满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你是李华,Jane 是美国人。在她暑假来中国游玩时你们相识,并成为好朋友。J...

假如你是李华Jane 是美国人。在她暑假来中国游玩时你们相识并成为好朋友。Jane回国后你很想念她于是给她写了一封信并且和她谈了你对高一新生活的感受。信头信尾均已给出;词数100左右。

Dear Jane,









Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


One possible version: Dear Jane, How’s everything going? I’m so glad to have met you and become friends with you. I miss you very much after you left China and thus I am writing this letter to tell you something about me. I entered senior high school in September. The school is very beautiful and I feel that the new life is very exciting and full of challenges. My teachers and classmates are all very kind. I have decided to try my best to learn a lot from them. Of course, I will also do more exercise to keep fit. Give my best regards to your parents and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达属于提纲作文,内容是给Jane写了一封信,并且和她谈了你对高一新生活的感受。写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确要点就是主要内容。2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时为主。4.注意书信格式。 【亮点说明】本文层次分明,结构紧凑,语言连贯。同时使用了多种句式和结构,如宾语从句The school is very beautiful and I feel that the new life is very exciting and full of challenges.等。 考点:考查提纲作文。  

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一篇作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





只允许修改10处,多者(从11 处起)不计分。

Dear Mary,

   I receive your E-mail just now. Dont worry about me. I’m getting on well with my research work in the lab. But to my greatly surprise you say you will give up learn English. The reason is because you have not done well in it recently and you have lost interests. I’m afraid I can’t agree to you. I know it is difficulty to learn English. English is widely used in the world today. It will be important tool in our future work. Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you study hard, you will be succeed. Do remember that where there is a will, there is a way. I’m looking forward to hearing good news from you.




As a stranger in Atlantic City, I often used to go walking outside. One afternoon, I found a little boy  1. (stand) alone, and he looked very lost. I tried to get his trust, so I   2.  (buy) him an ice-cream cone and decided to call the police to take him home. I told   3.  to stay there when I went to the phone booth(电话亭),   4.  after I returned, he was missing. A few minutes later,   5.  patrol car arrived. The policeman asked me    6.   the child was. I felt stupid;    7.  was embarrassing (难堪的) to say that I had lost a lost child. I told the policeman    8. had happened and gave him a   9.   (describe) of the boy. "What did you treat him with?" he asked. "An ice-cream cone. Why?" "That kid lives only a few blocks   10.   here, and you’re about the fifth stranger he’s conned (欺骗) for a treat!"




About five years ago my family moved to Iowa and I started going to a new school. I was a little ________, but I worried I would never ________ with the other eleventh graders. Lucy, a girl in my class was not ________ for the change. I thought she didn’t ________ me from the start. In fact, I was ________ that she hated me. When I asked her a ________, she answered me impatiently as if I was a total ________. My teacher made us ________ next to each other in the last semester. Lucy didn’t like that ________.I didn’t wear make-up (化妆), and I didn’t ________ those awesome (可怕的) jeans everyone else was wearing. I didn’t exactly ________ the coolest girl. However, I kept smiling at her, ________ she rolled her eyes at me (翻白眼). I kept telling her she looked ________, even if she was angry. ________, Lucy let me talk to her, even ________ her "cool" friends. She started ________ me how beautiful I looked. I still remember the first time when she ________ at me saying that, and I smiled right back, telling her a joke. Lucy ________ me to her house for parties, and talked to me all the time. Lucy, the girl who had ________ me, called me her best friend. I will never forget a ________ written by Abraham Lincoln: "Am I not destroying (消灭) my enemies when I make friends of them?"

1.A. surprisedB. nervousC. excitedD. sad

2.A. take upB. fit inC. get upD. wait for

3.A. readyB. quietC. thankfulD. blind

4.A. seeB. helpC. moveD. like

5.A. sureB. sorryC. afraidD. glad

6.A. reasonB. leaveC. questionD. favour

7.A. studentB. foolC. winnerD. stranger

8.A. talkB. walkC. standD. sit

9.A. ideaB. informationC. wayD. style

10.A. put onB. try onC. dressD. wear

11.A. look forB. look afterC. look atD. look like

12.A. becauseB. sinceC. thoughD. as

13.A. beautifulB. uglyC. fatD. young

14.A. HappilyB. CarefullyC. FinallyD. Helplessly

15.A. withB. in front ofC. atD. next to

16.A. tellingB. askingC. questioningD. watching

17.A. pointedB. shoutedC. smiledD. laughed

18.A. pushedB. beggedC. expectedD. invited

19.A. forgottenB. hatedC. beatenD. missed

20.A. letterB. warningC. bookD. sentence




Its important to prepare for rainy days. Similarly, its important to save money. __ 1.___ Why? Its because theyve got used to spending all the money they make. Sometimes, the hardest thing about saving money is just getting started. Here are some tips to help you save money.

  2.  The first step in saving money is to know how much youre spending. For one month, keep a record of everything you spend money on. Once you have your data, organize these numbers by category(类别) and get the total amount for each.

You can make a budget(预算). Now that you have a good idea of how much you spend in a month, what can you do now?    3.___ To plan your spending, you can build a budget. In this way, you can limit over-spending and make sure that you put money away for unexpected situations.

   4. Doing so make it much easier to get started. Begin by deciding how long it will take to reach each goal. Some short-term goals include starting a fund to cover 6 months to a year of living costs and saving money for a vacation. Long-term saving goals are often several years or even decades away and can include saving for retirement and putting money away for a childs college education.

Make saving money easier with automatic transfers (自动转帐). Automatic transfers to your savings account are very helpful.    5.  By moving money out of your checking account, youll be less likely to spend money you plan to use for savings.

A. You can set savings goals.

B. You can record your costs.

C. You can plan your spending.

D. You can keep a record of what you do.

E. They can make saving money much easier.

F. However, some people find it hard to save money.

G. You can move money out of your savings account.



A middle-aged man with a long beard was caught by the police for bad behavior and property damage. The man, Bill Wild, checked into a hotel last night, telling the clerk he would pay cash in advance and would be staying for four nights. He then asked her where the nearest store was and she told him it was John-Johns.

Wild went to the store and bought three gallons of honey and four gallons of chocolate syrup (糖浆). The cashier asked him why he wanted these things and he replied, "Im trying to become a sweeter person." The cashier smiled at the joke. Wild drove back to the hotel. He opened all bottles and poured them into the bathtub (浴缸). He added warm water to the mix. He tuned the radio to an opera music station, took off his clothes, jumped into the tub, and started singing loudly with the music.

Fifteen minutes later, the neighbor phoned the clerk complaining about the noise. The clerk knocked on Wild’s door, but he just kept singing. She phoned his room, but he didn’t answer. Then she called the police, who arrived quickly. They broke into the room. The floor was covered in water and the bathtub was full of chocolate and honey. "He seemed so nice and friendly. Who’d have thought he was a bathtub-singing nut?" said the clerk. The police said this was the third time that Wild had been arrested for this kind of behavior.

1.The man bought lots of honey and chocolate syrup to _______.

A. have a bath to make himself sweet

B. do some interesting tests

C. give people a surprise

D. make a sweet cake

2.What caused the clerk to call the police?

A. Wild bought honey and chocolate syrup.

B. Wild mixed the water with the things he bought.

C. Wild made too much noise and disturbed his neighbor.

D. Wild didn’t pay for the check.

3.We know from the passage that _________.

A. Wild didn’t pay for the honey and the chocolate syrup

B. the clerk didn’t know Wild had behaved like this before

C. Wild had been caught at least four times before

D. Wild walked to John-Johns to buy the honey



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