满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.The school rules that no child shall be allowed out of school during the day, unless _____(陪伴) by parents.

2.We want to make sure that our food supply is _____ _ (充裕)for all of us.

3.He worked all summer to save money for the________ (购买) of a piano.

4.By reading this book I am sure that you will ________(获得)a lot of information about Britain.

5.As the wages were low, few people ________(申请) for the job.

6.Some settlers were believed to have crossed the strait to America by ________(方式;手段)of a land bridge.

7.The idea ____________(打动;撞击) a mixture of fear and excitement into people’s hearts.

8.This movie is ________(改编) from one of Shakespeare’s works.

9.The fact that some cannot see the real person inside my body doesn’t make me _____________(烦恼;不悦)

10.Having retired from business, he now ________(忙于) himself with the welfare of the disabled.


1.accompanied 2.abundant 3.purchase 4.obtain/gain 5.applied 6.means 7.struck 8.adapted 9.annoyed 10.occupies 【解析】 试题分析: 1.accompanied.考查过去分词。句意:学校规定白天学生不允许出学校除非由父母陪伴。“陪伴”是accompany此处是过去分词表被动,故填accompanied. 2.abundant.考查形容词。句意:我们想确保我们的食物供应是充裕的。此处是形容词做表语,“充裕的”是abundant. 3.purchase.考查名词。句意:他整个夏天努力工作攒钱买钢琴。此处由the限制用名词“购买”purchase. 4.obtain/gain考查动词。句意:通过读这本书我确信你会获得许多关于英国的信息。此处填动词“获得”obtain/gain. 5.applied.考查动词。句意:因为工资低,几乎没有人申请这个工作。“申请”是apply for根据were此处用过去时,故填applied. 6.means考查名词。句意:许多移民认为通过大陆桥的方式就能越过海峡去美国。by means of“用,依靠”是固定短语,故填means. 7.struck.考查动词。句意:这个想法像害怕和兴奋的混合物撞击着人们的心。“打动;撞击”是动词strike此处用过去式。故填struck. 8.adapted.考查动词。句意:这部电影是根据莎士比亚作品改编的。“改编”是adapt,此处是被动语态,故填过去分词adapted. 9.annoyed.考查形容词。句意:那些不能透过我表面残疾身体,看到内里我也是一个真实的人,并不能使我烦恼。此处表示“烦恼的,不悦的”,故填annoyed. 10.occupies.考查动词。句意:他退休后就忙于残疾人的福利。表示“忙于”根据主语用第三人称单数,故填occupies. 【名师点拨】 “单词拼写”是英语学习的基础,只有积累了一定量的词汇、准确判断词性及其用法,才能正确地组词成句,为语法学习打下坚实的基础。单词拼写要注意根据释义以及其在句中所作的成分来判断词性,如72、73、79小题等;注意单复数的变化,如76小题;要考虑整个句子的时态来确定单词的最终形式,如71、75、77、78、80等。


British people are working to an older age. 1.      number of working 70-74-year-olds has doubled in recent years. Around 10% of people in 2.      (they) early 70s now work. This is the 3.      (high) figure on record. An important reason4.    the British work in their old age is that retirement pensions are becoming more difficult to live on. 5.___________(consequence) many older people have to work in order to survive.

Britain6._______ (see) great changes in the labor market during the last decade, 7. _______far more people working beyond their retirement age. While there are plenty who enjoy remaining in work, many need to earn extra cash because they can not afford8._______(retire) early. Older people need decent(体面地) jobs and pensions so that they can make a proper 9.       (choose) about whether they remain in work. Now they are deciding on a career change later in life and are starting up their own businesses, 10.      (devote) to something they may have dreamed of doing for years.





My friend Monty Roberts told me a story about a young boy. One day at school, the boy was asked to write a paper _________ what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.

That night he wrote a seven paper _________ his dream of owning a farm. He put a great deal of his  _________ into the paper and the next day he handed it in to his _________. Two days later he received his paper back. On the_________ page was a large red F with a _________ that read, “See me after class.” The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, _________ did I receive an F?” The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like _________ . Owning a farm requires a lot of money. There’s no _________ a young man could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, _________ you rewrite this paper, I will reconsider your _________ .”

The boy went home and _________ about it long and hard. Finally, after a week, he turned in the _________paper, making no changes.

Monty then said, “I tell you this story because you are sitting in my farm. I _________ have that school paper over fireplace.” He added, “The   _________ part of the story is that two summers ago the same schoolteacher _________ 30 kids to camp out on my farm. When the teacher was _________ , he said, ‘Look Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream_________ . During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams. _________ you had enough courage not to _________yours.”

Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what…

1.A. in          B. at        C. for           D. about

2.A. giving     B. taking   C. describing     D. making

3.A. opinion     B. thought   C. soul           D. heart

4.A. classmate   B. teacher  C. father         D. writer

5.A. front      B. middle    C. back           D. last

6.A. word        B. note      C. paper          D. letter

7.A. What        B. Where     C. Why           D. How

8.A. you         B. me        C. him            D. them

9.A. road        B. way       C. opinion        D. idea

10.A. Now        B. Although C. Since          D. If

11.A. work       B. idea      C. grade          D. advice

12.A. thought  B. wrote     C. spoke          D. read

13.A. new        B. same      C. different      D. second

14.A. never      B. again     C. even          D. still

15.A. first      B. biggest  C. best          D. most

16.A. brought   B. took     C. carried        D. found

17.A. arriving   B. leaving   C. moving         D. reaching

18.A. stealer    B. maker     C. lover          D. leader

19.A. Unluckily  B. Generally C. Finally       D. Fortunately

20.A. take up    B. make up   C. give up       D. break up




A student's life is never easy. 1. __  A lot of preparations are needed so you can be sure to go back home with a diploma and a bright future waiting for you. The following are some basic things you need to do before even seizing that passport and boarding on the plane.

Knowing the country.

You shouldn't bother researching the country's hottest tourist spots or historical places. You won't go there as a tourist, but as a student. It'll be helpful to read the most important points in their history and to read up on their culture. 2.   You surely don't want to face legal problems, especially if you're away from home.

Studying their language.

Don't expect that you can graduate abroad without knowing even the basics of the language. Before leaving your home country, take online lessons to at least master some of their words and sentences. 3._____        Doing this will also prepare you in communicating with those who can't speak English.


Check the conversion(兑换)of your money to their local currency, set up your bank account so you can use it there, get an insurance, and find an apartment. The Internet or your intended school will be very helpful in finding an apartment and helping you understand local currency.

Remember, you're not only carrying your own reputation but your country's reputation as well. If you act foolishly, people there might think that all of your country men are foolish as well. 5.     

A. Packing your clothes.

B. Preparing for other needs.

C. Most importantly, read about their laws.

D. This will be useful in living and studying there.

E. That would surely be a very bad start for your study abroad program.

F. Going with their trends will keep it from being too obvious that you're a foreigner.

G. And it is even more difficult if you will have to complete your study in a foreign land.



High school plays a major role in shaping up your future and your whole development. extracurricular

(课外的) activities along with the studies can be very helpful. Make yourself take part in various activities and at the same time try to stand out in your studies. When you move out to college these efforts that you put in may count for a lot.

High school is not just about books or classes. Schools always provide opportunities for students to socialize (社交). There are various group tasks designed which allow the students to learn to work together.

High school is the right time for you to discover yourself and bring out some of your hidden talents. In your lessons, you may find that you are better at English than you were earlier or have grown an interest for Math. High school also provides many other opportunities for students to take part in. These help develop leadership skills and management skills at an early age, which in turn is a way of preparing students to manage and plan their careers (事业) better.

Balancing all activities is an experience in time management. If you have taken up a part-time job along with your high school you would have to arrange your time for studies, and extracurricular activities. Such management can go a long way in teaching you to manage things better when you take up a job. Moreover, they help build your character. You would be better prepared for additional stress that you may feel sometimes.

When at high school you should pick up your classes wisely. Depending upon what you like and your career plan you should choose suitable classes. Doing something that you hardly like may get you very low grades as well as lose valuable time. Take up interesting and challenging classes that would allow you to put in those extra efforts.

1.What does the author advise us to do at high school?

A. To devote all of our time to learning our lessons.

B. To try to get full marks in the final examinations.

C. To learn our lessons well and socialize frequently.

D. To make good friends as many as possible.

2.The author considers high school the time for us to        .

A. take up more part-time jobs.

B. develop our qualities that exist

C. plan our careers better

D. take up more sports outdoors

3.What is the author's attitude towards a part-time job at high school?

A. Supportive.   B. Negative.   C. Active.      D. Doubtful.

4.At high school we ought to choose courses that      .

A. have a good future   B. we know little about

C. we are good at       D. we take interest in



In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited. About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way. Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed. No one had told them about the British custom of lining up for a bus that the first person who arrives at the bus stop is the first person to get on the bus.

Learning the language of a country isn't enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he doesn't agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head means agreement. Nodding your head when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty .

In that country, you shake your head to mean 'yes'— a nod means 'no'. At a meal in countries on the Arabic Peninsula, you will find that your glass is repeated refilled as soon as you drink up. If you think that you have had enough, you should take the cup or glasses in your hand and give it a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top.

In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs when you are sitting talking to someone even at an important meeting. Doing this in Thailand, however, could bring about trouble. Also, you should try to avoid touching the head of an adult ——it's just not done in Thailand.

1.The British people tried to push the three gentlemen out of the way, because the gentlemen _______.

A. were foreigners                   B. didn't have tickets

C. made a loud noise                 D. didn't line up for the bus

2.According to the article, if you want to have a pleasant journey in a foreign country, you should _________.

A. learn the language of the country

B. understand the manners and customs of the country

C. have enough time and money

D. make friends with the people there

3.In India it is considered impolite ___________.

A. to use the right hand for passing food at table.

B. to pass food with the left hand.

C. to eat food with your hands.

D. to help yourself at table.

4.To cross one's legs at an important meeting in Europe is _______.

A. a common habit        B. an important manner

C. a serious trouble     D. a bad manner



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