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A thief who dropped a winning lottery ti...

A thief who dropped a winning lottery ticket at the scene of his crime has been given a 

lesson in honesty. His victim, who picked up the ticket, then claimed the $25,000 prize, managed to trace him, and handed over the cash. The robbery happened when maths professor VinicioSabbatucci, 58, was changing a tire on an Italian motorway. Another motorist, who stopped “to 

help”, stole a suitcase from his car and drove off. The professor found the dropped ticket and put  it in his pocket before driving home to Ascoli in eastern Italy. 

Next day, he saw the lottery results on TV and, taking out the ticket, realized it was a winner.He claimed the 60 million lire(里拉)prize. Then he began a battle with his conscience. Finally, he 

decided he could not keep the money despite having been robbed. He advertised in newspapers 

and on the radio, saying, “I’m trying to find the man who robbed me. I have 60 million lire for him—a lottery win. Please meet me. Anonymity(匿名)guaranteed.” 

Professor Sabbatucci received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into 

handing them the cash. But there was one voice he recognized and he arranged to meet the man 

In a park.The robber, a 35year-old unemployed father of two, gave back the suitcase and burst 

into tears. He could not believe what was happening. “Why didn’t you keep the money?” he 

asked. The professor replied, “I couldn’t because it’s not mine.” Then he walked off, spurning the thief’s offer of a reward.

1.The sentence “Then he began a battle with his conscience.” in Paragraph 2 implies all of the 

  following except that _________.

A. he thought for a moment of avenging himself on the robber

B. he hesitated about keeping the money for some time

C. he knew what he should do as soon as he saw the lottery results

D. he came to realize that honesty is more important than money

2.Why did hundreds of people phone Professor Sabbaturcci ?

A. wanted to make fun of him    B. hoped to get the money

C. knew who the robber was    D. lost the lottery ticket

3.How did the robber feel when the victim wanted to find him?

A. Excited    B. Frightened    C. Ashamed    D. Incredible

4.If the story appears in a newspaper,what might be the best title ?

A. A Thief’s Lucky Day    B. A Popular Maths Professor

C. A Magic Lottery    D. A Reward of Honesty


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了一个小偷去偷教授东西的时候把彩票丢了,后来被教授捡到了,结果教授发现彩票中奖了,教授并没有去领奖,而是把彩票还给了小偷。 1.细节理解题。由文中Then he began a battle with his conscience. Finally, he decided he could not keep the money despite having been robbed. He advertised in newspapers  and on the radio.可知,教授看到中奖的信息,当时不知道怎么办,思考了一会才决定他不能要这个钱,C选项是错误的,ABD都正确,但是题干选除...外,故C选项正确。 2.细节理解题。由文中Professor Sabbatucci received hundreds of calls from people hoping to trick him into handing them the cash可知,很多人给教授打电话,因为他们都想拿到这笔钱,故B选项正确。 3.细节理解题。由文中He could not believe what was happening. 可知,当教授想找这个小偷的时候,他不敢相信。Incredible难以置信的,故D选项正确。 4.主旨大意题。通读全文,我们可以知道,这个小偷偷东西时丢了彩票,后来彩票中奖了,教授居然没有去要这笔钱,而是把钱还给了小偷,可见这个小偷非常的幸运,所以,题目为A Thief’s Lucky Day 更合适,故A选项正确。

This brief book is aimed at high school students, but speaks to anyone learning at any stage of life.
    Its formal, serious style closely matches its content, a school-masterly book on schooling. The author, W. H. Armstrong, starts with the basics: reading and writing. In his opinion, reading doesn’t just mean recognizing each word on the page; it means taking in the information, digesting it and incorporating it into oneself just as one digests a sandwich and makes it a part of him. The goal is to bring the information back to life, not just to treat it as dead facts on paper from dead trees. Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other; in fact, the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text. I’ve seen it again and again :Someone who can’t express an idea after reading a text is just as ineffective as someone who hasn’t read it at all.
    Only a third of the book remains after that discussion, which Armstrong devotes to specific tips for studying languages, math, science and history. He generally handles these topics thoroughly and equally, except for some weakness in the science and math sections and a bit too much passion(激情)regarding history to his students, that was a hundred times more than my history teachers ever got across. To my disappointment, in this part of the book he ignores the arts. As a matter of fact, they demand all the concentration and study that math and science do, though the study differs slightly in kind. Although it’s commonly believed that the arts can only be naturally acquired, actually, learning the arts is no more natural than learning French or mathematics.
    My other comment is that the text aged. The first edition apparently dates to the 1960s—none of the references(参考文献)seem newer than the late 1950s. As a result, the discussion misses the entire computer age.
    These are small points, though, and don’t affect the main discussion. I recommend it to any student and any teacher, including the self-taught student.

1.According to Armstrong, what is the goal of reading?

A. gain knowledge and expand one’s view

B. express ideas based on what one has read

C. understand the meaning between the lines

D. gets information and keeps it alive in memory

2.The author of the passage insists that learning the arts_________.

