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We are all called upon to make a speech ...

We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don’t do a very good job. This article gives some suggestions on how to give an effective speech.

So, you have to give a speech and you are terrified. You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience. Later you think, “Thank Goodness, it’s over. I’m just not good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.”

Cheep up! It doesn’t have to be that bad. Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of your time doing your research. Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Don’t talk over their heads, and don’t talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Just remember: Be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. Be brief. Say what you have to say and then stop. And be yourself. Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience.

If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! You’re not convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens.


1.The main idea of this article is ________ .

Athat you can improve your speaking ability

Bthat a poor speaker can never change

Cto always make a short speech

Dthat it is hard to make a speech

2.Paragraph 2 implies that ________ .

Amany people don’t prepare for a speech

Bmany people are happy to give a speech

Cmany people are afraid of giving a speech

Dmany people talk too long

3.The phrase “talk over their heads” means ________ .

Aspeak too loudly

Blook at the ceiling

Clook down upon them 

Duse words and ideas that are too difficult

4.All of the following statements are TRUE except ________ .

Afew people know how to make good speeches

Ba lecturer does not need to organize his speech

Cresearch is important in preparing a speech

Dthere are simple steps you can take to improve your speaking ability


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:我们在人生当中,都会遇到演讲的时候,但是,大多数人的演讲并不够好。作者给出了一些做好演讲的建议。演讲要做好准备,紧扣主题,尊重观众,注意场合等。1.1】A主旨大意题。根据文章的大意,可知作者介绍了许多的做好演讲的建议,因此演讲能力可以得到提高的,故答案为A。 2.2】C 推理判断题。第二段主要是讲人们做演讲时的种种问题导致他们不敢演讲,故答案为C 3.3】D 词义猜测题。根据前后句的意思,后一句是不要看低他们,因此前一句肯定是不要看高他们,结合这篇文章的意思也就是不要用过难的词语和想法,故答案为D。 4.4】B细节理解题。根据第三段Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow.可知,选项B的说法是错误的,符合题意。 【名师点睛】 猜词悟义。我们要学会“顺藤摸瓜”,通过构词,语法,定义,同位,对比,因果,常识,上下文等线索确定词义。任何一篇文章中的句子在内容上都不是绝对孤立的,都跟句子所在的段落及整整篇文章有关。利用上下文提供的情景和线索,进行合乎逻辑的综合分析进而推测词义,是阅读过程中的一大关键。最常见的就是利用上下文语境、常识和语法关系推断词义。 ①抓住所需推断词汇前后的“mean”或系动词或破折号等直接定义该词的部分。 ②抓住文章主旨与该段所表达的中心。特别对于议论文要牢记论点与论据的相互支撑关系。 考点:说明文阅读

There was once a guy who suffered from cancer, a cancer that can’t be cured. One day he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out. He passed a CD store and looked through the front door for a second. He saw a beautiful girl about his age and he knew it was love at first sight. He opened the door and walked in, not looking at anything else but her. He walked closer and closer until he was finally at the front desk where she sat.

She looked up and asked, “Can I help you?” She smiled and he thought it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen before. He said, “UH…Yeah…Umm… I would like to buy a CD.” He picked one out and gave her money for it. “Would you like me to pack it for you?” she asked, smiling her cute smile again. He nodded and she went to the back. She came back with the packed CD and gave it to him.

From then on, he went to that store every day and bought a CD. He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out. His mother found out about this and encouraged him. So the next day, he took all his courage and left his phone number on the desk before he ran out.

Several weeks later the phone rang, and the mother picked it up. It was the girl!!! The mother started to cry and said, “You don’t know? He passed away yesterday…” Later that day, the mother went into the boy’s room and opened the closet. Inside were piles and piles of unopened CDs. She picked one up and opened it. Out fell a piece of paper, saying: “Do you want to go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.” The mother was deeply moved and opened another CD… Again, there was a piece of paper with the same words.

1.Why did the girl offer to pick the CD for the boy every time?

A. Because it was required by the boy.

B. Because the shop owner told her to do so.

C. Because she felt sympathy for the dying boy.

D. Because she wanted to leave a note for the boy.

2.Which of the following can be used to describe the girl?

A. Energetic and polite.

B. Shy and curious.

C. Cute and brave.

D. Warm-hearted and responsible.

3. When the girl asked “Can I help you?”, the boy felt ________ .

A. discouraged        B. nervous

C. stupid              D. embarrassed

4.What could be the best title for the text?

