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Bendable wings covered with overlapping ...

Bendable wings covered with overlapping (重叠部分) pieces looking like fish scales could be used to build more controllable, fuel­efficient aircraft, a new study finds.

Nowadays, conventional aircraft typically rely on ailerons (副翼) to help control the way the planes tilt (倾斜) as they fly. However, when the Wright brothers flew the first airplane, Flyer 1, over a century ago, they used no ailerons but wires that pulled and stretched the wood­and­canvas wings, to control the plane.

“Scientists have long sought to develop aircraft that can change their wings during flight, just as birds can. However, most previous attempts have failed because they relied on heavy mechanical control structures within the wings. These structures were also complex and unreliable,” said Neil Gershenfeld, a physicist and director of the Centre for Bits and Atoms at MIT.

The new wing consists of a system of tiny, strong and lightweight modules (组件). The shape of the wing can be changed uniformly along its length using two small motors, which apply a twisting pressure to each wingtip. These wings are covered in “skins” of overlapping strips of flexible material like fish scales. These strips move across each other as the wings change themselves, providing a smooth outer surface, the researchers explained.

Wind tunnel tests of these wings showed that they at least matched the aerodynamic (气动) properties of conventional wings, at about one­tenth the weight. “Initial tests using remotely piloted aircraft made with these wings have shown great promise,” said Benjamin Jenett, a graduate student at the Centre for Bits and Atoms at MIT.

The new modular structures the scientists developed could be manufactured quickly in mass quantities and then installed by teams of small robots. These modular structures also can be disassembled more easily, making repairs simpler.

“Still, the first aircraft built using this strategy will not be a passenger jet,” Gershenfeld said. “Instead, the technology will likely first be tested on unmanned aircrafts, leading to aircrafts flying for a long time, to help deliver Internet access or medicine to remote villages.”

1.Why is the Wright brothers' airplane mentioned in the text?

A. To show the history of aircrafts.

B. To show the development of wings.

C. To show the need to improve planes.

D. To show the structure of conventional planes.

2.What makes planes fly like birds when they tilt?

A. Their ailerons.    B. Wires and pulleys.

C. Changeable wings.    D. Mechanical control structures.

3.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The shape of the new wings.

B. The purpose of the overlapping strips.

C. The working principle of the new wings.

D. The result of wind­tunnel tests of these wings.

4.What does the underlined word “disassemble” mean in Paragraph 6?

A. Replace.    B. Analyze.

C. Put away.    D. Take apart.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 【解析】本文是一篇说明文,讲述了一种可以改变形状的机翼,能让飞机像鸟一样飞翔。 1.推理判断题。文章讲到了一种新型的机翼,还讲到了一种传统的机翼以及莱特兄弟的第一架飞机的机翼,这说明了机翼的发展变化过程。故选B。 2.细节理解题。第二段讲到,传统的飞机安装了副翼以适应飞机倾斜时的飞行。接着第三段讲到科学家一直在研究能改变形状让飞机像鸟一样飞行的机翼。可知,可改变形状的机翼能让飞机像鸟一样飞行。故选A。 3.细节理解题。第四段讲的是这种机翼的构成、飞行时机翼的变化以及变化的原因。这就是这种新型的机翼的工作原理。选C。 4.词义猜测题。前文讲到这种新的组合式的结构很容易生产和安装。据此可知,文章接下来讲到,这种结构也很容易拆解。故disassemble意为“拆解”。故选D。

I wrote a business plan the other day. I gave it to my husband for suggestions. After reading it, he said, “I don't think this is up to your usual standards.” I said, “I need more information. What doesn't work?” He said he wasn't sure. I then took the letter and reread it.

He asked, “How about if I look at it again and make notes between the space?” I agreed. A half hour later I looked at his notes and told him he didn't understand the situation and what I really wanted to express. He shrugged (耸肩) and said OK. I took the letter and went back to my computer and again revised it. As I was writing, I could see my letter improving based on his suggestions. When I finished, I proudly handed the letter back to my husband. He read it for the third time and said, “It's still not right but I couldn't exactly say.” I was a little annoyed and then told him I was the writer and I had seen some goofy(愚蠢的) letters he sent out. But I picked up my letter and went back to the computer.

After an hour of revisions, I went back to my husband apologetically with the letter in my hand. I told him I was sorry for what I'd said and asked if he would please read the letter again because I did value his contribution. Being a very patient and kind­hearted fellow, he once again read my letter and declared that it was fine.

