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Nowadays there are some students use cellphones to copy teachers’ lecture notes. They think that taking notes with cellphones instead of by the hand can save time, that can be used in studies.

    In my opinion, cellphones are either good nor bad. It depend on how we use it. We should make properly use of cellphones. Cellphones are much easy for us to copy notes and more convenient to search what we need. However, we should remember that cellphones in the classroom can lead to lazy.


1. use→using;2. 去掉hand前的the;3. that→which;4. either→neither;5. depend→depends;6. it→them;7. properly→proper ;8. easy→easier;9. 在search ∧what 之间加for;10. lazy→laziness(或在lazy前加being) 【解析】第一处:考查非谓语动词。此处是说一些学生正在使用手机,there be+名词+现在分词表示主动和正在进行,故要把use改为using。 第二处:考查冠词。by hand是固定搭配,表示“用手”,定冠词the是多余的,故把the去掉。 第三处:考查非限定性定语从句。此处为非限定性定语从句, that不能引导非限定性定语从句,指代前面的整个内容应该用which,故要将that改为which。 第四处:考查固定搭配。由句意可知此处表示“既不……也不(neither…nor…)”,而either…or…表示“要么……要么”,故要将either 改为neither。 第五处:考查时态和主谓一致。文章的基础时态为一般现在时,且主语是it,谓语动词应该用第三人称单数形式,故要将depend改为 depends。 第六处:考查代词。此处指代前面的cellphones作动词use的宾语,故要将it改为them。 第七处:考查形容词。修饰名词use要用形容词,故要将properly改为proper。 第八处:考查形容词比较级。much修饰形容词比较级,故要将easy改为easier。 第九处:考查介词。search for表示“寻找、搜寻”,故要在search 和what 之间加for。 第十处:考查名词和动名词。lead to后接名词或动名词作宾语,故要将lazy改为laziness或在lazy前加being。 【名师点睛】形容词是短文改错中的必考点,比如形容词比较级以及形容词和副词的误用,考生一定要根据所修饰词的词性判断该使用形容词还是副词。例如本篇改错就出现了两个形容词考查点,都比较简单,修饰名词使用形容词,修饰动词、形容词或整个句子用副词,只要学生牢记这一点,这部分并不难得分。比如第7处首先判断use的词性,此处的use是名词,所以要用形容词修饰。  

Today we are going to celebrate the coming of winter with an adventure story.

Our story begins on a distant mountaintop. It is in the coldest part of winter, with the wind1. (howl) outside. Snow mixed with freezing rain has wiped out the 2. (safe) of the roads for travel. Even walking outside is dangerous. So, the four chandlers of our story, as well as a small group of other travelling bird-watchers, 3. (stick) indoors at the Ice Castle Inn. 4. the name suggests, the inn, located at a remote mountaintop, is an old castle that is now a vacation spot for bird-watchers.

These four people are total 5.(strange). The only thing they have in common is a 6. (share) interest on snow birds. But for now, they all have to postpone their plans 7. the winter storm passes. What they don’t know is that the 8. (violence) storm outside is just the tip of the iceberg. More danger exists, but they cannot see 9..

As the days go by, the snow only falls harder 10. the Ice Castle Inn. The land line phones no longer work. Neither do cell phones. No rescue vehicles have come to clear the roads. They are truly snowed in.



It's not unusual to be caught in your life. When you get caught in a moment, you should remember that somewhere out there, someone always comes along with a pocket full of_______.

Yesterday I spent all my coins and dollar _______ on little deeds I had _______ breakfast because I got up late. Because of the mad rush, I forgot my _______.When 1 was on my way to _______ my lunch, a person in need asked me if I could _______ him some cash, so I decided to lend him first.

So, then later in the evening, I was heading home _______waiting for dinner. _______, I got a call from my mum saying that she was to work _______and wouldn't be able to prepare dinner for me.________there was no food in the house. I told my mum not to worry ________ I would surely find myself something to cat.

While I was still________ this sudden set of changes in my food options for the day. I passed a young man with a broad smile ________ samples(样品) of cookies at a supermarket, he gave me a packet and said. "How about you ________some more for school tomorrow ________ that. I returned a warm ________ to him and opened up my bag. He gladly filled it with 20 packets. I was ________.

Whether you call it luck or fortune, I ________wanted to say that somewhere out there somebody came along carrying a pocket of hope in his ________ and shared a piece of it with me! Somebody out there will one day do________ for you!

1.A. Hope    B. chance    C. luck    D. food

2.A. Checks    B. cash    C. bills    D. change

3.A. Had    B. skipped    C. left    D. taken

4.A. bag    B. keys    C. purse    D. lunch

5.A. Serve    B. cook    C. buy    D. prepare

6.A. give    B. spare    C. pay    D. show

7.A. disappointedly    B. gratefully    C. anxiously    D. willingly

8.A. However    B. Therefore    C. Besides    D. Instead

9.A. Well    B. late    C. hard    D. alone

10.A. Since    B. As if    C. When    D. Even though

11.A. because    B. so    C. before    D. after

12.A. processing    B. introducing    C. nuking    D. seeking

13.A. finding out    B. handing out    C. putting up    D. using up

14.A. adopting    B. exchanging    C. supplying    D. taking

15.A. Contrary to    B. Opposed to    C. Owing to    D. In response to

16.A. smile    B. welcome    C. laughing    D. affection

17.A. confused    B. worried    C. excited    D. puzzled

18.A. seriously    B. nearly    C. normally    D. simply

19.A. coat    B. mind    C. heart    D. packet

20.A. a lot    B. the same    C. much    D. some




Maybe you often have arguments with your parents about clothes, homework, friends and many other personal things.1.Most teenagers must be sorry or even frightened when their parents fight. They might think their parents don't love each other any more and that it would result in divorce.

