满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正(T)误(F)。 I began as a cal...


I began as a calculating machine in 1642 in France. In 1822 I was built as an analytical machine. Then in 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book and built a universal machine. As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller. There were times when my size totally changed. And my memory became so large that I couldn’t believe it. In the 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network. I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.

1.In 1642 I was made as a calculating machine in England.

2.I became an analytical machine in 1822.

3.Charles Babbage wrote a book and built a universal machine in 1936.

4.My size became smaller but my memory became so large.

5.I was connected by a network in the 1970s.


1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是计算机的发明历程; 1.F 考查细节理解题。根据I began as a calculating machine in 1642 in France可知是在法国,故是错误的; 2.T 考查细节题解题。根据In 1822 I was built as an analytical machine可知是正确的; 3.F 考查细节理解题。根据Then in 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book and built a universal machine.可知主语是Alan Turing,故是错误的; 4.T考查细节理解题 根据There were times when my size totally changed. And my memory became so large that I couldn’t believe it.可知体积越来越小而存储越来越大,故是正确的; 5.F考查细节理解题 根据In the 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network可知是在60年代与网络连接而不是70年代,故是错误的。 考点 :科普类阅读。


Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children, _____  students are young people. Why do all these people want to learn _____ ? It is not   _____ to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school. It is one of their _____ . Many people learn English because it is _____ in their work. Some young people learn English _____  their higher studies because some of their books are _____  English. Other people learn English because they want to _____ newspapers in English. Some people learn English because they want to _____ in the USA, England or Australia. English is very _____ in our life.

1.A. all          B. the other        C. both          D. other

2.A. English      B. Chinese           C. culture      D. language

3.A. hard         B. difficult         C. easy          D. good

4.A. books        B. tasks             C. interests    D. subjects

5.A. good         B. useful            C. colorful     D. useless

6.A. for          B. of              C. to            D. from

7.A. in           B. with            C. at            D. of

8.A. know         B. see             C. watch         D. read

9.A. go           B. work             C. like         D. come

10.A. helping     B. helped            C. helpful      D. helpless



Endangered animals may die _____.

A. out         B. down            C. off                D. of



My watch is broken. It _____.

A. is repairing        B. is being repaired

C. has been repaired   D. has repaired



_____ we all know, the Amber Room was missing.

A. As          B. It               C. Which            D. That



With _____ help of my teacher, I have made great progress.

A. the          B. a               C. an               D. /



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