满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I spent last summer volunteering at a ho...

I spent last summer volunteering at a hospitalOne morningI was called to a room in  which an _______ woman was staying_______ she wanted to go to a nearby gift shopI got a(n) _______ and helped her into itheading for the shop

When we got therethe shop wasnt _______ yetIt was merely a 30-minute wait so we went over to the _______ area and I read her bits and pieces of the newspaper aloudAfter 30 minuteswe went into the gift shopPushing her aroundI could see the _______ on her face as she looked at everythingShe happily chose some window decorations and then _______ chocolatesShe asked me to push her _______ that directionI helped her _______ all the different chocolate arrangementsShe __________ decided on three different boxes

As she was checking outshe asked the cashier for a __________ and asked me to write the numbers l,2,and 3 on the boxesShe __________ that the nurses were taking such good care of her, so she __________ chocolates for each of the three shifts(三班倒) of nursesThe moment I wheeled her back up to her roomshe gave the __________shift of nurses their box of chocolatewho __________offered some to me before taking some themselvesThere were __________ all around

__________ her generosity and getting the opportunity to spend time with someone who got so  much pleasure from life was a __________ in itselfGratitude(感恩) has an amazing way of bringing  people __________especially in a place where health is so highly __________

1.A. elderly    B. honest    C. impatient    D. independent

2.A. While    B. As long as    C. In case    D. As

3.A. wheelchair    B. bus    C. taxi    D. ambulance

4.A. crowded    B. completed    C. open    D. closed

5.A. checking    B. dieting    C. parking    D. waiting

6.A. surprise    B. joy    C. pride    D. anxiety

7.A. smelt    B. tasted    C. sported    D. purchased

8.A. up    B. to    C. in    D. at

9.A. put away    B. give out    C. hand in    D. look though

10.A. eventually    B. gradually    C. properly    D. hurriedly

11.A. change    B. pen    C. card    D. box

12.A. admitted    B. promised    C. suggested    D. explained

13.A. bought    B. ordered    C. made    D. borrowed

14.A. next    B. present    C. previous    D. night

15.A. on purpose    B. by chance    C. in turn    D. in advance

16.A. noises    B. smiles    C. greetings    D. jokes

17.A. Witnessing    B. Taking advantage of    C. Repaying    D. Searching for

18.A. prize    B. risk    C. gift    D. story

19.A. together    B. upwards    C. back    D. down

20.A. respected    B. praised    C. admired    D. valued


1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.D 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者是一家医院的志愿者,文章通过一位老人给护士买巧克力的故事,意识到感恩有一种惊人的方式把人们聚集在一起,特别是在一个健康被如此重视的地方。 1.A考查形容词。A. elderly上了年纪的;B. honest诚实的;C. impatient不耐心的;D. independent独立的。我被叫到一位老妇人住的房间。选A。 2.D考查连词。A. While当……时候;B. As long as只要;C. In case万一;D. As由于。根据文章第一句可知,作者在医院里是一名志愿者。句意:由于她想去附近一家礼品店,我推来轮椅帮她进去,然后去商店。此处表原因,故选D。 3.A考查名词。A. wheelchair轮椅;B. bus公共汽车;C. taxi出租车;D. ambulance救护车。句意:由于她想去附近一家礼品店,我推来轮椅帮她进去,然后去商店。故选A。 4.C考查形容词。A. crowded拥挤的;B. completed完成的,彻底的; C. open打开的;D. closed关闭的。当我们到达时,商店还没有开门。故选C。 5.D考查名词。A. checking校验;B. dieting节食;C. parking停车;D. waiting等待。要有三十分钟的等待,所以我们去等候区。故选D。 6.B考查名词。A. surprise惊讶;B. joy高兴;C. pride自豪;D. anxiety焦虑。根据下句中的happily可知,她脸上是高兴的。