This all leads me to the following: when you ask for advice on a project, be appreciative and grateful. Understand that the advice and suggestions you get may be negative. Understand that it may mean more work for you. And keep in mind that the final responsibility for the project is still yours. So be modest and thankful even if he or she has noted some problems.

1.Why did the author give her business plan to her husband at first?

A. To show off her excellent work.

B. To have him type it on the computer.

C. To ask him to make some changes from all details.

D. To ask him to give her some advice.

2.We can infer from the passage that the author's husband was________.

A. selfish, proud and determined

B. good at expressing himself

C. honest, kind and patient

D. humorous, active and careful

3.The author wants to tell us that if you ask for suggestions, ________.

A. do accept all suggestions from the givers

B. don't get upset if some are negative

C. do keep silent before taking action

D. do be grateful and confident



Busy healthcare providers in need of Basic Life Support CPR (心肺复苏术) classes can now register to take them on Saturday mornings through CPR Certification Houston.

American Heart Association Certified BLS CPR for Healthcare Providers classes are available on Saturday mornings at CPR Certification Houston, 1121 Delano St, Houston, Texas, 77003. Booking information can be obtained by calling (281) 377­8918. These classes offer more convenience to nurses, emergency medical technicians,  teachers and others in need of AHA BLS CPR/AED certification who struggle to fit the class into their busy schedules.

CPR Certification Houston is recognized by the American Heart Association. CPR Certification Houston's Basic Life Support CPR and AED for adults, children and infants classes are the exact CPR certification that nurses and other healthcare providers need.

Students learn how to perform CPR on infants, children and adults as well as fibrillation (心房颤动) and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED体外自动除颤器). The same class is offered to everyone including non­healthcare providers like nannies and personal trainers. That way they can ensure that they are as qualified and as confident in saving lives as possible no matter where they work.

The company strives to provide the Houston community with the best quality CPR for the best possible price. Its goal is to leave a positive footprint in its community and to make a difference to the number of lives that get saved every day.

Private group lessons and first aid classes are also available.

CPR Certification Houston is located at 1121 Delano St, Houston, Texas, 77003. Call 281­377­8918 to register.


Doug Jones

Address: 1121 Delano St, Houston, Texas 77003

Phone: 281­377­8918



1.What can people do by connecting 281­377­8918?

A. Get certain certification.

B. Order BLS CPR classes.

C. Find out class providers' schedules.

D. Know about the information of classes.

2.Who are BLS CPR classes intended for?

A. Busy people.    B. Elderly teachers.

C. Serious patients.    D. School students.

3.Why are the CPR classes offered to everyone?

A. To train medical interns.    B. To promote their popularity.

C. To perform CPR for patients.    D. To help them deal with emergency.

4.What is CPR Certification Houston special for?

A. Free CPR classes.    B. AEDs sold to patients.

C. Its help to the Houston community.    D. Classes for people with heart diseases.








参考词汇:Beijing Opera 京剧;quintessence 精华,精粹;ornate 华丽的

Dear Peter,




Li Hua




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。





When I was in Junior Middle School, I once quarrel with my favorite teacher Mr. Yang because he criticized me strictly. Before that, I was so ashamed that I had no courages to see him again. To my surprised, Mr. Yang found me or apologized to me for his sharp words the next day. He had said he could understand why I was so angry at that moment. Mr. Yang also hoped I could understand that he was so strict with me if he thought I should have behaved better. How he had said made me very touching. Therefore, I was determined to let him down any longer.



Most heavy teens’ attempts1.(lose) don’t work, but a new study shows a big secret of those who do succeed.

They do it more2. their own sake rather than to impress their peers or please their parents.

“Most parents have the view that their teens are 3.(large) influenced by other people’s perceptions of them,” said Chad Jensen, 4. psychologist at Brigham Young University. “Our 5.(finding) suggest that teens have motivations that are more intrinsic. One implication is 6. parents should help to focus their teen on healthy behaviours for the sake of being healthy more than for social acceptance.

Jensen and his students at BYU looked in depth at the success stories of 40 formerly overweight teens. On average the participants shed 30 pounds, 7.(move) them from the obese to the normal weight category. They also maintained their healthier weight for a full year. More than 60 percent8. (describe) their health as the primary motive. About 43 percent identified peer acceptance as a factor.

In another interview, nearly all of the teens emphasized that it was their own9. (decide) to lose weight. According to teens, parents provided the most help simply by modeling healthy behaviours and 10.(provide) healthier options for meals and snacks.



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