满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For as long as I can remember, I’ve alwa...

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted a personal motto. I wanted a saying that I could really try to live my life by. I mean all the humorous book and storybook heroes always have a personal principle they follow. Good manners! Courage! Keenness! But a part of me could never get myself to create my own motto because I never knew where to start and I never thought I could give one.

“With great power comes great responsibility.” is a quote by the great writer and philosopher, Voltaire. More familiar, it makes an appearance in the modern day movie performance of the superhero Spider-Man. This saying provides a sense of responsibility for those with actually limitless power.

“Be good to others and others will be good to you.” is another well-known proverb that has roots in almost all of the major religions. Although it is less practiced today than it is lectured, it is a powerful and good motto to live by. Kindness, in this sense, is the final power in judging every action.

My personal motto today has an idea – being efficient. Through my limited knowledge, I have come to find that this is simply the best way for me to give insight about who I am and what I believe in.

Efficiency is a quality that everyone desires for, right? Who doesn’t want to be able to not only work fast but to achieve great results? To some, it may appear to be a frightening journey. But to me, it means that I have a lifelong journey to improve the methods and ideas with which I come near my tasks.

Regardless of what motto you want to live by, I believe that everyone should have one, or two or more. These are all symbols of a perfect story of us, in our own view. And it immediately provides insight to the type of person we were, we are and what we strive to be. We are never meant to be perfect, but it is important to try and live by a belief that will help us reach our potential. All you have to do is know what your excitement is and live by it.

1. Why does the writer want a personal motto?

A. He can follow a belief to live his life.

B. He can behave like the heroes in storybooks.

C. He can have the courage to be enthusiastic.

D. He can know where to create his own motto.

2. In the eyes of the writer, Spider-Man mainly lives by _______.

A. power

B. kindness

C. religion

D. responsibility

3.What can we infer from the writer’s personal motto?

A. He desires for great results of his tasks.

B. He will spend a lifelong time on traveling.

C. He expects to work well without wasting time.

D. He will never find a journey discouraging.

4. The last paragraph implies that a motto _________.

A. helps you know your potential

B. can tell us who we really are

C. reflects what your passion is

D. will prove you to be perfect


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:我们每个人都要有自己的座右铭,一个座右铭可以告诉我们,我们真的是谁。 1.A细节理解题。根据第一段第二句I wanted a saying that I could really try to live my life by. 他可以遵循一种信仰来过自己的生活。故选A。 2.D细节理解题。根据第二段“With great power comes great responsibility.” is a quote by the great writer and philosopher, Voltaire. More familiar, it makes an appearance in the modern day movie performance of the superhero Spider-Man. This saying provides a sense of responsibility for those with actually limitless power.可知“强大的力量带来巨大责任”是蜘蛛侠的座右铭。故选D。 3.C推理判断题。根据第四段My personal motto today has an idea – being efficient. Through my limited knowledge, I have come to find that this is simply the best way for me to give insight about who I am and what I believe in. 他希望能很好地工作,不浪费时间。故选C。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中it immediately provides insight to the type of person we were, we are and what we strive to be. 可知一个座右铭可以告诉我们,我们真的是谁。故选B。 【学法指导】 抓住特定信息进行逆向或正向推理 做此类试题要善于抓住某一段话中的关键信息,即某些关键词或短语去分析、推理、判断,利用逆向思维或正面推理,从而推断出这句话所隐含的深层含义。5. personal motto today has an idea – being efficient. Through my limited knowledge, I have come to find that this is simply the best way for me to give insight about who I am and what I believe in. 他希望能很好地工作,不浪费时间。故选C。efficient有效的,是关键词。 考点:考查人生感悟类阅读


Volunteers Wanted

Our annual English Festival, which will be held on June 15-17, 2015, is now looking for 20 student volunteers to provide service for Talent Show, Speech Contest, and English Debate. If you are interested, please send an application email at your earliest convenience to Ms. Chen at www. chenlaoshi@163.com.

要点:1. 陈述应征目的;

2. 说明应征条件(性格、能力等)。

注意: 1. 字数100词左右

2. 可根据情况增加细节,使行文连贯

Dear Ms. Chen,

    I’m Li Hua, a student from Grade 3. ___________________________________________________


    Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

                                                                                Li Hua









China launched out two astronauts into space on Monday. Their launch marks the begin of China's longest human space flight yet.

A carrier rocket sent the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft with astronaut Chen Dong and Jing Haipeng into space. The rocket was firing from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi desert. Chen is 37 years old. This is their first time in space. But Jing had done this before — it is his third space flight. He will turn 50 years old while orbits the Earth. “Their trip is a good start” —that is why Morris Jones told VOA. Jones is independent space expert from Australian.




