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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改短文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中 共存...

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改短文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中 共存10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。


删除:把多余的词用斜线 (\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分,

When I was having lunch in a restaurant, I noticed a young man. Dressing in black, he was playing with a smartphone while eating. She smiled at everyone that walked by. All of a sudden, a boy ran into him, making some food dropping on his trousers, what I thought would make him annoyed with the boy. Instead, he laughs it off when the mother made the apology to him. “Never mind!” he said polite. Seeing this, I touched and appreciated the kindness he brought to the world. On the way out, I handed to him a Smile Card which said, “Best wish and good luck to you!”


【解析】1.固定词组:be dressed in 穿着……。此处是过去分词作状语,故把Dressing改成Dressed。 2.根据上文的a young man可知,要把She改为He。 3.make是使役动词,用不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,故把dropping改为drop。 4.前面整个句子作先行词,后面用which指代前面整个句子,引导非限制性定语从句。 5.句意:当妈妈向他道歉时,他大笑着离开。此处用一般过去时态,故改为laughed。 6.固定词组:make an apology to sb.“向某人道歉“,故把the改为an。 7.副词修饰动词,故把polite1改为politely。 8.句意:我受到感动。根据句意可知,用一般过去时态的被动语态,故在I后加was。 9.句意:我递给他一张微笑卡。hand sb. sth.=hand sth. to sb.“递给某人某物”。故把handed后面的to去掉。 10. 固定结构:Best wishes“最美好的祝愿”。故把wish改为wishes。 【名师点睛】 以下动词后面用不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语:have/make/see/watch/hear/let/notice/observe/feel/look at/listen to sb. do sth. 注意:help sb. (to) do sth. 本题第3小题就是make的这种用法。 温馨提示:不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,但是变成被动语态时要把to加上。He made me feel at home. (主动语态)I was made to feel at home.(被动语态)  

For the last 20 years, Elizabeth Eaton Rosenthal, 1. fine artist in New York, has been dressing from head to toe in2. (variety) shades of green. To her, green is the happiest, most positive color in the world, so she can’t imagine 3. (wear) anything else.

4. is most widely known, Elizabeth, “The Green Lady of Carroll Gardens”, has always had a thing for experimenting. At one point in her life she 5. (choose) to wear only the 1930s print dresses. Her6. (prefer) for green started in her fifties with some home-mixed green nail polish. But it quickly spread to her clothing and her home.

Elizabeth’s house is mostly green as well, 7. the front door to her backyard, and everywhere in between.

She knows that green makes her happy and helps her deal with daily8. (problem) , so she won’ t dream of wearing any other color. 9., that’s not her only motivation for wearing green. The 75-year-old artist also does it because it makes other people happy.

When10. (ask) if she ever gets tired of green, Elizabeth Sweetheart said, “Oh no, never. It keeps getting better every day.”



Lost & Found

That night, when I arrived at the door of my building, I noticed a man walking behind me. I thought he was a neighbor I hadn’t met. I did a _______ neighborly thing and held the door for him. But when I turned, he took away everything I had and ran away. I was _______. From then on, I looked over my _______, never fully at ease. It cost me my sense of trust in my _______.

A year passed, I got home one night and found an envelope under my door. Inside was a _______ weather-beaten driver’s license. I could _______ make it out because the address was nearly worn away. But the face on that _______ was mine. And the note in it said; Sarah Sweeney, if you still live here, call us at this _______.

Feeling _______, I walked up and down in my living room trying to think of ________ someone would contact (联系) me like this. If there’s a Mugger Playbook (抢劫犯剧本) this was the final long game! Now he’s checking my ________ to get more money?

But I called the number.

Then a(n) ________ voice of a little girl got on, “Hello! Are you Sarah Sweeney? My sister and I found your purse in the woods!”

I could ________ she was jumping up and down as she spoke. She and her younger sister carefully ________ bits of paper, pieced together the clues to find me and ________ my wallet and everything inside. I was completely ________. They were giving me a sense of relief.

I asked her, “How can I ________ you?”

“Hang on!” She pulled the phone away and ________ with her sister; then I heard “ICE CREAM!"

Twenty minutes later, I was at their door. I ________ a box of ice cream. And these two little girls gave my wallet and a renewed sense of ________.

1.A. meaningful    B. smart    C. polite    D. necessary

2.A. robbed    B. cheated    C. suspected    D. caught

3.A. head    B. shoulder    C. door    D. neck

4.A. colleagues    B. friends    C. neighbors    D. family

5.A. rotted    B. new    C. useful    D. cheap

6.A. easily    B. merely    C. probably    D. hardly

7.A. envelope    B. license    C. wallet    D. note

8.A. point    B. time    C. number    D. place

9.A. worried    B. sad    C. satisfied    D. disappointed

10.A. why    B. whether    C. how    D. when

11.A. room    B. wallet    C. address    D. account

12.A. angry    B. sweet    C. rough    D. cold

13.A. see    B. notice    C. understand    D. tell

14.A. replaced    B. unfolded    C. counted    D. selected

15.A. return    B. check    C. repair    D. clean

16.A. confused    B. lost    C. discouraged    D. moved

17.A. treat    B. find    C. reward    D. inform

18.A. discussed    B. agreed    C. argued    D. competed

19.A. contributed to    B. handed over    C. paid for    D. packed up

20.A. loss    B. duty    C. trust    D. direction



How to Stay Positive

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle (奇迹). The other is as though everything is a miracle. If you choose to be positive, these ideas can be helpful.


