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短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。...



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(﹨)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


My father go fishing alone every Sunday. This morning when we were got up, it was fine. Father decided to go fishing, so mother stopped him, said that it was going to rain according to the weather forecast. She asked him to put off his raincoat, but he did not take her advices. When he got to the river, it was cloud. Soon the rain began to fall heavily and he was caught in it. After she got home, he was wet through. “Did you catch some fish?” asked my mother. “No, but I caught bad cold,” he answered.


1.go 改goes 2.去掉were 3.so 改but 4.said 改成saying或前加 and 5.off 改成 on 6.advices 改advice 7. cloud 改cloudy 8.she 改 he 9.some 改成 any 10.bad 前加 a 【解析】 1.go 改goes 考查动词的时态。一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词go 要改goes 2.去掉were 考查动词。起床是实意动词,没有被动语态,去掉它前面的were 3.so 改but 考查连词 根据上下文可知此处应是转折,因此so 改but 4.said 改成saying或前加 and 考查动词短语。stop sb doing 阻止某人做某事,因此said 改成saying或said前加 and表示和动词stopped并列 5.off 改成 on 考查固定短语。雨衣当然要穿上,因此off 改成 on 6.advices 改advice 考查名词 advice是不可数名词,advices 改advice 7. cloud 改cloudy 考查形容词。阴天用cloudy, 因此cloud 改cloudy 8.she 改 he 考查代词 有上下文可知是父亲回到家,因此she 改 he 9.some 改成 any 考查形容词。疑问句中用any表示一些,因此some 改成 any 10.bad 前加 a 考查固定短语。catch a cold,感冒,因此bad 前加 a 考点:短文改错。


Robert is fourteen   1. (year) old and in the ninth grade at a middle school near his home. Life is hard for his family. His father,   2. was once a doctor, is now ill in bed. Every morning, after finishing delivering (递送) the newspapers, he 3. (hurry) to school. The school begins   4.  8 o’clock every morning. He   5.  (usual) earns about 80 dollars a month and   6. (much) during his holidays. He wants to buy a new bike, but he has to spend some of the money 7.  ( buy) books and clothes for himself, and he has to spend some of his money on food for his family. He saves the rest  8.__ (pay) for his college fees. He   9.  (do) hope to go to college after he graduates from middle school and find a good job   10.  he graduates from college. He hopes to earn much more money to support his poor family in the future.




When Pat Jones finished college, she decided to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could _________  she was young. Pat wanted to visit Latin America _________  , so she got a job __________  an English teacher in a school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish,   _________ she was able to communicate with her students even when they didn’t _________ much English.

A sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream _________ a foreign language, you have really mastered (掌握) it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and _________ that some day she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in _________ .

One day, one of her   _________ students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He had _________ early and had slept _________  .

“What does this have to do with your _________  ?”Pat asked.

“I dreamed all night, Miss Jones. And my dream was in English.”

“In English?” Pat was very   _________ , since he was such a bad student. She was _________ secretly jealous (嫉妒的). Her   _________ was still not in Spanish. But she encouraged (鼓励) her young student. “Well, _________  me about your dream.”

“All the people in the dream _________ English.” the student said. “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”

“But that’s _________  ,” said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?”

“I’m sorry, Miss Jones. That’s _________ I slept so badly. I didn’t _________ a word they said. It was a nightmare (噩梦)!”

1.A. because    B. while      C. if        D. since

2.A. first     B. at first    C. last      D. at last

3.A. for        B. of         C. as       D. like

4.A. and        B. but         C. so       D. yet

5.A. say        B. know        C. read     D. write

6.A. in         B. about       C. of        D. for

7.A. thought    B. realized  C. hoped    D. wanted

8.A. English    B. Spanish     C. Russian   D. German

9.A. bright     B. excellent   C. best      D. worst

10.A. got up    B. gone to bed C. fallen asleep D. woken up

11.A. well     B. soundly    C. badly     D. heavily

12.A. English  B. language  C. dream    D. homework

13.A. surprised B. worried    C. pleased   D. excited

14.A. yet       B. seldom     C. also      D. still

15.A. study    B. class      C. word      D. dream

16.A. answer    B. write       C. tell      D. ask

17.A. read     B. liked       C. spoke     D. learned

18.A. wonderful B. terrible   C. funny     D. strange

19.A. how       B. why         C. when     D. because

20.A. hear    B. understand  C. know      D. remember




It is said that there are about 40,000 different kinds of jobs in the world.   1.

