading the same sports newspaper every day doesn't count as a new and fun hobby.

Collect things.4.Start collecting them.Maybe you have an interest in coins,or specific jewelry.Think about certain interests that pertain to(关于)what you can collect.If you're a sports fan,then collect sport cards,or jerseys. Simple hobbies aren't always a bad thing.You can collect just about anything.

5.Everyone has a creative side.Some people find different ways of expressing that side to them.It can be writing,drawing,painting,playing a music instrument,photography,dancing,or singing.These can be fun and relaxing hobbies to have that can be a positive way of expressing your emotions.

A.Interact with others.

B.Think of the things that you do like.

C.Learning is not such a bad thing.

D.Find and express the creative side in you.

E.Have an open mind and give things a chance.

F.Otherwise you'll develop more stress and gray hairs.

G.Write down a list of the leisure activities you enjoy.



The weather. It's always a talking-point in Britain. Why is that? Is it something strange about British people? Well it's nice to think that a lot of British people are eccentric(古怪), I mean, the place is famous for it. But really, it's the weather that's the point of note. The UK has some of the most interesting weather in the world.

"Britain does not have a CLIMATE. It just has WEATHER"

In hot countries most of the indoor places that need to be comfortable are air-conditioned, and in cold countries most of the places that need to be comfortable are properly heated. The UK is the exception, since the weather is often interesting and no one really takes heat and cold seriously. So although the weather can be very cold, very hot, very wet, or just wildly confused, it always takes people by surprise.

When it gets to winter and there is actually some SNOW, it always takes the people by surprise. It is frontpage news, and even a few inches of snow brings the country to a standstill. But then, what happens next is even more surprising and catches the folk off guard completely. And who could possibly have predicted it?! IT MELTS! Flooding! What a surprise!

Then in the summer, it gets very hot. If it had been Thailand or Australia, there'd be no problem. It is supposed to be hot, so, there is air conditioning. But in the UK, just total confusion at the sudden hot weather. Shock, health problems, and despite the fact that the country is considered to be where it always rains, summertime brings drought! But do people have cisterns(水箱) and reserve water tanks? Wouldn't it make sense for people to store rainwater in case of drought? Of course it would, but it is a dependency-culture where people have been trained to be dependent on the state, which then means that in emergency people are stuck! Why is the British weather so strange? It is something to do with the combination of an almost Arctic latitude(纬度) combined with being an island and having the Gulf Stream bringing warm weather from the tropics.

Helpful people in the know on geographical meteorology(气象学) have commented that the general situation with the UK weather is even more complex, as many different things contribute to the changeable weather. As well as the North Atlantic drift, there is the fact that the UK is affected by the following major air masses: the tropical maritime(海的)Gulf Stream, the Polar Maritime air from the North, the Arctic Maritime, the Polar Continental, and the Tropical Continental. There's also fast flowing air in Jet Streams. Air goes around in convection currents in Hadley Cells and in Ferrel Cells. Because the British Isles can get weather coming from hot or cold zones, and from land or sea, a changeable hot/cold wet/dry weather is found.

1.What is the British attitude toward heat and cold?

A. Serious.    B. Indifferent.

C. Positive.    D. Careful.

2.How do the British feel when they see snow in winter?

A. Excited.    B. Frightened.

C. Amazed.    D. Disappointed.

3.What happens when the British meet a drought in summer?

A. They have got well-prepared.    B. They get water from the river.

C. They always help each other.    D. They maybe fall into trouble.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Why weather interests the British.    B. Englishmen's attitude to weather.

C. Weather in the United Kingdom.    D. What affects the weather in the UK.



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