满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The most frequent arguments for travel b...

The most frequent arguments for travel broadening the mind are that you get to interact with many different ______, ways of life and new experiences. In general this should be the case.__ ___, how much it broadens your mind depends as much on how you travel as where.______ you go to Thailand and spend most of your time in a hotel, what you’re seeing isn’t ______ Thai culture. But if you take time to _____ its temples or stay with a family and immerse yourself in their ______, you might begin to get a good ______ of it. If you ______ anything out of your comfort zone, then you won’t make the most of your _____, wherever you go. Of course travel ______ the mind if you’re open to it and equip yourself with the knowledge you need for where you’re headed; and after all, expanding our horizons is ______ to our growth and progress as human beings.

We’re told that broadening the mind comes from challenging yourself, ______, learning and that this can in part be achieved by travelling. But is broadening the mind the only ______ reason tor travelling? What if you _____ want to enjoy some much needed rest and ______?

How much distance you cover doesn’t show how adventurous you are. You can go halfway round the world, but if you just spend all your time _____ shopping malls, you can ______ experience the real workings of the culture you’ve landed in. It’s up to you whether or not you come back from another country with a ______ perspective on things. Travel doesn’t automatically broaden the mind. If you’re a narrow-minded bore at home, the _____ are that travel just makes you a narrow-minded bore ______ a plane ticket. And what of those who don’t, can’t or won’t travel? Are they forever doomed to an “unbroadened” view on life? I’m sure they would beg to differ.

1.A. expertsB. culturesC. objectsD. situations

2.A. For example  B. Above allC. At timesD. Of course

3.A. If  B. AlthoughC. Since D. Because

4.A. correctlyB. generallyC. really D. seriously

5.A. constructB. paint C. introduceD. visit

6.A. work B. life C. conversation  D. concept

7.A. idea B. commandC. result D. photo

8.A. attemptB. challengeC. avoid D. overcome

9.A. journeyB. freedomC. advantageD. break

10.A. occupiesB. crossesC. amazesD. broadens

11.A. suitableB. vital C. similarD. harmless

12.A. determining  B. planningC. exploringD. preparing

13.A. worthwhile  B. privateC. normalD. obvious

14.A. eventually  B. slightlyC. exactlyD. simply

15.A. healthB. relaxationC. sport D. thinking

16.A. picking out  B. finding out  C. wandering round D. passing by

17.A. hardlyB. undoubtedly  C. expectedly  D. possibly

18.A. narrowB. social C. differentD. common

19.A. problemsB. occasionsC. facts D. chances

20.A. for B. with C. beyondD. except


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于议论文,主要讨论了旅行是否真的能开阔视野。旅游能使你的思维开阔多少取决于你的旅行方式,也同样取决于你去哪儿。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 考点:考查议论文阅读

It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly ______ my friend.

A. turn out            B. bring out

C. call out           D. pick out



A ______ has been launched (发起) by the netzens on the Net to ______ unhealthy information which does harm to young students.

A. struggle; rid of

B. campaign; get rid of 

C. battle; rid of

D. fight; get rid of



—I’m green at everything.

—Don’t worry. ______ you get older,you will get more experience.

A. As          B. Till          C. Unless      D. Since



No one in the department but Tom and I ______ that the director is going to resign.

A. have known            B. know

C. knows                  D. am to know



We shouldn’t complain about being poor, because many families are much ______ after the big earthquake.

A. better off              B. worse off

C. well off                 D. badly off



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