2.They might disagree about important things like jobs or major family decisions. They might even disagree about little things that don’t seem important at all—Like what’s for dinner or what time someone gets home. Maybe sometimes parents can feel so strongly about their differences that it may lead to arguments. However, these arguments are often over quickly.3.

As a family member, you should find out what it really means when your parents fight. When your parents get upset with each other, they might cry or say things they don’t really mean. Most people lose their cool now and then, so if your parents arc fighting, don’t worry too much about it.4.

If your parents' fight really bothers you, you might find it hard to sleep or go to school.5.They may not even realize how upset you are until you tell them how their arguments affect you. You can also tell other relatives, a teacher or a friend.

Just remember that no family is perfect and arguments are common in every family.

A. Try to find a good way to solve it.

B. Parents might fight over small things

C. You should never argue with your parents.

D. But what’s going on when your parents fight with each other?

E. In fact, it is normal for parents to disagree and argue from time to time.

F. If this happens, try talking to one or both of your parents about their behavior.

G. Parent may apologize and make up and the family gets back into its usual way.



2015 was an extremely dangerous year for journalists. 69 media representatives lost their lives around the world. 28 of them were killed by Islamic terrorist groups close to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. 8 journalists were killed in January, when the office of the magazine Charlie Hebdo was attacked in Paris.

    The Committee to Protect Journalists(CPJ) has reported that Syria was the most dangerous place for journalists in 2015. 13 reporters were killed in a state that has been suffering from civil war. Sudan, Bangladesh and Brazil are among other countries in which journalists were killed. Many of them were sent to cover civil wars, corruption and human rights issues.

    In addition, several journalists were kidnapped(绑架) and are still being held in prison. The most typical is a Washington Post journalist who has been imprisoned in Iran for over one and a half years On Wednesday he will spend his 527th day in prison, taken away not only freedom but also justice. At the end of 2015, 199 journalists were held in prison in 28 countries around the world, including Egypt and Turkey.

    Media experts believe that criminals and militant(激进的) organizations are becoming more and more threatening towards journalists. In the past vehicles that were marked with a PRESS sign got more protection and were not targeted. Although western countries are strongly against it when something happens to journalists, there is often nothing they can do about it. Warring sides sometimes use kidnapped journalists to get media attention.

1.How many journalists died during the attack on Charlie Hebdo?

A. 8.    B. 13.    C. 69.    D. 119.

2.Which of the following is True according to the text?

A. Most journalists were killed in Sudan.

B. A committee has been found to protect journalists.

C. The Washington Post journalist was kidnapped three years ago.

D. Western countries work well in protecting journalists.

3.Why did people mark a PRESS sign on their cars?

A. To be better protected.    B. To draw media attention.

C. To show their anger.    D. To call for help.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Fighting for Terrorist Groups    B. Keeping off the Killings

C. A Dangerous Year for Journalists    D. Dangerous Places for Journalists



The world’s longest 3rd deepest railway underground passage, the Gotthard Base Tunnel, opened on 1 June 2016 after many years of construction. Trains can travel at speeds of up to 250 km an hour through the 57 km long tunnel. It took 17 years to complete and cost $12 billion. A total of 2,600 workers involved in building the tunnel had to excavate more than 28 million tons of rocks. Nine people died during the construction. The engineering milestone will bring southern Germany and northern Italy closer together.

    Gattardino shuttle trains will be running between the two endpoints of the tunnel and make a stop at Sedrun, a mountain station in the middle. 65 passenger and 240 freight(货物) trains are expected to travel through the tunnel every day. The Gotthard Base Tunnel will reduce the time it takes trains to pass through the Alps, which have been a natural barrier to travel. In the past traders and merchants had to use mountain passes to travel from north to south. The first Gotthard rail tunnel opened in 1882, but as time went on, it could not handle the growing traffic.

    In the 1990s, Swiss citizens approved of a government plan to build a new tunnel. The main purpose of the Gotthard Base Tunnel is to increase local transport capacity(容量) through the Alpine barrier, especially for freight. This not only significantly reduces the danger of deadly road crashes involving trucks, but also reduces the environmental damage caused by the ever-increasing amount of freight carried by heavy trucks. The new tunnel is expected to reduce road traffic crossing the Alps as more and more truck companies will put their freight on Swiss trains.

1.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “excavate” in Paragraph 1?

A. bury    B. wash    C. weigh    D. remove

2.What is the main purpose of building the tunnel through the Alps?

A. To allow more trains to pass through.    B. To enlarge the mountain passes.

C. To control the growing road traffic.    D. To reduce the cost of truck companies.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. Gottardino shuttle trains will run through the tunnel without stopping.

B. More passenger trains will travel through the tunnel than freight trains.

C. Constructing the tunnel can be hard and dangerous.

D. There is only one rail tunnel running through the Alps.

4.Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A travel guide.    B. A fiction story.    C. A fashion magazine.    D. A news report.



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