A. Speak out loveB. Unconditional love

C. Buy a CD every day   D. The greatest mother



假设你校英语社团将举办以“抵制网络谣言,从我做起”为主题的征文活动,请你以“Resisting Internet Rumors”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文投稿。内容主要包括:

1. 网络谣言的现状

2. 网络谣言的危害

3. 抵制网络谣言的措施














语篇填空, 在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。

The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as ____1.____ investigative tool. Journalists use it ___2.__(find) information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the __3.___(late) medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends __4.___(live) far away or in different parts of a city. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from ___5.__ countries and cultures. __6.__, although there are many positive developments ___7.___(associate) with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. One concern relates to a lack of control over __8.___ appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are restrictions on what kinds of programs can ___9.__(broadcast) and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents can not check a published guide to determine what is suitable ___10._ their children to see.




Trust has been considered as the basis of any relationship, including friendship. No relationship can last long with a lack of trust. Not many of your friends will have real faith in you as you would like to believe. ___1.__ Sometimes, it takes years, even a complete lifetime, to trust someone. However, how do we know if our friends have faith in us?

_2.___ With whom will you share things that you don’t want everyone to know? It would be with a close friend, whom you trust as much as you trust yourself. While a few of your friends may be fiercely protective of their privacy and may not tell their secrets to anyone, whose who do, surely find you trustworthy and reliable.

Whom do you look up to for advice when you need it the most? It has to be either your parents or your friends. ___3.___ This is a shining example of trust. You only seek advice from people you hold in high regard and find dependable. The friends who trust you will never forget to include you in the important decisions of their life.

Arguments and heated discussions are a part of every relationship, and this is also true for friendship. ___4.___ While some people find it difficult to forgive and forget, your friends will never have problems moving on. It is because they trust you and believe that you will never cause any pain to them on purpose.

There are times in life when you find yourself a lonely soldier. ___5._ Your friends will never let you down and will strongly stand by you when you need encouragement. You can determine that they trust you and believe in your beliefs, if they side with you when you need the most.

A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes.

B. You know they will never pass on wrong suggestion.

C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships.

D. Two people cannot have identical reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist.

E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you cannot take that comfort level for granted.

F. If your friends share their secrets, there’s a good possibility that they have much faith in you.

G. However, people who are fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle.



Your next Saturday night takeaway could be brought to you by a robot after a major food delivery company announced plans to use automated vehicles to transport meals. Europe’s biggest online takeaway food company Just Eat has partnered with Starship Technologies to deliver food with robots on the streets of London later this month. “Nobody has ever done deliveries with land-based robots,” said Allan Martinson, the chief operating officer of Starship.

The robot courier can travel up to 4 miles per hour for about 10 miles. It uses a GPS signal and nine cameras to navigate(确定方向). Instead of a person arriving at their door, customers could find themselves receiving a notification(通知) on their phone that says a robot is on its way and a code to unlock the automated courier. “Put the code in, the robot opens up, and there’s your food,” said David Buttress, chief manager of Just Eat.

The robot, which has so far been tested in Greenwich, Milton Keynes and Glastonbury, costs £1 to transport within 3 miles, compared with the £3 to £6 it costs for a human courier. To date 30 robots have driven nearly 5,000 miles without getting into an accident or finding themselves picked on by passers-by. They have driven in more than 40 cities around the world, including London and Tallinn, Estonia.

An initial worry was how the public would react to robots. But Martinson said the public has been calm when passing the delivery machine on the streets. “The most surprising reaction has been the lack of reaction,” said Martinson.

Another significant fear was that people would disrupt(扰乱) the robots, or try to steal them and their contents. To prevent this, the robot is fitted with nine cameras, two way audio, and movement sensors that send a warning if it is lifted off the ground. And it opens only with a pass code provided to the customer via a notification. “It’s much easier to shoplift than it is to steal a robot,” said Martinson.

1.The test of Starship robots shows that ________.

A. they are easy to operate

B. the robot delivery is appreciated in big cities

C. the robot delivery is cheaper than human delivery

D. they can travel for 10 hours continuously

2.Which of the following is one of the worries about Starship robots?

A. People’s indifference to the robots.

B. Safety of the robot delivery.

C. Accuracy of the robot delivery.

D. People’s concern about public traffic.

3.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Great Improvement of Just Eat

B. Global Trend of Food Companies

C. New Robots to Move on the Road

D. Delivery Robots to Replace Takeaway Drivers



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