故选B。 7.C考查动词。A. smelt闻;B. tasted品尝;C. sported运动,游戏;D. purchased购买。她高兴地选了一些窗户上的装饰品,然后是运动巧克力。故选C。 8.C考查介词。她让我把她推到那个方向。in the direction朝……方向。故选C。 9.D考查动词短语。A. put away收起来放好;B. give out分发,发出;C. hand in上交;D. look though浏览。我帮助她浏览各种巧克力。故选D。 10.A考查副词。A. eventually最后;B. gradually逐渐地,渐渐地;C. properly适当地;D. hurriedly匆忙地。她最后决定买三盒不同的巧克力。故选A。 11.B考查名词。A. change零钱;B. pen钢笔;C. card卡片;D. box盒子。根据空格后的asked me to write the numbers l,2,and 3 on the boxes.可知,她向收银员要了一支钢笔,故选B。 12.D考查动词。A. admitted承认;B. promised许诺;C. suggested建议;D. explained解释。她解释说护士们照顾她很好,所以她要给每个三班倒的护士买巧克力。故选D。 13.A考查动词。A. bought买;B. ordered预定;C. made制造;D. borrowed借。她解释说护士们照顾她很好,所以她要给每个三班倒的护士买巧克力。故选A。 14.B考查形容词。A. next下一个;B. present在场的,目前的;C. previous 以前的;D. night夜间的。我一把她推回房间,她就给目前值班的护士巧克力。故选B。 15.C考查词组。A. on purpose有目的;B. by chance碰巧,偶然;C. in turn 轮流;D. in advance提前。值班护士轮流给我巧克力。故选C。 16.B考查名词。A. noises噪音;B. smiles微笑;C. greetings问候;D. jokes笑话。到处都是微笑。故选B。 17.A考查动词。A. Witnessing目睹;B. Taking advantage of利用;C. Repaying偿还;D. Searching for搜寻。目睹她的慷慨和有机会与从生活中得到如此多的快乐的人共度时光,这本身就是一份礼物。故选A。 18.C考查名词。A. prize奖品;B. risk冒险;C. gift礼物;D. story故事。目睹她的慷慨和有机会与从生活中得到如此多的快乐的人共度时光,这本身就是一份礼物。故选C。 19.A考查副词。A. together一起;B. upwards向上;C. back向后地;D. down向下。感恩有一种惊人的方式把人们聚集在一起。故选A。 20.D考查动词。A. respected尊重;B. praised表扬;C. admired钦佩;D. valued评估,珍惜。特别是在一个健康被如此重视的地方。故选D。 【名师点睛】 在做完形填空时一定要注意结合上下文的语境。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相关的关键词。本文第11小题,As she was checking out,she asked the cashier for a ___11___ and asked me to write the numbers l,2,and 3 on the boxes.根据空格后的asked me to write the numbers l,2,and 3 on the boxes.中的关键词write,可知,她要在盒子上写号码,所以她应该是在向收银员要“笔”,故本小题选B。


Tests can be stressful even for the best students1. Fortunatelythere are several steps you can take to make your stress much more manageable

Get Enough Sleep

Getting 6 hours of sleep or less can put you into whats called a sleep deficit(不足),which makes you less sharp mentally and prevents you from performing properly on tests2. This wayyou neednt stay up for the test and can get a good night of sleep before your big day

Study Smarter

3.Make a list of the most important things you need to learn and hit the items at the top of the list firstThis will ensure theyre mostly covered if you run out of timeMake a list of all the work you have to doestimate how long each item will takeand compare that with the amount of hours you have availableThis will tell you if you can carefully read or just skimhow many times you can afford to revise the papers.


A proven way to build your confidence is to visualize yourself taking the tests and doing wonderfullyVisualization can not only help you perform better in the tests but can help you remember factsYou can create detailed situations that involve the information youre trying to remember4.

Stay Calm

Therere several techniques that can help you calm down quickly5. Just close your eyestake a deep breathhold it for a while and then let it out slowlyYour stress will come out with your exhales(呼气).

ABe organized with your studies

BExtra time on tests can bring success to students

CTest anxiety has a negative impact on your performance

DIn this process you can strengthen the facts in your memory

EBreathing exercises can be extremely effective in helping you relax

FSo it's very important to get all your studying done before your exam

GThere are options for easing stress and potentially improving test performance.



