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British Women Writers in different perio...

British Women Writers in different periods of time

The English Renaissance

The English Renaissance began in the later part of the fifteenth century and lasted until the 1660s. Among the most famous women writers of this period is Aphra Behn, who is seen as the first professional woman writer in English. Aphra Behn's works include also the plays The Amourous Prince, The Town Fop, The Dutch Lover and her only tragedy, Abdelazer.

The neoclassical period

Among the well-known women in British literature during the neoclassical period, from 1660 to the end of the eighteenth century, is Anne Finch. She wrote poetry and tried to express all that she saw and experienced. Another woman was recognized for her contribution to neoclassical British literature: Mary Astell. Mary Astell was a philosopher and a feminist writer. She is best known now for her theories on the education of women.

The Romantic period

Jane Austen is one of the most famous women writers that worked during the Romantic period (1798-1832). Her works include several novels, most of which focus on marriage as a way for young women to secure social standing and economic security. Her most famous novels are Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Emma.

The Victorian period

The Victorian period, between the 1830s and 1900, was the time when the Bronte sisters, George Eliot and Elizabeth Gaskell lived and wrote. Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte produced many British literary classics. Mary Anne Evans adopted the male pen name George as she wanted to set herself apart from the feminine genre(女性主义流派) of cookbooks and domestic moral tales. Her most famous novel is The Mill on the Floss published in 1860.

1.According to the passage, Aphra Behn was famous for ________.

A. novels    B. poetry    C. plays    D. cookbooks

2.According to the passage, why did Mary Anne Evans publish her stories under the name of George Eliot?

A. Women were forbidden to write novels then.    B. Her works would be different.

C. It helped promote her works.    D. It sounded more popular.

3.If a reader is interested in women’s education, whose works can be the best choice?

A. Anne Finch’s.    B. Mary Astell’s.

C. Mary Wortley Montagu’s.    D. Mary Shelley’s.


plays ☞C选项 plays. 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述不同时期的英国女作家。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段二、三两句Among the most famous women writers of this period is Aphra Behn, who is seen as the first professional woman writer in English. Aphra Behn's works include also the plays可知,Aphra Behn被看作第一个用英语写作的专业女作家,她写作戏剧。因此她以创作戏剧而闻名,故选C项正确。 2.推理判断题。根据The Victorian period部分倒数第二句“Mary Anne Evans adopted the male pen name George as she wanted to set herself apart from the feminine genre(女性主义流派) of cookbooks and domestic moral tales.”可知,Mary Anne Evans以男性的名字作笔名,是因为她要区别于其他女性主义流派,也就是她的作品会与众不同,不是烹饪书或国内的道德故事。故选B项正确。 3.推理判断题。根据The neoclassical period部分倒数两句“Mary Astell was a philosopher and a feminist writer. She is best known now for her theories on the education of women.”可知,Mary Astell是一位哲学家和女性主义作家,她以女性教育理论著称。因此推断如果对女性教育感兴趣,选择读她的作品最好。故选B项正确。 【名师点睛】 事实询问题也是细节题的一种,这类试题通常以疑问词what/who/when/where/why/who引起的特殊问句,就文章中某一词语、某一句子、某一段落或某一具体细节和事实进行提问。解答此类试题首先要弄清题目和每一个选项的含义,然后按题目要求寻找与之相关的细节,正确估计答案来源。同时要注意题目和文章中的暗示作用,特别注意辨别各种信息,确认各种信息。文章第一小题就属于这类细节题。 小题1【解题剖析】此题属于细节理解中的事实询问题。就文章中某一词语、某一句子、某一段落或某一具体细节和事实进行提问。 【答案定位】根据第三段二、三两句Among the most famous women writers of this period is Aphra Behn, who is seen as the first professional woman writer in English. Aphra Behn's works include also the plays .可知,Aphra Behn被看作第一个用英语写作的专业女作家,她写作戏剧。。 【推理关系】According to the passage, Aphra Behn was famous for __________.☞文章内容Among the most famous women writers of this period is Aphra Behn, who is seen as the first professional woman writer in English. Aphra Behn's works include also the plays.

假设你是王林, 得知你校拟聘用一名英语口语老师,你的美国朋友Peter已经教书十年,而且对中国文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他发一封100词左右的电子邮件,希望他能来应聘。口语老师要求如下:

1. 精通英语,大学毕业;2. 教学经验丰富,性格开朗;3. 喜欢学生,工作负责。

    注意:1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。














注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

A century before, a bird called the passenger pigeon lived in North America. There were so many passenger pigeons when people often saw thousands, even millions of birds flying overhead. Therefore, there is not a single one left today. What happened? How did all passenger pigeons disappear from the earth entire?