A. is as natural as learning a language    B. demands real passion    C. is less natural than learning maths

D. requires great efforts

3.What can this passage be classified as?A. an advertisement    B. a book review    C. a feature story    D. a news report



假定你是李华,你的美国笔友David对你校开设的一些选修课(optional course)非常感兴趣,来信向你询问有关事宜。请根据以下内容提示给他写封回信。

1.选修课程包括:英语戏剧,模型制作(model making)等;



注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear David,








Looking forward to your reply.










    It is no doubt that health is the most important thing in our life.As a Chinese proverb go, “Health is blessing”.Should we be always ill in bed, how can we enjoy life?

    To keep healthy, we must develop a healthy way of life.First of all, we should keep on doing sports on a regularly basis, because it can strengthen both our body and mind, refresh ourselves and making us work more efficiently.Secondly, we must keep balanced diet to provide our body with various nutrition we need, but we should refuse junk food.Remember, it is through the mouth where diseases enter into our body.Thirdly, a good sleep is also vital to our health.Stay up too late at night often results in poor health.As middle school students, we need better sleep to do better in our lessons.




    Louis Armstrong, the most influential jazz musicians, is considered great not only because of his1. (achieve) but also because of his personalities.

    2.(bear) in a poor family in New Orleans in 1901, instead of3.(commit) crimes to get money like some boys in his situation, Louis would sing on the streets in order to earn a few cents from4.(passer-by).However, at the age of 12, Louis was arrested because of firing a gun into the air at a New Year’s Eve party.In a school of problem boys, he was taught to play drums and the trumpet,5. enabled him to find work related with music after he left the school.A well-known musician Joe “King” Oliver noticed Louis and began to teach him about jazz.When Oliver left New Orleans in 1917Louis took 6.his job in one of the best bands in town.

    After becoming famous, Louis would introduce his particular style of jazz to enthusiastic audiences while 7.(travel) around the United States as well as Europe.Apart from being a famous jazz musician, he was also an unofficial goodwill ambassador who spoke8.(public) about the rights of black people in America. Despite the fact9.he became rich and famous, Louis Armstrong continued to live a simple live in a working-class neighbourhood.He continued playing and recording until July 6th, 1971, when he died in his sleep at his home in New York.He is still remembered as the most10.(distinguish) musician in the early history of jazz.



You may be surprised to see “making sure children never suffer” as a mistake. The following ___may help you understand how rescuing children from all suffering ______ weakness.

A little boy felt sorry for a butterfly ______ to emerge from its chrysalis(蛹). He decided to___the butterfly. So he peeled the chrysalis open for the butterfly. The little boy was so ______ to watch the butterfly spread its wings and fly off into the sky. Then he was horrified ______ he watched the butterfly fall to the ground and die because it did not have the muscle and ______ to keep flying. In fact, the butterfly’s struggle to ______ the chrysalis helps the butterfly become stronger.

Like the little boy, ______ too often want to protect their children from struggle in the ___of love. They don’t realize that their children need to struggle, to experience  ______, to deal with disappointment, and to solve their own problems. Only in this way ______ children strengthen their emotional strength, become ______ and develop the skills necessary for the even bigger struggles they will meet throughout their lives. Children experiencing sufferings can ______ the ups and downs of life.

However, it isn’t helpful either in this case when parents ______ lectures(训斥), blame and shame to what the child is experiencing. Mothers _____ to say, “Stop crying and acting like a spoiled boy. You can’t always get what you want.” These ______ words should be avoided. Instead, parents can offer loving support. You can say, “Don’t lose ______ . Be brave! You will succeed if you try again.” Then comes the tough part—no ______ and no lectures. Simply allow him to discover that he can ______ his disappointment and figure out what he can do to get what he wants in the future.

1.A. saying    B. experiment    C. proverb    D. story

2.A. damages    B. creates    C. experiences    D. burns

3.A. turning    B. devoting    C. struggling    D. coming

4.A. help    B. feed    C. kill    D. rescue

5.A. moved    B. depressed    C. puzzled    D. excited

6.A. until    B. as    C. before    D. since

7.A. strength    B. energy    C. power    D. force

8.A. do away from    B. get away with    C. get along with    D. come up with

9.A. teachers    B. relatives    C. parents    D. friends

10.A. case    B. charge    C. name    D. course

11.A. friendships    B. scholarships    C. hardships    D. relationships

12.A. should    B. can    C. do    D. are

13.A. warm-hearted    B. strong-willed    C. absent-mind    D. cold-blooded

14.A. expect    B. predict    C. survive    D. avoid

15.A. add    B. adapt    C. devote    D. contribute

16.A. pretend    B. happen    C. seem    D. tend

17.A. inspiring    B. discouraging    C. interesting    D. touching

18.A. sight    B. face    C. heart    D. weight

19.A. parking    B. smoking    C. drinking    D. rescuing

20.A. get through    B. get over    C. get across    D. get away



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