This is a true story which happened in the States.   1. man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his three-year-old son was   2. (happy) hammering dents(凹痕) into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy's hands into pulp(果浆汁) as   3. (punish). When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital.

Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to cut the fingers from both the boy's hands. When the boy   4. (wake) up from the operation and saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, “Daddy, I'm sorry about your truck,   5.   when are my fingers going to grow back?”

The father went home and committed suicide.

Think about this story the next time someone steps on your   6.   (foot) or you wish to take revenge(报复). Think first   7.  you lose your patience with someone you love. Trucks can be repaired, but   8.  (break) bones and hurt feelings often can't. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is   9. (great) than revenge.

People make mistakes. We   10.  (allow) to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will impress us forever.




My brother, Mark, died in a traffic accident four years ago. He was my big brother and   looked after me. I am   today for all of the special times we had as running partners, and times driving to different races, where we had so many   about life in general. I    these talks terribly at this time of the year.

      , I am so happy he shared with me the   of his faith. He was always so    to people, and I had been with him many times    we pulled over to help someone in need,     a smile and helping them get back on the road. So I was not     when he told me of the time when he was   in college. It was the end of the month. To make matters worse, it was Friday and he had no      in his pocket for the weekend. Pay day was Monday and he had no gas money to get home to      my dad and no money to buy food but he had faith that helping others helping yourself.

On his way home from classes that day, as he was driving along, he noticed a guy ahead of him      his lumber (木材) all over the road as he turned the corner. Mark     right over and helped him load the lumber back into his truck. The guy was so thankful and     his hand to Mark, and in it was one hundred dollars. Mark couldnt believe his     . He told him that was unnecessary but the man    and off he drove.

  I still think of Mark sitting there telling me that story, with tears in his eyes, and how faithful he was.

1.A. sometimes  B. never     C. always          D. hardly

2.A. successful  B. hopeful   C. cheerful    D. thankful

3.A. spared      B. spent     C. wasted    D. saved

4.A. questions   B. arguments    C. differences   D. conversations

5.A. remember  B. keep     C. miss     D. fear

6.A. So      B. However          C. Then      D. If

7.A. story    B. record    C. belief     D. secret

8. A. grateful     B. careful    C. helpful       D. powerful

9.A. because   B. while    C. when    D. until

10.A. sharing  B. understanding   C. recognizing     D. forcing

11.A. pleased   B. worried   C. surprised    D. excited

12. A. never    B. yet          C. even    D. still

13.A. food      B. money    C. paper     D. key

14. A. attend     B. see     C. change    D. persuade

15.A. follows   B. agrees    C. means    D. explains

16.A. carry   B. arrange    C. place     D. lose

17.A. pulled   B. pushed    C. moved    D. walked

18.A. held    B. offered        C. raised    D. shook

19.A. ears   B. mind    C. eyes     D. feeling

20.A. complained    B. apologized   C. regretted    D. insisted




How do actors and actresses memorize hundreds of lines? Memorizing lines takes practice and constant repetition. However, there are a few ways to make the memorization process run smoothly and quickly.


For most performers, there is no quicker way of memorizing lines. To learn lines, an actor must recite the play loud over and over again. Most rehearsals(彩排) encourage this by running through the lines or having a "read through". By the time opening night arrives, most actors have spoken their lines hundreds of times.

Listen to your cast members.

Sometimes inexperienced actors spend rehearsals looking at fellow performers, waiting patiently to say their next line.    2.   This will help the actor learn his lines better because the context of the dialogue is absorbed.


Because there is often not enough rehearsal time, many performers find ways to listen to the play’s dialogue during everyday activities. They use a tape recorder or an MP3 player to listen to the lines from each relevant scene. Some actors prefer to record the lines of all the characters, including their own.    4.  Others like recording the lines of fellow cast members, and they leave a blank space so that they can insert their dialogue while listening to the recording.

Think positively and don’t panic.

Most actors will experience stage fright before the opening night. Actors forget lines now and then. When it happens, however, most of the time the audience never notice. If you forget a line in the middle of your performance, don’t freeze. Stay in character. Keep the scene going to the best of your ability. If unfortunately you forget a line once, you will probably never forget that line ever again.   5.

A. Record your lines.

B. Practice makes perfect.

C. Read lines loud and repeat them.

D. Read lines loud and remember them in a short time.

E. Sometimes embarrassment is the toughest method of memorization.

F. Then, they not only listen carefully, but they also speak all of the lines.

G. Instead, they should be listening carefully, responding in character at all times.



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