The passenger pigeons become extinct for two reason. First, the forests that it lived was cut down to make way with farms and cities. Second, many pigeons were shot and eaten because they were good to eat. At that time, there were no hunting laws protect endangered species as they are now.



It is reported that a surprisingly high number of city citizens in China suffer1.poor health and many die at an early age.

Poor health with no sign of any identified disease, a condition known as “sub health” is on 2.rise. Sub health 3.(mark) by general weakness, low energy levels and a poor immune system.

A survey4.was held in 16 cities with over one million population showed high proportion of urban Chinese have been suffering such health problems. The numbers are5.(particular) high in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong.

The problem happens6.(most) among senior and middle-level managers, clerks and other white-collar workers with high educational level.

The sub health condition, found in most cases among those groups of people, will have bad effects on China’s long term7.(develop) and progress unless8.(deal) timely and properly.

A survey by the Chinese Academy of Science shows that the average life of Chinese intellectuals is 58 years, 10 years9.(low) than the nation’s average. This early death phenomenon may be increasing. A health expert said China should race against time, 10.(seek) measures to solve the problem.



As a temporary teacher, my daily routine_______driving to a new school_______every day, so I’m usually unable to anticipate (预料) the day’s events, good or bad.

On one particular day, I was teaching in a very_______class. I was managing behavior all the morning and by lunch time, I needed coffee to_______the afternoon. So at my lunch_______, I drove to a nearby plaza to get a cup of_______. Upon returning to the car, I realized I had_______my keys and my phone_______. I had about 15 minutes to get back to the school which was a good 4–or–5 minute_______. I thought of rushing back, but it being________, I thought a nasty fall on ice would only make the situation much________.

So I ran into a McDonald’s which was in the________plaza and asked the man at the counter who ________to be the manager to help me call a tab. I________explained my situation and he hurried to the back to use the phone________I paced in the restaurant.

The manager returned________to tell me that the cab company had put him on hold and then the line got________. My expression began to resemble some combination of hopelessness and fear.

Almost immediately, the manager grabbed his coat and________to drive me to the school. Without________, I followed him into his car and made back into my classroom with 2 minutes to ________before the bell!

1.A. concludes    B. involves    C. relates    D. connects

2.A. almost    B. hardly    C. really    D. luckily

3.A. easy    B. pleasant    C. difficult    D. noisy

4.A. cost    B. pick    C. finish    D. survive

5.A. stop    B. stay    C. pause    D. break

6.A. tea    B. milk    C. coffee    D. wine

7.A. locked    B. forgot    C. threw    D. shut

8.A. down    B. inside    C. up    D. outside

9.A. distance    B. drive    C. walk    D. time

10.A. summer    B. fall    C. winter    D. spring

11.A. worse    B. easier    C. better    D. simpler

12.A. other    B. another    C. next    D. same

13.A. turned    B. explained    C. happened    D. came

14.A. quickly    B. briefly    C. slowly    D. hurriedly

15.A. after    B. until    C. when    D. while

16.A. even    B. only    C. still    D. yet

17.A. disconnected    B. stuck    C. troubled    D. interrupted

18.A. dragged    B. pulled    C. offered    D. pushed

19.A. problem    B. choice    C. alternative    D. hesitation

20.A. spare    B. leave    C. ring    D. control



Smile, when making an introduction

Every day we meet people in a number of business and social situations.1.It’s important to do so in a proper way, no matter whether you are introducing yourself to someone, or introducing two people to each other. To keep you aware of this, we have gathered tips to make a proper introduction.

Always stand when making an introduction

When you are seated and someone comes up to greet you, make the effort to stand up. 2.

Always maintain eye contact while making an introduction

Many people are not aware of the value of this simple action. 3.

Always introduce a person of less authority to one of greater authority

4. For example, when introducing your supervisor to a job candidate, you would give your supervisor’s name first.

In a situation where rank is unimportant, an introduction is based on sex and age

A man is presented to a woman and a younger woman to an older woman. What if you find yourself in a situation where you have forgotten the other person’s name? 5. By doing this, you will usually cause the other person to do the same. This is not the ideal situation, but it does happen to all of us.

A. Start with a handshake and reintroduce yourself.

B. When you make eye contact, you are giving a confident image.

C. The most important thing to remember is to say the most important person’s name first.

D. Standing up is the most important to meet a person.

E. By doing this, you show respect for yourself and the other person.

F. And the way we meet and greet them creates an impression.

G. By staring at the other person, you show your interest.



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