满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Admission Reservations are not necessary...


Reservations are not necessary to visit The Huntington. Tickets may be purchased at the time of your visit.







Seniors ( age 65+ )



Students (age 12-18, or with full-time student I.D.)



Youth (age 5-11 )



Children (under 5)



Groups ( 15 or more )

$11 ( per person )

$14 ( per person )




Free Day

Admission to The Huntington is free to all visitors on the first Thursday of every month with advance tickets. Hours on Free Day are 10:30 a.m. 4:30 p. m. Please notice that Free Day tickets are not available at The Huntington, and can only be reserved by phone or online. You may not purchase regular admission tickets on Free Day.


Parking is free at The Huntington. And no parking reservations are necessary unless you are a school or tour group arriving by bus.

Bus Reservations for Groups

Groups arriving by bus must make reservations in advance by calling 626-405-2240. Please notice that all buses and tricks must use a specified (规定的) route for entering The Huntington from the north.

1.If next Saturday a 66-year-old man goes to the library with his three grandchildren, aged 4, 6, 14, how much should he pay?

A. $40           B. $35          C.$ 39          D. $44

2.To visit the library on free days, you_______.

A. must reserve a parking place

B. should reserve tickets in advance

C. have to buy admission tickets

D. get free tickets on arriving at the library

3.As for tour groups arriving at the library by bus, _______.

A. they have to pay for the parking space

B. they have to park their bus outside

C. they don’t need to make a reservation

D. they should call the library in advance


1.C 2.B 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍了The Huntington图书馆的收费、免费日、停车及团体的一些细节及注意事项。 1.C推理判断题。根据表中内容可知66岁老人周六票价是18美元,4岁孩子免费6岁孩子是8美元,14岁孩子13美元,总共是39美元,故选C. 2.B细节推理题。根据Free Day中的Please notice that Free Day tickets are not available at The Huntington, and can only be reserved by phone or online.可知这天的票要提前预定,故选B. 3.细节推理题。根据Bus Reservations for Groups中的Groups arriving by bus must make reservations in advance by calling 626-405-2240.可知团体要提前预约,故选D. 考点:考查广告类短文阅读。 【名师点睛】 在做阅读理解题过程中,应首先略读一下短文,了解一下短文的大致意思,然后把几个选项含义理解透,尤其注意意思相近,表达有交叉的选项之间的区别。然后再细读短文,把答案填入合适位置。答题时可以把含义相近的几个选项轮流填入同一处位置,反复阅读,反复体会,找出最佳选项,对于实在没有把握的小题可以最后完成。完成短文后,再认真通读一遍全文,看看上下语意是否通顺,是否符合逻辑关系。 另外,做题时要注意文章的首段和每一段的首句或尾句,因为它们往往就是文章的主题句。阅读中要注意要点之间的关系。



1.龙舟节,也叫端午节,是在中国的农历五月初五这一天庆祝。它是中国一个传统的节日.多数中国家庭都庆祝这个节日; 2. 端午节节日起源; 3.庆祝活动:赛龙舟、吃粽子等。

农历  calendar      粽子  rice dumpling

















People are not so honest that they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before ---- especial in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings. One Monday, there was fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, but it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought for a few small articles. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dressed in the shop and hand it to an assistant who wrapped it up for him as quickly as possible. Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out to the shop with paying. When she was arrested, the detective found that the shop assistant was her daughter. The girl ‘gave’ her mother the free dress once a week!





I’m   1.  only child of my parents, so they are worried   2.    everything I do. For example,    3.  I ride my bike, my parents won’t let me    4.   (ride) by myself. They are afraid I might fall off my bike and hurt 5.   . They are taking great trouble to support the bike, with my mother even   6.  (carry) a first-aid box. I’m not free to ride and I often say 7.  (angry), “why not let me ride alone?”

Now, most families have one child. Parents want to do everything for their children. This does no good 8. them. Too much love from parents may prevent children from9.  (be) independent. In my opinion, parents should let their children do__10.__they should do alone.





Each of us has goals for life. Some of these may be long-term (长期的) or_________ lifetime ones, and other dreams or wishes for more immediate satisfaction.

Just as you _________  great pleasure when you’re trying to  _________ short-term goals, there’s also power in having long-term and lifetime goals. Both _________ are valuable and serve each other. In order to be_________  in achieving a short- or long-term wish or goal, you must place your focus on the _________  result and train your mind on either a moment-to-moment, day-to-day, month-to-month, or year-to-year level.

For example, _________  a farmer is to plow (耕地) a straight line, he must keep his eye on a faraway point. If his attention is  _________ just a few feet in front of him, he will not plow straight. So, in order for his field to be plowed straight, he must _________ and focus on his long-term goal.

Focusing on a long-term goal can _________ the energy to get things done in the_________. For instance, when a runner sets a(n) _________to run a mile, he’ll _________ be tired when he _________  the one-mile mark. _________ if this same runner sets a goal to run ten miles, he probably won’t even be sweating (出汗) upon _________  this same one-mile mark. If this very same runner was to set a goal to run 26 miles and keep his mind on the completion of this long  _________ , not only wouldn’t he be sweating, but most likely he wouldn’t even be out of breath as he ran by the _________ mark.

Long-term goals, _________ , can’t be achieved without first achieving _________goals. We may have a goal to climb a ladder (梯子), but we have to take one step at a time in order to reach the top.

1.A. even                 B. just           C.also             D.rather

2.A. understand           B. experience     C. explain         D. welcome

3.A. set                  B. keep           C. prevent        D. achieve

4.A. terms                B. dreams         C. types           D. thoughts

5.A. successful           B. special      C. interested      D. different

6.A. important            B. certain        C. final          D. happy

7.A. if                   B. when           C. although        D.because

8.A. received             B. attracted      C. directed        D. paid

9.A. correct              B. forget         C. believe        D. know

10.A. choose             B. influence      C. report         D. provide

11.A. dark               B. present        C. end             D. future

12.A. date               B. story          C. goal            D. example

13.A. probably           B. personally     C. partly         D. quietly

14.A. remembers           B. reaches       C. discovers      D. records

15.A. And                B. But           C. So             D. Or

16.A. waiting for        B. searching for  C. preparing      D. passing

17.A. race               B. game          C. drive           D. flight

18.A. twenty-six-mile    B. thirteen-mile C. ten-mile        D. one-mile

19.A. however             B. besides       C. instead         D. therefore

20.A. lifetime            B. short-term     C. common          D. big




Everyone can’t live without money. ____1.__ However, money cannot buy everything. You can’t buy the following things only relying on money you have.


Money is a tool for trade. We spend most of our time on this earth getting, spending, worrying and fantasying about money. __2._ Instead, money takes away your time that could have been spent playing with your children or having a long walk with your friends. When the sun sets, a day goes away from our life forever. No money has power to bring that back to life.


There are a lot of examples to prove that no money can buy self-respect. __3.__ If you are your worst enemy, gods of money can’t save you from the self-destruction you add to yourself.


As I write this, I found out that one of my best friends has brain cancer, and it is in the last period. __4.__ But no money can buy insurance for his life. We buy insurance for just about everything including our life but money can never bring life back.


This is controversial(有争议的). Money can buy happiness if it is spent bringing greater financial safety for the family. __5._  Going after money every day can never find its destination with frequent eagerness to get more .

A. Show your respect for others.

B. Self-respect is got from within.

C. Money can buy a lot of things.

D. You can’t buy the time or save it in your storeroom.

E. Of course money can get him the best health care possible.

F. So you should not try your best to earn money without caring about your health.

G. But money can’t buy happiness if the purpose is to make money to make other people happy.



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