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Ask any American what he/she is doing on...

Ask any American what he/she is doing on Sunday, February 7 and the answer is likely to be either hosting or attending a Super Bowl Party. Played for the title of the National Football League Champion, Super Bowl is the most watched annual television program in the United States.

That's because Super Bowl which is celebrating its Golden Anniversary this year, is more than just a 60-minute football game—it is a well-designed production that features half-time performances, fireworks shows and television ads that people discuss for days.

But most important of all, it is the day to set aside all diets and enjoy foods one would normally avoid or at least not consume at the same time. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that Super Bowl Sunday is one of the biggest food consumption days in the U.S. — Second only to Thanksgiving.

The noshing will start early in the day, long before matches begin and continue long after the 2016 NFL Champions have retired to celebrate.

As a result, it is estimated that on Sunday, the nation will consume 1.2 million pounds of potato chips, 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips, 3.8 million pounds of popcorn and 3 million pounds of nuts.

When the real hunger pains start to hit, they will seek out comfort foods. Not surprisingly, pizza tops the list. Chicken wings are also very popular. It is estimated that almost 1.3 billion wings will be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. Other favorites include bacon, hot dogs and burgers.

But the food consumption is not without consequences. Data released indicates that antacid (解酸药) sales increase by 20% on the Monday following the big game. Additionally, over seven million Americans call in sick. It is no wonder that fans have been urging the government to declare Super Bowl Monday a holiday.

1.Why does Super Bowl become the most popular television program?

A. It is the longest football game.

B. It is hosted by famous film stars.

C. It contains the most wonderful ads.

D. It involves in various performances.

2.Which can replace the underlined word “noshing” in Paragraph 4?

A. playing    B. eating

C. competing    D. resting

3.Which comfort food is consumed the most?

A. Hot dogs.    B. Pizza.

C. Nuts.    D. Chicken wings.

4.What bad result might Super Bowl Sunday lead to?

A. Lots of food is wasted.

B. Public disorder is caused.

C. Some people have an upset stomach.

D. Many people lose their work.


1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 【解析】本文向我们介绍了美国收视率最高的年度电视节目—超级碗派对。超级碗星期日是美国最大的食品消费日-仅次于感恩节。据估计,在星期日,国家将消耗120万磅薯片,玉米片820万磅,380万磅和300万磅的坚果爆米花。但过度的食品消费也带来了一系列问题,公布的数据表明,抗酸剂的销售增加20%在大比赛结束后的星期一,超过七百万美国人请病假。 1.细节理解题。由“ That's because Super Bowl which is celebrating its Golden Anniversary this year, is more than just a 60-minute football game—it is a well-designed production that features half-time performances, fireworks shows and television ads that people discuss for days.”这是因为今年庆祝黄金纪念日的超级碗不仅仅是一场60分钟的足球比赛,而是一个精心设计的产品,它包括了半个小时的表演、焰火表演和电视广告。可知节目涉及到很多表演,D符合题意,故选D。 2.词义推测题。由后文的“As a result, it is estimated that on Sunday, the nation will consume 1.2 million pounds of potato chips, 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips, 3.8 million pounds of popcorn and 3 million pounds of nuts.”作为一个结果,据估计,在星期日,国家将消耗120万磅薯片,玉米片820万磅,380万磅和300万磅的坚果爆米花。可知这指的应该是吃。B符合语境,故选B。 3.细节理解题。由“ Not surprisingly, pizza tops the list. ”毫不奇怪,比萨榜上有名。可知披萨消耗的最厉害。B符合题意,故选B。 4.细节理解题。由“ Data released indicates that antacid (解酸药) sales increase by 20% on the Monday following the big game. ”公布的数据表明,抗酸剂的销售增加20%在大比赛结束后的星期一。可知超级碗派对造成不好的后果是很多人胃不舒服。C符合语境,故选C。 【名师点睛】: 细节理解题: 细节题的发问具体,涉及内容五花八门,通常采用以疑问词开头的特殊疑问句或不完全句的形式,有时即便不是以what,which,how many (much,long,etc.)等疑问词引导的问句,也是以变相的问句对这类事实或细节进行提问。如: 4. What bad result might Super Bowl Sunday lead to? A. Lots of food is wasted. B. Public disorder is caused. C. Some people have an upset stomach. D. Many people lose their work. 解题方法:  1、整体感知,确定文体,根据文体特点寻找主题句。  2、如果文中没有现成的主题句,则需依靠衔接过度词、句际关系等把握文章逻辑结构,分辨主题与细节,总结段落大意。  3、对比选项,谨防常见病症:以偏概全、所概括的内容与文章不相关、概括太笼统等 上题正是以what,which,how many (much,long,etc.)等疑问词引导的问句,对这类事实或细节进行提问。由“ Data released indicates that antacid (解酸药) sales increase by 20% on the Monday following the big game. ”公布的数据表明,抗酸剂的销售增加20%在大比赛结束后的星期一。可知超级碗派对造成不好的后果是很多人胃不舒服。C符合语境,故选C。


Father Comes Home from the Wars (Parts 1, 2 & 3)

These three short plays by Suzan Lori-Parks are the start of an ambitious attempt to retell the story of the American civil war. The focus is on a slave promised his freedom by his master if he joins in the fight against the Union. Steve Toussaint and Jimmy Akingbola head the cast, and Jo Bonney is in charge.

• 15 September to 4 October, Royal Court, London. Box office: 020-7565 5000.

