满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假定你是红星中学将要毕业的高三学生李华,想去香港大学(Hong Kong Uni...

假定你是红星中学将要毕业的高三学生李华,想去香港大学(Hong Kong University)学习,因此你打算给该校写一封电子邮件,就一些相关事宜进行咨询。

1.你对环境科学(Environmental Science)很感兴趣,如何才能够被该学校录取;



注意:参考词汇:奖学金scholarship          食宿accommodation




Dear Sir or Madam,












I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

                                                    Yours sincerely,

Li Hua 


One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam, I’m Li Hua, a Senior Grade Three student from Hongxing High School. Soon I will graduate and I plan to study in your university so I’m writing to ask for some information. I am interested in Environmental Science, which is especially famous in your university. As far as we know, the environmental protection is becoming increasingly important all round the world. I really want to do something in this field so I wonder how I can be admitted into your university. Is it necessary for me to take an English test? How much will I have to pay for my education in your university? How can I apply for the scholarship? What I am concerned about is whether you can arrange accommodation for mainland students. What about the usual living costs in your university? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达属于提纲作文,内容是你是红星中学将要毕业的高三学生李华,想去香港大学(Hong Kong University)学习,因此你打算给该校写一封电子邮件,就一些相关事宜进行咨询。 写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确要点就是主要内容。2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时为主。4.注意书信格式。 【亮点说明】本文层次分明,结构紧凑,语言连贯。同时使用了多种句式和结构,如定语从句I am interested in Environmental Science, which is especially famous in your university.宾语从句 I really want to do something in this field so I wonder how I can be admitted into your university.主语从句What I am concerned about is whether you can arrange accommodation for mainland students.等。 考点:考查提纲作文。  







Keeping a diary in English is the effective way to improve our English writing ability.

First, it takes little time to finish a diary than other writings.By keeping English diaries, we can easy form the habit of thinking about in English.

Second, we can practice use English idioms and useful structures in our diary-writing.If we have difficulty finding suitable words or phrases to express our opinion, we can turn in English dictionaries or teacher for help.This is also a kind of learning.If we can keep on doing this, we would gradually learn how express ourselves in English freely.

In a word, it was of great benefit to keep diaries in English.




Facebook CEO Zuckerberg just had a baby girl named Max, and to honor the occasion, he’s giving away the majority of his wealth.In the letter   1. (write) by Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, to   2. (they) new baby girl, he announced the birth of his first child and the 3.  (create) of the Chan Zuckerberg Fund,    4.  will focus on curing disease, connecting people and   5. (build) strong communities.

“For your generation to live in   6. better world, there is so much more our generation can do,” Zuckerberg wrote.“Today your mother and I are committing to spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges.” The couple   7. (donate) nearly all of their Facebook stock to the cause.“We will give 99% of our Facebook shares currently about $45 billion to advance this    8. (value) mission,” he wrote.“We know this is a small contribution compared 9.  all the resources and talents already working on these issues.But we want to do   10.  we can, working along with many others.




I work as a volunteer for an organization that helps the poor in Haiti.Recently I took my son Barrett there for a week, hoping to     him.

Before setting out, I told Barrett this trip would be tiring and  .For the first two days, he said almost nothing.I worried the trip was too     for a 17-year-old.Then, on day three, as we were     over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and grinned(咧嘴笑),“Pretty hard.”

After that there was no turning back.A five-year-old girl, wearing a dress several sizes     large and broken shoes, followed Barrett around, mesmerized(着迷).He couldn’t stop   .Later he said   , “I wish I could speak French.” I was   this from a boy who hated and    French classes throughout school.

Usually silent, he     Gaby, our host, and kept asking questions about the country and its people.He blossomed(活泼起来).

    , the moment that really took   breath away occurred in a village deep in the mountains.I was   a woman villager for an article.135 centimeters tall, she was small in figure but strong in   .Through determination, she had learned to read and write, and   to become part of the leadership of the  

Learning her story, Barrett was as   as I by this tiny woman’s achievements.His eyes were wet and there was a    of love and respect on his face.He had finally understood the importance of my work.

When leaving for home, Barrett even offered to stay as a volunteer.My insides suddenly felt struck.This achieved all I’d expected.Soon he will celebrate his 18th birthday.He’ll be a man.