In an effort to discourage people from using plasticsscientists have been hard at work inventing alternative packaging productsFrom water bottles made from seaweed to cutlery(餐具) made from rice and wheata number of inventions are set to change the way we eat while we are on the goor having a relaxing picnic in the park

The idea of using seaweed to make eco-friendly(环保的) water bottles has been around for a few yearsRecentlyAri Jonsson took his invention—a water bottle made from red seaweed—to show off at a festival. The bottles will only hold their shape as long as they are filledAs soon as these bottles are empty they will begin to break downthough they would be perfectly safe to eatAri Jonssons bottles are a step closer to a widely used alternative to the current plastic ones

The eatable water container is not the only product to add to our image of the futureNarayana Pessapaty has also created eatable spoonsAfter the success of his spoons, Mr Pessapaty is ready to expand and introduce forks and chopsticks to his menuHis aim is to largely reduce the amount of plastic wastewhich is a huge problem for waste sites all over the worldIt is a product that may take up to 500 years to break downand recycling companies worldwide are struggling to deal with it

Aside from the obvious benefits to the environmentthis new packaging is also cheap to produce and therefore cheap to buyEven better is the fact that similar eatable cutlery can be made at homepossibly a science project for children or just fun with friendsWhy not get experimenting and create your own recipes?

1.Why do scientists invent alternative packaging products?

A. To make peoples life more convenient

B. To reduce the amount of plastic waste

C. To charge the way we picnic outside

D. To show off their inventive talents

2.What makes Ari Jonsson’s water bottles eco-friendly?

A. They can be made at home

B. They are cheap to produce and buy

C. They will hold their shape when they are filled

D. They will break down themselves when empty

3.What do Ari and Narayana’s inventions have in common?

A. They are convenient to carry    B. They are safe to eat

C. They can be used for a short time    D. They are heavier than plastics

4.What can be inferred from this passage?

A. Home-made eatable cutlery is likely to be popular

B. Eatable cutlerywill completely replace plastics in the near future

C. No recycling companies can breakdown plastic waste

D. Its unsafe for individuals to invent eatable cutlery at home



Grandparents who help out occasionally with childcare in their community tend to live longer than seniors who do not care for other peopleaccording to a study from BerlinGermany.

“Having no contact with grandchildren at all can negatively impact grandparents’ health. This link could be deeply rooted in our evolutionary past when help with childcare was important for the survival of the human species”said Sonja Hilbrandone of the researchers.

The findings are drawn from data on more than 500 people over age 70Overallafter accounting for grandparentsage and general state of healththe risk of dying over a 20-year period was one-third lower for grandparents who cared for their grandchildrencompared with grandparents who provided no childcare

Caregiving was associated with a longer life even when the care receiver wasn’t a relative. Half of a 11 childless seniors who provided support to friends or neighbors lived for seven years after the study beganwhile non-helpers lived for four years on average.

“Caregiving may give caregivers a purpose of life because they may feel useful for others and societyCaregiving may be thought also as an activity that keeps caregivers physically and mentally active said Professor Bruno Arpino

Arpino notedhoweverthat caregiving is not the only activity that can improve health and that too many caring responsibilities can take away from other beneficial activities like workingbeing in social clubsor volunteering“Children should take into account their parents’ needswillingnessand desires and agree with them on the timing and amount of childcare he suggested

“It is very important that every individual decides for himherselfwhat proper amounts of help’ means,”Hilbrand saidadding“As long as you do not feel stressed about the intensity(强度) of help you provide you may be doing something good for others as well as for yourself.”

1.What is the caregiving study based on?

A. Human evolutionary history    B. Demand modern society

C. Social contact between relatives    D. Data on many elderly people

2.In Arpinos opinionchildcare________

A. is sure to keep old people away from illnesses

B. allows old people to live a more meaningful life

C. creates more job opportunities for old people

D. makes social activities inaccessible to old people

3.What does the underlined part “take into account” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

A. Limit    B. Ignore    C. Favor    D. Consider

4.What does the last paragraph tell us?