“Finding a job” is not the same as “choosing a job”. Many young people end up in a job which they are not suitable for.   2.   Here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing after school or university.

First, it is important to realize what kind of person you are, which special qualities make you different from everyone else and what you are interested in. 3.  If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse instead of a big dog, that is a skill.

Then ask yourself this question: in the following three areas skills with people, skills with information and skills with things which are your best skills?

After examining your skills, the next step is research. To find out as many different kinds of jobs as possible, go to the library and read books, magazines and newspapers.    4.

Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking!   5.

A. It is your own life, so find something that you enjoy doing.

B. Choosing the right one itself is a difficult job.

C. We must know what our ideal jobs are.

D. There is a difference between an interest and a skill.

E. Ask your friends about the work they do.

F. “Chance” may play a more important part than “decision”.

G. Your parents may also give you some useful advice.



Today just as technology changed the face of industry, farms have experienced an “agricultural revolution”. On the farm of today, machines provide almost all the power.

One of the most important benefits will be the farm computer. A few forward-looking farmers are already using computers to help them run their farms more efficiently. The computers help them keep more accurate(精确的) records so they can make better decisions on what crops to plant, how much livestock (家畜) to buy, when to sell their products, and how much profit they can expect. Many computer companies have been developing special computer programs just for farmers. Programs are being written for pig producers, grain farmers, potato farmers, and dairy farmers. In the future, farmers will be able to purchase computer programs made to their needs. Because of the growing importance of computers on the farm, students at agricultural colleges are required to take computer classes in addition to their normal agricultural courses. There can be no doubt that farmers will rely on computers even more in the future. While the old-time farm depended on horse power, and modern farms depend on machine power, farms of the future will depend on computer power.

Another technological advance which is still in the experimental stage is the robot, a real “mechanized hired hand” that will be able to move and, in some ways, think like a human being. Agricultural engineers believe that computer-aided robots will make shocking changes in farming before the end of the century. Unlike farmers of the present, farmers of the future will find that many day-to-day tasks will be done for them. Scientists are now developing robots that will be able to shear (修剪) sheep, drive tractors, and harvest fruit. Even complex jobs will be done by robots. For example, in order to milk their cows, farmers must first drive them into the barn, then connect them to the milking machines, watch the machines, and disconnect them when they are finished. In the future, this will all be done by robots. In addition, when the milking is completed, the robots will automatically check to make sure that the milk is pure. The complete change of the farm is far in the future, but engineers expect that some robots will be used before long.

1.According to the passage, computers can not help farmers decide _______.

A. how much money they can earn from their products

B. whether to plant a certain kind of crop

C. what livestock to raise

D. when to sell their products

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Farmers in the future will depend totally on computers.

B. Farmers mainly use machines on their farms at present.

C. Both computers and robots have been in use on today’s farms.

D. Students at agricultural colleges needn’t take their normal agricultural courses.

3.What is the best title for the whole passage?

A. Computer, Farmers’ Best Friend

B. Farmers in The Future

C. The Agricultural Revolution

D. Computers and Robots



Dear Sir,

I have to travel every day from Souk Road to the airport. Two buses travel along their route: the number 49 and number 16. But by the time the number 16 bus reaches Souk Road it is always full, so I can’t get on it. I have to wait for the number 49, because sometimes there are empty seats on it.

The timetable says that there are buses from Souk Road to the airport every ten minutes. If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?

The regulations (规章) say that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting. Why do the half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?

The regulations say that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport. I counted the other passengers as they got off. There were 129 of them.

It is clear that our bus companies break the regulations and think little of their passengers. Can nothing be done to make your service better?


Tired passenger

1.The writer has to take Bus No. 49 because______.

A. it arrives on time

B. it travels faster

C. it is not always full

D. it has fewer seats on it

2.The regulations say that each bus may carry ______ passengers at most.

A. 20             B. 40            C. 60             D. 129

3. From the passage we can infer that the writer of the letter is probably ______.

A. a bus driver

B. an airport worker

C. a very tired traveler

D. an English teacher

4.What kind of letter is this passage?

A. It’s a letter of thanks

B. It’s a letter of complaint (投诉)

C. It’s a letter of introduction

D. It’s a letter of apology



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