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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I’d like to share an unforgettable experience to you. With the College Entrance Examination drawing near, I felt increasing anxious. As a result, I couldn’t absorbed in study. Felt discouraged, I nearly lost heart. Then Miss Zhang had the face-to-face talk with me. She said, “In our life we all have some moment when we can’t achieve what we want. It was natural. You should turn them into motivation.” Her words were a great encouragement to me. After that, I worked even harder and was admitted to my most favorite university at last.

Optimistic attitude is that really matters. It can make us bravely enough to face challenges.


1.to →with 2.increasing →increasingly 3.∧absorbed添加be 4.Felt→ Feeling 5.the → a 6.moment →moments 7.was→is 8.most favorite →删除 most 9.that→ what 10.bravely →brave 【解析】考查固定搭配。Share...with sb,意为和某人分享...,为固定搭配。句意为我想和你分享一段难忘的经历。故将to改为with。 考查副词。动词应该用副词修饰,所以本句中的felt应该用increasing 的副词形式,故将increasing 改为increasingly。 考查情态动词的被动语态。情态动词的被动语态结构为:情态动词+be+过去分词,句意为在研究中我不能被吸引。故在absorbed 前面加be。 考查名词。feel是动词,意为感觉,felling是名词,表示...的感觉,此处表示沮丧的感觉,故将felt改为felling。 考查冠词。 本句中的 face-to-face talk 面对面的交谈,并不是特定的,是泛指,故将the 改为a。 考查名词的复数形式。由本句中的some可知,moment应该用名词的复数形式。故将moment改为moments。 考查动词时态。直接引用张女士说的话,应该用一般现在时,而不是一般过去时,故将was改为is。 考查动词用法。favorite意为最喜欢,已经是最高级,不需要most来修饰,句意为我更加努力地学习,最后考上了我最喜欢的大学。故删去most 考查宾语从句。本句是由that引导的宾语从句,that又要做从句的主语,但在that引导的宾语从句中,that不能做任何成分,故将that改为what。 考查形容词用法。句意为它能够让我们足够勇敢的去面对挑战。勇敢的,应该用形容词形式,故将bravely改为brave。  

Kiyoto Saito is trying to change people’s opinion of agricultural work through his unusual attire(打扮). Whether he’s driving a tractor1.is standing in the fields, Kiyoto is always wearing an elegant suit.

Kiyoto’s family has been planting rice for around 400 years, but as a teenager he 2.(find) the tradition boring and moved to the city. He returned to his native town two years ago,3.(determine) to get involved in the family business.

4. idea of wearing a suit in the fields started as a joke. One day, his brother joked about farming in an elegant suit, but Kyioto took it5.(serious). He viewed the idea as the perfect way to change public opinion of agricultural work. “Most people think of farmers6.‘dirty all day’. I want youngsters to think ‘farming looks fun’” he said.

At first no one seemed7.(understand) him. Even his family was surprised by his8.(choose) of farming attire. His grandfather worried 9.(do) farm work in a suit would be dangerous.

Now Kiyoto is famous and has been invited on various television shows. He also has a blog where he regularly10.(post) his farming experiences and photos of himself all dressed up.



My dad always collected coins. He would walk to his long-time bankers and______they put at least some new coins aside for him______coins were issued. He gave them to every______member. It gradually became a special family______to get coins from Dad.

When my dad died, I felt a sense of______. My father and I had been so close. I was lost without his______ and support. I wondered if I would ______feel my dad around me again, watching over me. It was right after Hurricane Katrina. At the end of a motivational meeting, I felt so ______as I looked at these devoted volunteers. To my surprise, when I glanced at the ______, I saw a coin from the state where my dad was_____ and raised.

Later, I went to the bank to ______ a check. The bank manager, who had known me, called me into her office, showing me the coins for all the states my dad had ______.

Ever since that time, I have always______coins at the most extraordinary times, when I needed support the most.______, nowadays when I need emotional support during a tough time, a coin will always ______in a strange place.

Now every time a coin appears in our house, one of my______ says, “Oh, it’s Grandpa! ”We all feel a sense of ______ every time a single coin turns up in a (n) ______ place. We have all accepted it as a ______ of love, guidance and support from Dad — and ______ coin makes us smile.

1.A. point out    B. talk about    C. look at    D. make sure

2.A. because    B. when    C. since    D. until

3.A. club    B. bank    C. family    D. team

4.A. principle    B. tradition    C. discovery    D. memory

5.A. relief    B. duty    C. guilt    D. emptiness

6.A. promise    B. belief    C. guidance    D. expectation

7.A. ever    B. just    C. already    D. even

8.A. nervous    B. anxious    C. disappointed    D. grateful

9.A. ceiling    B. floor    C. playground    D. wall

10.A. played    B. saved    C. born    D. chosen

11.A. write    B. post    C. cash    D. print

12.A. shared    B. ordered    C. received    D. collected

13.A. found    B. counted    C. dropped    D. collected

14.A. Unluckily    B. Gradually    C. Amazingly    D. Obviously

15.A. break out    B. end up    C. fade away    D. show up

16.A. students    B. colleagues    C. kids    D. friends

17.A. comfort    B. achievement    C. pride    D. loss

18.A. unexpected    B. fixed    C. similar    D. distant

19.A. support    B. message    C. result    D. record

20.A. another    B. every    C. either    D. other



Thank You Notes: The Essential Life Lessons

There is no greater gift for any of us to give our friends and family than the gift of gratitude. 1.Take a quiet moment to think about the blessings of the season and write a thank you note to everyone who made it special for you. There are some life lessons from thank you notes.