A. Grandparents can do anything in their own interests

B. Grandparents should share more social responsibilities

C. Proper amounts of childcare do good to grandparents

D. Caregiving guarantees every grandparent a longer life.



Yacouba Sawadogo is an African farmer who has been travelling across the deserts for the last 30 yearsusing ancient farming techniques to fight the threatening deserts.

His story dates back to the 1980s when Africa suffered one of the worst droughts in its  historyDuring that periodrainfall reduced by as much as 80%,killing almost all the plantsMost local people moved away to different placesbut Yacouba stayed backInstead of giving in to the violence of naturehe decided to take control and change the face of the land completely

Unable to read and writeand with no access to modern techniques and toolshe started to employ an old African farming practice called “Zai”.The practice involves planting seeds in small holes filled with eco-friendly manure(肥料).The holes fill up with and keep the water that falls during the rainy seasonThis provides moisture(水分) and nutrients for the growing  plants during the dry periodsAlsothe manure attracts antswhich help break up the soil further and increase its ability to take in water

Within two decades of starting his revolutionary worka forested area of about fifty acres came up on the land of the African desertYacouba featured in a documentary titled “The Man Who Stopped the Desert” through which he became known to the rest of the worldTo the great joy and relief of Yacoubawhat the documentary focused on was put into the re-establishment of local forests and a training program for the farmers who wanted to 1earn Yacoubas techniqueToday,“Zai” is being widely practiced in the region

1.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A training program for African farmers

B. A documentary about an influential African farmer

C. The serious situation of environment destruction in Africa

D. An African farmer fighting deserts with old farming methods

2.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Yacouba advertised his farming practice through the media

B. Yacoubas efforts have made a great difference

C. Rebuilding forests is no tough job at a11

D. Deserts no longer threaten Africa

3.Which word can best describe Yacouba?

A. Determined    B. Knowledgeable    C. Curious    D. Creative



After a long winterspring is the ideal time for sightseeing and exploring Londons green spaces

Explore London’s parks and gardens

Springtime is one of the perfect times of year to explore Londons parks and gardenswhen the citys Royal Parks will be blooming with flowersGo and admire the rainbow of azaleas(杜鹃花) at Richmond Park or hire a deckchair in St Jamess Park with a view of Buckingham Palace.

Enjoy the entertainment at a Spring Festival

There are a good many festivals and events held in London throughout springMake the most of the cultural exhibitions at the British Library Spring Festival, the Sundance Film Festival or the London Literature Festivalhead to Shakespeares Globewhich hosts open-air Shakespeare performances from late April until early October

Get active

Warmer weather means theres no excuse for staying indoorsso go for a walking or cycling tour of LondonAlternativelywalk the Thames Walkwaywhich follows the river all the way from central London into the countrysidemake the most of Londons “Boris Bikes”which are available for hire all around the city and are free of charge for the first half hourIf youre really looking for a challengesign up for the famous London Marathonheld annually in April

Take to the waters

Whether cruising(航行) along the Thames Riverhiring a rowing boat in Hyde Park or riding a canal boat around Little Venicethere are lots of fun ways to get on the water in LondonHeld every year since 1829the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race allows teams from Englands most famous universities to compete against each otherand draws huge crowds of watching people

1.If you are interested in British cultureyou are advised to ________

A. visit Richmond Park    B. row a boat in Hyde Park

C. attend the London Festivals    D. walk the Thames Walkway

2.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. You can see Buckingham Palace from St Jamess Park

B. Londons Boris Bikes are free to use for a whole day

C. Outdoor Shakespeare performances are held only in spring

D. The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race has a history of over 200 years

3.According to the writerwhich of the following activities challenges you most?

A. Watching Boat Race    B. Joining in London Marathon

C. Cruising along the Thames River    D. Cycling around London

4.The writer wrote the text in order to ________.

A. introduce tourist attractions in London

B. stress the importance of exploring London

C. suggest ways to enjoy spring in London

D. show the beauty of spring in London



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