满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The head office of the bank is in Beijin...

The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has ______ all over the country.

A. companies    B. branches

C. organizations    D. businesses


B 【解析】试题分析:考查名词词义辨析。A、公司;B、分支; 树枝( branch的名词复数 ); (机构、组织、体系的)一部分;C、组织;D、商业。句意:这家银行的总部在北京不过它在全国各地都有分公司。根据句意可以判断,故选B。 考点:考查名词词义辨析  

—Have you heard that 10 people were killed in the accident last night?

—Yes, ________ news came as ________ shock to me.

A. the, the    B. a, the

C. a, a    D. the, a





1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节使行文连贯;

3. 开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mr. Smith,

I’ve read your advertisement for an assistant teacher for a children’s winter camp.








Li Hua









I like riding my bike.Though it is not very new,but it is my best friend.I find very convenient to go anywhere with a bike.Riding gives me not only exercises but also pleasure.I use my bike most in summer when the weather is warm and dry.It can be very unpleasant in winter that it is cold and wind is blowing heavily.It can also be very dangerously.Of course I will be very careful in my bike.In fact,accidents are not the only problem.One day I went to school and come back to find the front wheel was missed.Worse still,it was the long walk to the repairer's shop.



I was walking around in a Big Bazar store doing a shopping,when I saw a cashier talking to a boy aged 5 or 6 years old,"I'm sorry,____you don't have enough money to buy this doll."Then the little boy turned to me and asked, "Uncle,are you sure I don't have enough money?"

I____his cash and replied,"Yes,my dear."But he was still holding the doll in his hand.____,I walked toward him and asked him who he wished to give this doll to."It's the doll that my sister loves most.I want to____her for her birthday.I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there."His eyes were so____while saying this.

"My sister has gone to be with God.Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too,so I thought that she could take the doll with her,"My heart nearly____."I hope my sister won't ____me."

Then he looked down again at the____with sad eyes.I quickly____my wallet and said to the boy."Shall we check again,just____you do have enough money for the doll?"He agreed with hopeful eyes.I added some of my money to his____being seen.There was enough for the doll and even some____money.

The little boy said,"Thank you God for giving me enough money!"Then he added,"I also wanted to buy a while rose for my mommy."

I finished my shopping in a totally different____from when I started.I couldn't get the little boy____.Then I remembered a local newspaper article two days ago,which____a drunk man in a truck,who hit a car____by a young woman and a little girl.The little girl died____,and the mother was left in a critical state.

I couldn't stop myself.I bought a bunch of white roses and went to the funeral home.The____that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is____,to this day,hard to imagine but____me a lot.

1.A. and    B. because    C. so    D. but

2.A. counted    B. got    C. looked at    D. stared at

3.A. Gradually    B. Finally    C. Actually    D. Occasionally

4.A. bring    B. deliver    C. send    D. gift

5.A. excited    B. sad    C. disappointed    D. anxious

6.A. stopped    B. delighted    C. jumped    D. beat

7.A. leave    B. forgive    C. forget    D. hate

8.A. doll    B. picture    C. cashier    D. floor

9.A. looked for    B. found out    C. figured out    D. reached for

10.A. even if    B. as if    C. in case    D. so that

11.A. beyond    B. without    C. by    D. from

12.A. spare    B. abundant    C. available    D. small

13.A. position    B. occasion    C. stage    D. state

14.A. out of control    B. out of place    C. out of mind    D. out of order

15.A. told    B. commented    C. mentioned    D. advertised

16.A. occupied    B. used    C. driven    D. owned

17.A. just now    B. right away    C. ever since    D. long before

18.A. love    B. care    C. warmth    D. mercy

19.A. already    B. still    C. never    D. ever

20.A. bores    B. attracts    C. satisfies    D. impresses



How to Enjoy Life As a Teen

The "best years of your life"?Maybe not,but you can learn to make the most of your high school days.

Learn to appreciate small things.Whether it's having a computer,having friends,having a good supply of food,a bed to sleep on,family that loves you,having a decent education or simply being born in this world,value it.1.Be happy,and life will reward you.Remember that these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility of an adult,but make sure you prepare yourself for when you do become one. When you actually become an adult,you'll learn to love that responsibility and you probably never want to go back.

Choose your friends wisely. Unlike what many articles state,you don't have to be popular and have a gazillion friends to be happy.2.Try to have friends that like you who you are,not just because you are wearing a certain brand of shoes or something like that.These are people who shop at the same store as you; not someone who will sympathize with you when your dog dies.

Keep your grades up.3.This also sets you up to get into a college you want to go to,which in turn prepares you for a career you will enjoy,improving your quality of life in the future.You'll get cheap car insurance as well if you have at least a B or A average.

4.Participating in clubs,activities,and sports increases your chances of meeting new friends.While you only need 4 or 5 close friends,that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to meet new people.Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home and wallowing in self-pity.

Work at a job you can enjoy.Working is a great way co gain experience and to meet other people.5.This will look great on your resume.If you can't find work,especially in this hard economic time,volunteer or make your own job.

A.Be sociable.

B.Remember the point of life is for you to enjoy it.

C.Find a hobby that is meaningful or practical.

D.In fact,many of the "friends" you have when you are popular are not true friends.

E.When you do get out of college, interviewing companies will look at your previous work experience.

F.Even though you want to enjoy your teen life as best as possible,don't idle away your time in school.

G.There is nothing more satisfying than seeing your hard work pay off in the form of A's and B's (but mainly A's).



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