2.Even a child can make some lines on paper, help pick out a pretty stamp, and lick the envelope. This helps create a sense of ownership, confidence, and contribution.

Thank you notes strengthen communication skills. Wherever you are, no skill matters more than the ability to communicate clearly and sincerely. It conveys reliability, confidence and thoughtfulness.3.

Thank you notes remind you about what matters.4. But when we write a thank you note we have to locate within ourselves some way to be grateful and find some way to express it. We do not find happiness in what we get. We find happiness in being grateful for what we have.

5. Not, “Thank you for the sweater. It is cool.” but “Thanks for the sweater!” Not, “Thanks for the game,” but “We had a blast playing that game.”

I think you will soon discover that the more thank you notes you send, the more you become aware of how much there is to be grateful for, and how good it feels to let people know you appreciate them.

A. Everyone can write a thank you note.

B. Maybe the gift was thoughtless.

C. And that can begin with thank you notes.

D. Thank you notes must have specific details.

E. There is no other way to convey this message.

F. You can even write to people you do not know.

G. Those are the qualities that inspire people to trust and respect you.



A “smart drug” taken by students to improve their performance really does work, scientists have found.

The drug modafinil(莫达非尼) is currently used to treat sleep disorder, but it is widely used off-label by students to help them revise for exams or focus on long essays.

Until now, there has been a lack of clear evidence over whether it can actually boost concentration and alertness. But a new analysis of the research revealed it does improve planning and decision making, flexibility, learning and memory, and even creativity.

The findings raise serious ethical(处方的,道德的) questions about whether modafinil should be “classified, tolerated or condemned”, scientists said.

Professor Guy Goodwin, President of the European College said: “It’s the first real example of a ‘smart drug’, which can genuinely help, for example, with exam preparation.”

Previous ethical discussions around smart drugs assumed major effects of the drugs before it was clear that there were any, he added.

He continued “If correct, the present update means the ethical debate is real: how should we classify, tolerate or condemn a drug that improves human performance?”[

A fifth of university students across the country claim to have taken smart drugs, according to surveys by student newspaper The Tab.

And the use of modafinil is most widespread at Oxford University, where a quarter of students have reported to have used it.

Over the years, universities have discussed how best to respond to the use of smart drugs, and some have suggested Olympic-style doping tests for students sitting exams.

Professor Goodwin said there should be a society-wide debate on how modafinil should be licenced and regulated, as well as what universities should do about its use.

He said: “Regulation has been and remains uncertain. We cannot know either if demand for modafinil in the same societies will actually be significant, whether society will be more accepting and how regulation will then be framed.”

1.Who are likely to turn to the “smart drug” modafinil?

A. Children who lack strength.

B. Students who have poor memory.

C. Old people who have poor sight.

D. Patients who have a heart disease.

2.Why does the writer refer to the students of Oxford University?

A. To show smart drugs enjoy popularity among college students.

B. To prove Oxford University students suffer from a heavy load.

C. To tell us smarts drugs use have spread to England.

D. To explain why Oxford University students are clever.

3.What is the topic of passage?

A. “Smart drugs” also have side effects.

B. Students are addicted to “smart drugs”.

C. A “Smart drug” raises ethical questions.

D. A more effective “smart drags” should be developed.

4.What does Professor Goodwin think of ‘smart drug’ modafinil?

A. Modafinil used as a ‘smart drug’ should be forbidden.

B. Regulation on modafinil remains to be discussed.

C. Our society should accept the use of modafinil.

D. Regulation on modafinil being used as a “smart drug” is necessary.



In December, after her third fall in a few months, Doris Carpenter was admitted to Rochdale infirmary(养老院). Carpenter, 84, lives alone, but she is increasingly unsteady on her feet, and if she falls, she hasn’t the strength to get up again. Previously, a call to 111 would call nursing staff who could put her back into a chair, but it was increasingly clear she wasn’t coping, and needed more support.

This isn’t like any old hospital, however. Today Carpenter isn’t in bed but sitting in a chair, dressed in her own clothes, a fat Dan Brown book in front of her. “You don’t feel like you’re in hospital,” she says.

Two side rooms have been furnished with small groups of tables and chairs, with bright tablecloths. Those patients who are able can help themselves to food at mealtimes and sit with others to eat, or go to the library to select another page-turner. A physiotherapist helps Carpenter with her painful back, and is working to help improve her confidence on stairs.

Previously, an elderly person in Carpenter’s condition would most likely have ended up in an acute hospital ward(病房).

There, very frequently, people of her age would get stuck, and many would go downhill fast.

“They come into hospital, and our model in the NHS is to put them to bed,” says Steve Taylor, the divisional director for community services. “Put your pyjamas on, you stay in that bed, we will feed you and toilet you.”

Shockingly quickly, he says, patients can lose what abilities they previously had. “And then, when it comes time to discharge you, you can no longer walk.”

This is probably the biggest challenge facing the NHS – the problem of an older population, the long years of illness that many of us will face and a fragile social care system underpinning it all.

1.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Carpenter often falls at home.

B. No one looks after Carpenter.

C. There is something wrong with Carpenter’s legs.

D. Carpenter is in such poor condition that she had to go to hospital.

2.How might Carpenters feel living in the new hospital?

A. Lonely.    B. Desperate.

C. Relaxed.    D. Curious.

3.In which section of a newspaper can you find this text?

A. Society.    B. Technology.

C. Family.    D. Medicine.



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