满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mrs. Green will not be able to come for ...

Mrs. Green will not be able to come for dinner tonight because ______ then.

A. she had a lecture    B. she will be having a lecture

C. she has a lecture    D. she is having a lecture


B 【解析】试题分析:考查动词时态。句意:Mrs. Green今晚不会来吃晚饭了因为她会有一个讲座。Then指接下来在晚饭时间正要做的事情,应使用将来进行时态。其形式为will be doing。故选B。 考点:考查动词时态用法。  

—How is your plan getting along?

—I can't ______ alone any longer. Someone must help me.

A. carry out    B. carry on

C. carry about    D. carry back



This is the third time he ______ late this month! He has to be reminded.

A. is    B. have been

C. has been    D. will be



Lucy was born ______ January 30th, 1998, when her sister got married ______ a fashion designer.

A. in; to    B. on; to

C. at; with    D. around; with



In the past few years, several Non-Governmental Organizations ______ all over the world.

A. have founded    B. have been founded

C. are founding    D. are being founded



We are proud that some students of our school ______ the making of the amazing video.

A. are involved in    B. involve themselves

C. are involving    D. involve in



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