满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was a baby, I entertained you and...

When I was a baby, I entertained you and made you laugh. Whenever I was “bad”, you'd shake your finger at me and ask, “How could you?”--but then you'd give up, and roll me over for a belly scratch and I believed that life could not be any more perfect.

My housetraining was a long process, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. We went for long walks, runs in the park and car rides. We stopped for ice cream. I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day.

Gradually, you began spending more time at work and on your career, and more time searching for a human mate. Eventually, you fell in love. She, now your wife, is not a dog person, but I still welcomed her into our home. I was happy because you were happy. Then the human babies came along and I shared your excitement, I was fascinated by their pinkness, how they smelled, and I wanted to mother them too. Your wife was afraid I would bite them. But nevertheless, as they began to grow, I became their friend.

Now, you have a new job in another city and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets. You've made the right decision for your “family”, but there was a time when I was your only family.

I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the dog pound. It smelled of dogs and cats, of fear, of hopelessness. You filled out the paperwork and said, “I know you will find a good home for her.” They shrugged and gave you a pained look. The children were in tears as they waved me goodbye. And “How could you?” were the only three words that swept over my mind.

Is it better to live with hope or without hope? At first, whenever anyone passed my pen (围栏), I rushed to the front, hoping it was you, that you had changed your mind and that this was all a bad dream.

My beloved master, I will think of you and wait for you forever. I hope you receive more faithfulness from your family than you showed to me.

1.Who tells this story?

A. A child.B. A dog.C. A dog's owner.D. A dog trainer.

2.Why did the dog's owner take his dog to the pound?

A. He had a newborn baby.

B. His wife did not like the dog.

C. He thought the dog too troublesome.

D. He was moving into a new building.

3.Which is true about the dog when it lived at the pound?

A. It hoped to be adopted by another family.

B. It did not trust humans any more.

C. It continued to love its former owner.

D. It was excited about the pound.

4.What is the theme of the story?

A. Be faithful to those who love you.

B. Never expect too much.

C. Be positive about life.

D. Be ready for changes.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一只忠诚的狗,这只狗以第一人称的语气讲述了自己从小到大和主人的点点滴滴的故事,抒发了自己对原来主人的想念和对被抛弃的哀叹。 1. 细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句Your wife was afraid I would bite them.以及全文内容可推知,讲述这个故事的是一只非常忠诚的狗。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据Now, you have a new job in another city and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets.可知,主人要搬家,新家住的公寓不让养宠物,故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中My beloved master, I will think of you and wait for you forever.可知,它还是继续爱它的主人,故选C。 4. 主旨大意题。文章讲述了狗一直以来对主人的忠诚和爱,故事的主题应该是:对自己爱的人要忠诚,故选A。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。 【名师点睛】 做好细节理解题的几点建议: 细节理解题属直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的题。但高考所占的比例大,应特别引起注意。事实和细节题的命题特点是:对文章或某一段落中的一些特定细节或文章重要事实的理解,一般包括直接理解题和语义转化题。直接理解题能在原文直接找到答案,而语义转化题则需要将题目信息与原文信息加工或整理后才能得出结论。 做细节理解题具体方法与步骤如下: ①略读材料,大概了解原文,掌握中心或主旨; ②按文章的体裁,作者写作的组织模式及有关的信息词。如for example, first, second…等预测应该到何处寻找自己所需要的事实; ③将自己精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上。快速通篇跳读,全文扫视,找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。如第21小题根据Your wife was afraid I would bite them.以及全文内容可知讲述这个故事的是一只非常忠诚的狗。故选B. 22小题根据Now, you have a new job in another city and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets.可知主人要搬家,新家住的公寓不让养宠物,故选D.

I like black coffee so much that the stronger it is, ________.

A. I like it moreB. the more I like it

C. the more I likeD. I like it better



The little boy isn’t getting on well in math and worse still, he often fights with other students. With her son ________, she feels very ________.

A. disappointing; worrying

B. disappointed; worried

C. disappointing; worried

D. disappointed; worrying



Here ________! Where is Xiao Liu?

There ________.

A. comes the bus; is he

B. comes the bus; he is

C. the bus comes; is he

D. the bus comes; he is



It is five years _____his father worked here.

A. from     B. before     C. when      D. since



As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers ________ by her mother.

A. buyingB. being boughtC. were boughtD. bought



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