1.A.comfort   B.please   C.attract       D.educate

2.A.rough         B.dangerous   C.troublesome      D.violent

3.A.little           B.much    C.fast             D.slow

4.A.moving         B.running   C.climbing         D.looking

5.A.too            B.very    C.even            D.so

6.A.joking           B.crying         C.shouting         D.smiling

7.A.patiently        B.regretfully   C.lightly          D.cheerfully

8.A.ashamed        B.disappointed    C.determined       D.surprised

9.A.took up        B.went in for  C.fought against   D.called off

10.A.befriended       B.disregarded  C.avoided         D.recognized

11.A.Thus          B.Even    C.Meanwhile     D.However

12.A.our            B.his            C.my            D.her

13.A.asking          B.interviewing  C.arranging        D.describing

14.A.brain          B.wish    C.will            D.health

15.A.appeared         B.struggled       C.hesitated        D.failed

16.A.village         B.city           C.organization     D.state

17.A.pleased         B.bored          C.touched        D.puzzled

18.A.combination    B.composition    C.connection      D.satisfaction

19.A.in             B.behind         C.out            D.away

20.A.interview   B.flight    C.article   D.trip




Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance.But in fact, a lot of guys spend plenty of time in front of the mirror.They care just as much as girls do about their body image.

Body image is a person’s opinions and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.  1. You appreciate your body for its capabilities and accept its imperfections.

  2.  Here are some ideas.

Recognize your strengths.Different body types are good for different things.What does your body do well? Maybe your speed, strength, or coordination(协调) makes you better than others at a certain sport.That may be basketball, table tennis, mountain biking, dancing or even running.Or perhaps you have non-sports skills, like drawing, painting, singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or acting. 3. 

Exercise regularly.Exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself.Good figures don’t just happen.   4. A healthy habit can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to 1 hour three days a week.Working out can also lift your spirits.

Respect your body.Practicing good habits-regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin; wearing clean clothes, and so on-can help you build a positive body image.

5.  Your body is just one part of who you are.Your talent for comedy, a quick wit, and all the other things make you unique.So try not to let small imperfections take over.

A.Be yourself.

B.Just explore talents that you feel good about.

C.What can you do to develop a positive body image? 

D.Use this as an opportunity to discover what you are good at.

E.They take hard work, regular workouts and a healthy diet.

F.The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.

G.Having a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look.



In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh(法老)treated the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace, if he brought good news.However, if the exhausted runner had the misfortune to bring the pharaoh unhappy news, his head was cut off.

Shades of that spirit spread over today’s conversations.Once a friend and I packed up some peanut butter and sandwiches for an outing.As we walked light-heartedly out the door, picnic basket in hand, a smiling neighbor looked up at the sky and said, “Oh boy, bad day for a picnic.The weatherman says it’s going to rain.” I wanted to strike him on the face with the peanut butter and sandwiches.Not for his stupid weather report, for his smile!

   Several months ago I was racing to catch a bus.As I breathlessly put my handful of cash across the Greyhound counter, the sales agent said with a broad smile, “Oh that bus left five minutes ago.” Dreams of head-cutting

  It’s not the news that makes someone angry.It’s the unsympathetic attitude with which it’s delivered.Everyone must give bad news from time to time, and winning professionals do it with the proper attitude.A doctor advising a patient that she needs an operation does it in a caring way.A boss informing an employee he didn’t get the job takes on a sympathetic tone.Big winners know, when delivering any bad news, they should share the feeling of the receiver.

Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this.When you’re tired from a long flight, has a hotel clerk cheerfully said that your room isn’t ready yet? When you had your heart set on the toast beef, has your waiter merrily told you that he just served the last piece? It makes you as traveler or diner want to land your fist right on their unsympathetic faces.

  Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warming. Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said, Oh, that’s all right.I’ll catch the next one.” Big winners, when they bear bad news ,deliver bombs with the emotion the bombarded(被轰炸的)person is sure to have.

1.In Paragraph 1,the writer tells the story of the pharaoh to ____.

A.make a comparison             B.introduce a topic

C.describe a scene               D.offer an argument

2.In the writer’s opinion, his neighbor was ___.

A.friendly               B.warm-hearted 

C.not considerate       D.not helpful

3.From “Dreams of head-cutting!” in Paragraph3, we learn that the writer___.

A.was mad at the sales agent

B.was reminded of the cruel pharaoh

C.wished that the sales agent would have had dreams

D.dreamed of cutting the sales agent’s head that night.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Delivering bad news properly is important in communication.

B.Helping others sincerely is the key to business success.

C.Receiving bad news requires great courage.

D.Learning ancient traditions can be useful.



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