A Pacifist’s Guide to the War on Cancer

Bryony Kimmings and Brian Lobel consider our attitudes to cancer and the language we employ to deal with it through the stories of five people. This is an all-singing, all-dancing affair with music by Tom Parkinson, wiping off the pink charity ribbons to look at the realities of diagnosis(诊断)and what it means for the wider family.

• 20-24 September, Home, Manchester. Box office: 0161-200 1500.

The Nest

Every parent wants the best for their baby. Kurt and Martha are prepared to work hard to ensure theirs has everything he needs, even if that means Kurt taking on extra work. Franz Xaver Kroetz’s extraordinary play about the damage that profit causes to individuals and the environment gets a new translation from Conor McPherson.

• 15-22 October, Lyric, Belfast. Box office: 028-9038 1081.

The Red Barn

David Hare’s new play is based on La Main, a psychological thriller by the great Georges Simenon. The story concerns two couples who, on their way back from a party, struggle through the snow. The play is directed by Robert Icke, and the cast is headed by Mark Strong and Hope Davis.

• 6-20 October, Lyttelton, London. Box office: 020-7452 3000.

1.What do we know about Father Comes Home from the Wars?

A. It is set in the USA.

B. It is put on throughout September.

C. It tells of the hardship slaves suffered.

D. It is the first play to describe the cruelty of war.

2.When can you see the play directed by Robert Icke?

A. 19 September.    B. 3 October.

C. 10 October.    D. 21October.

3.In which play can we feel parents’ love for children?

A. The Nest

B. The Red Barn

C. Father Comes Home from the Wars

D. A Pacifist’s Guide to the War on Cancer

4.What do the plays mentioned in the text have in common?

A. They are all comedies.    B. They are put on in autumn.

C. They are highly thought of.    D. They are works of the same writer.



最近一段时间,共享单车在城市的大街小巷随处可见,它给人们带来便利的同时,各种问题及不文明现象也随之而来。请你根据所见所闻,说说自己的看法并提出建议,以“Bike Sharing”为题写一篇英语短文。


















Last summer,Li Hua and his classmates made a trip to London.On his arrival at the airport,it was raining heavy.So they took a bus to the hotel,where was not far from the airport.The next day, they can’t wait to see the wonderful place of interest in London.They first went to the Elizabeth Tower, a symbol of United Kingdom.The guide told them the tower had been appeared in many films.Then they visit the British Museum.To their great surprise,they found many Chinese artworks displayed there.Felt very proud,they took a lot of photos but they really had great fun.



Naples is known for being the birthplace of Margherita pizza.1.the chefs in the city tried to break records2.their excellent skills. A group of chefs3.attempt) to make the longest pizza in the world.

The pizza measured two kilometers, for4.the chefs used 2,000 kg of flour, 1,600 kg of tomatoes and 2,000 kg of cheese. The pizza was made in 18 hours by more than 60 chefs,5.(weigh) five tons.

The 6.(large) pizza on record had a total surface area of 1,261.65 square meters. The pizza7.(name) Octavia respect for the first Roman emperor Octavian.

According to tradition, the Margherita pizza was first baked in Naples for the Bourbon Queen Regina Margherita by8.local chef in 1889. He used tomato, mozzarella and hasil to represent the 9.(colour) of the Italian flag, before naming his culinary(烹饪的)10.(create) after the Queen-Pizza Margherita.



Please Beat Me

I once had the opportunity to meet Dan Miller, an Amish neighbor of mu dad. He told me that years ago my dad had______to him that his apple trees looked beautiful but weren’t producing any apples. After listening______, Dan told my dad to go home, grab a hammer and give his trees a severe beating around the________He said they needed to have something to______them up-that life had been too______and they needed a challenge to come alive. While this seemed contrary  ____the careful fertilizing, watering and nurturing my dad had been giving his prized trees, he   ____the wisdom of his Amish neighbor.

The next year the trees produced so heavily that my dad saw branches______under the weight of the number of apples. With a little research I now find that this is a______approach. We know that roses,_______left to themselves, will grow leaves but few_______ The best way to get them to produce what they are______to do is to cut them back severely and annually ____ growing roots.

Is there a_______in this for us? Every day I hear from people who have had all the______—famous university degrees, fine homes, cars and positions. And they suspect the easy life they’ve been given is keeping them from the_______of adventure that would release the best version of themselves.

Are you taking the “______” route in life to avoid the stresses and challenges that are trying to release your biggest______?

And no, you probably don’t need to find someone to______you or to create a stressful situation in your life. I know that in mine, those things have just______consistently. But I hope I’m getting smarter in seeing “What does this make possible?”

1.A. complained    B. suggested    C. explained    D. reported

2.A. angrily    B. gladly    C. anxiously    D. carefully

3.A. root    B. trunk    C. branch    D. field

4.A. cut    B. bring    C. wake    D. send

5.A. easy    B. long    C. hard    D. busy

6.A. with    B. to    C. for    D. in

7.A. proved    B. doubted    C. trusted    D. learned

8.A. hanging    B. waving    C. flying    D. breaking

9.A. crazy    B. mysterious    C. strange    D. common

10.A. if    B. because    C. unless    D. though

11.A. fruits    B. roses    C. grasses    D. bushes

12.A. approved    B. scheduled    C. expected    D. exposed

13.A. put down    B. dig up    C. pull out    D. cut off

14.A. lesson    B. skill    C. secret    D. fact

15.A. chances    B. advantages    C. results    D. concerns

16.A. course    B. price    C. challenge    D. danger

17.A. rough    B. short    C. familiar    D. safe

18.A. harvest    B. courage    C. emotion    D. knowledge

19.A. comfort    B. support    C. love    D. beat

20.A. sorted out    B. left out    C. shown up    D. set down



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