Who in your life seems filled with positivity? Who inspires and challenges you to up your game? Consciously build a network of people who motivate you to be your best, then spend your time with them. Be that source of light for others, too.

Feed yourself with positivity.

2. Similarly, how you fuel yourself will determine your experience as well. Read inspiring books. Watch encouraging movies. Follow positive people on social media. You can also create a physical environment of positivity.

Focus on what you can control.

So much is out of our hands, isn’t it?3. Determine what you can control and put your energy there. For example, you can control your responses, actions, words, and thoughts; you can be the change you wish to see in the world. You have more power than you realize. 4.

Watch your vocabulary.

Mother Teresa declined participation in an anti-war meet. When asked why, she replied that she did not want to give any attention to war, but she’d gladly participate in a pro-peace meet. 5. They can help you mend broken hearts and reach amazing goals.

Continue to feed that positive world—like Einstein said, living as though everything is a miracle—and watch life change accordingly.

A. Pay attention to your words.

B. Seek advice from positive and active people.

C. Surround yourself with positive people.

D. Focusing on that, however, can leave you feeling helpless.

E. And when you keep your focus there, that power expands.

F. Putting poor quality gas in your car will not help it run at best performance.

G. If you focus on that change, then everything will change for the better.



Since 2013, Torobo, a robotic arm designed to test the limits of artificial intelligence, has had one ambition—to be admitted to the University of Tokyo. However, it has repeatedly failed. This year was no exception.

In early November, Torobo took an exam to prepare for an all-important standardized test. While Torobo’s overall score of 525 out of 950 was 14 points higher than in 2015, its standard score of 57.1% was slightly lower, because human students did better in the 2016 test.

Though the score, which is higher than the national average, is enough to get the robot admitted to many other famous Japanese universities, it falls short of the minimum required for the University of Tokyo.

A closer analysis of the results showed that Torobo’s newly programmed ability to solve complex physics problems helped increase its year-over-year physics score from 46.5% to 59%. The robot also dug deep into its database of information from textbooks and websites to obtain an impressive 66.3% in world history. The average 60% scores acquired in the two math sections, were not too shabby, either.

But, while Torobo is able to handle knowledge-based questions and ones involving complex mathematical calculations, it has a hard time thinking independently. As a result, the robot is unable to comprehend multiple sentences and phrases to arrive at the logical conclusions required in the English language tests. This weakness was reflected in the weak oral and writing scores, which came in at 36.2% and 50.5%, respectively.

Fortunately, after four grueling years, the robot’s creators have decided to free Torobo from its annual test-taking suffering. The research team will instead focus on improving the robot’s ability to pick out specific answers from massive sets of data—a skill that led to its excellent history scores. They believe the expertise (专门技术) will help Torobo succeed as an industrial robot.

1.What is the disadvantage of Torobo?

A. It has weak independent thinking ability.    B. It couldn’t sit through the exams.

C. It has much difficulty searching for facts.    D. It doesn’t own language skills.

2.What does the underlined word “grueling” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. happy    B. tiring    C. successful    D. independent

3.What did the exam results show?

A. Torobo was admitted to a university.

B. Torobo did well in the history exam.

C. Torobo’s score didn’t reach the national average.

D. Torobo’s programmed ability improved its math score.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Subjects a robot is good at.    B. Majors that are suitable for a robot.

C. A robot’s ways to deal with exams.    D. A robot’s performances in exams.



Kindergarten—which means “garden for children” in German—is not kindergarten any more. It’s yesterday’s first grade, or even second.

A 2014 study compared kindergarten teachers’ expectations for their students in 1998 to today. The differences were striking. In 1998, 31 percent of teachers thought that kindergarten students should be able to read by the end of the year. By 2014, that figure is now about 80 percent. More than a third kindergarten teachers now think that kids should enter school already knowing the alphabet and how to hold a pencil.

Besides, the researchers found huge decreases in the amount of self-directed, creative play time—dress up, art, sand and water play—and increases in the amount of time students were involved in teacher-directed, whole-class instruction.

Unfortunately, kindergarten today ignores a basic fact of young children’s development that is well-known by early childhood educators: normal development in young children occurs at very different rates and in very different ways. For example, the average age that a baby starts to walk is 12 months, but some kids start walking at eight or nine months and others at 15, or even 16, months.

Similarly, the average age that a child learns to be an independent reader is about six and a half. Some learn to read at four, and others at seven, and both extremes are developmentally normal. In the fourth grade, kids who learned to read at four are typically not any better at reading than those who started at seven. Countries like Finland and Sweden do not even start formal academic schooling until age seven.

We need to respect children’s personal developmental timelines. The idea that “earlier is better” for reading instruction is simply not supported by research evidence. Children’s long-term achievement and self-identities as readers and students can be damaged when they are introduced to reading too early.

1.What can we infer from the text?

A. Kindergarten has been replaced by first or even second grade.

B. Kindergarten teachers have higher expectations for students now.

C. Kindergarten students’ intelligence has been largely improved.

D. Children should know the alphabet before entering kindergarten.

2.What will probably happen to children who learn to read at 7?

A. They will perform best among their classmates.

B. They will have difficulty becoming an independent reader.

C. They will catch up with those who learn to read earlier.

D. They will fall behind those who learn to read earlier forever.

3.What should kindergarten teachers do according to the text?

A. Increase the time in whole-class instruction.

B. Pay more attention to children’s academic level.

C. Encourage children to learn at their own pace.

D. Raise children’s competitive spirit at an early age.

4.How does the author feel about the present education in kindergarten?

A. Ashamed.    B. Cautious.    C. Satisfied.    D. Concerned.



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