满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mr. Baker lived in an old and low house....

Mr. Baker lived in an old and low house. His wife was blind in both eyes and the two children were very young. All his family often went hungry(挨饿). He had nothing but a small piece of field. One autumn he grew some wheat in his field. He hoped it would do well because all family would depend on it. The whole winter it often snowed. And the next spring the wheat was doing well. Mr. Baker was happy. One day Mr. Baker went to watch his wheat. To his surprise, a lot of crops were eaten up by a horse. He became angry but could not find out whose horse had eaten them. He thought the horse would go there again. So he decided to stay in his field and tried to catch the horse.

A few days later a yellow horse came in his field again and began to eat the wheat. Mr. Baker ran after it quickly, with a stick in his hand. But the beast ran much faster than he. He tried his best, but could not catch up with it. The next morning, when Mr. Baker was working in his field, he saw the yellow horse pulling carriage on the road. He picked up a stick at once, ran closer to the horse and began to beat it up.

The driver was surprised and stopped him. He asked, “Why are you beating my horse?”

“It has nothing to do with you,” Mr. Baker said angrily. “The beast knows why I’m beating him!”

1.What was Mr. Baker?

A. A farmer           B. A doctor

C. A keeper           D. A driver

2.Why was Mr. Baker happy at first?

A. Because he found out the beast that ate up his wheat.

B. Because he would soon get a good harvest.

C. Because wheat was doing well.

D. Because his family would not grow any more wheat.

3.Mr. Baker tried his best to catch the horse to ____________.

A. sell it for some money

B. find out the owner of the horse

C. make it work for him

D. beat it up (痛打)

4.Which of the following is true

A. The horse knew that it had done wrong.

B. The horse had nothing to do with the driver.

C. The horse knew whose wheat it had eaten up.

D. The horse belonged to the driver.


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 【解析】 试题分析: 本文讲述了贝克先生打马的故事。他家里很困难,全家的生活就指望贝克先生种的麦子。一天他发现自己的麦子被一匹黄色的马吃了,很生气,想追它又没有追上。第二天再次遇到黄马时,不顾马主人的阻拦,贝克先生狠狠地打了那匹马。 1.A考查细节题 根据第一段中“One autumn he grew some wheat in his field.”一年秋天他在地里种了一些小麦,可知他是农民,故选A 2.C 考查细节理解题。根据第一段中“And the next spring the wheat was doing well. Mr. Baker was happy.”下一年春天小麦长势很好。贝克先生很高兴,故选C项。 3.D 考查细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“ He picked up a stick at once, ran closer to the horse and began to beat it up.”他捡起一根棍子,接近马,开始打它,故选D项。 4.D 考查推理判断题 根据常识可知马是动物,它并不知道它是否做错或是吃的是谁家麦子,故排除A、C。根据倒数第二段中“Why are you beating my horse?”你为什么打我的马,可知这是马主人,故选D项。 考点:故事类阅读。



1. 交流活动中的收获和感受

2. 回忆在Fiona家度过的美好日子

3. 感谢她送你的英文图书

注意:1. 词数100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯

3. 开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)

提示词汇:文化交流活动:Cultural Exchange activity

Dear Fiona,

I’ve been back home safely from England.








Li Hua








注意:1. 每处错误仅限1词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Arthur,

In your last letter, you told me something about your sister’s surfing on the Internet. I’m familiar to your situation. As computers become more and more popular, some students cannot help play online games and chatting. It is not only a problem of wasting time, and a serious problem for their future! What you should do at first is to find out what make her addicted to computer games. Lack of love from parent? Poor scores? Then having a heart-to-heart talk with her. Secondly, you should help herself with her study to build up her confidence and make her interesting in it. Thirdly, find something else for her to do instead computer games. Your efforts will surely help change her life.






Tom is a boy with physical 1.        (disable) and he can’t walk as 2.        normal boy. In order to offer him more convenience, his mother bought him a robot 3.       name is Jimmy . Jimmy accompanies Tom every day after his parents leave for work, 4.           (take) care of him.

Tom suffers5.            a rare disease. He can’t stand up. Instead, he has to sit on an armchair all the day. Jimmy shows sympathy to Tom and tries his best to make him happy. Some days ago, he took Tom to the park. He 6.          (try) to protect him from being harmed. He gave Tom encouragement to have a try to walk. So Tom did. But to Jimmy’s disappointment, Tom fell on the ground, causing some other boys nearby to make fun 7.         him. “Don’t laugh at the disabled!” Jimmy turned around, warning those boys.

They felt sorry and ran away8.            (quick). The next day, Jimmy took Tom to the park once again. This time, Tom was adaptable to the circumstance and didn’t feel clumsy(笨拙的) any 9.                (long). He gets back his own confidence 10.            he is still a disabled boy.




Having been out of work for two years because of poor health,I decided to look for a part time job. I _________ and interviewed again and again with no progress.I was getting pretty _________  .

It was freezing cold last Tuesday evening.I was waiting at a(n) _________  when I saw a young woman wearing just a T-shirt and no_________ . I asked if she needed any _________ .She told me she had lost everything in a big fire and had been _________ for two days.

I dug in my _________ and took out $5.00 so she could get something to eat.I then took off my  _________ and shoes and gave them to her. She looked at me and said, Arent you,going to be cold? I told her,it would be worth it if they could keep her a little bit _________  . She was moved to tears and thanked me with a _________  .

Then as I got on the bus the miracle(奇迹)of _________ kindness happened.When I was to _________  the fare, the bus driver said with a smile, Madam, I saw what you just did and your _________  is on me.”

I _________  my thanks and was about to sit down when a lady dressed in a business suit said to me,“You just did the most   55  thing I have ever seen.What can I do for you?”I jokingly said a _________  job would be nice.She asked for my name and said she might be able to _________  something out.

The next day she  _________  me,saying she had a part-time position  _________ in her company and wanted me to come in and meet with the manager that day.I had started my act of kindness just to make myself feel good,but I never expected to get so much  _________ !

1.A.dressed        B.begged            C.applied        D.explained

2.A.surprised      B.discouraged        C.refreshed      D.frightened

3.A.bus stop      B.subway station     C.local park      D.office building

4.A.socks         B.shoes             C.gloves          D.glasses

5.A.advice        B.work              C.information     D.help

6.A.walking       B.moving            C.surviving      D.starving

7.A.purse          B.room              C.book           D.hand

8.A.glasses        B.coat               C.watch           D.hat

9.A.happier        B.smarter            C.warmer         D.healthier

10.A.scream        B.hug               C.jump           D.gift

11.A.spreading     B.praising          C.enjoying        D.accepting

12.A.change        B.check             C.borrow          D.pay

13.A.bill          B.debt              C.rent           D.fare

14.A.sent         B.accepted          C.felt           D.expressed

15.A.unbelievable  B.ordinary           C.inspiring      D.reasonable

16.A.paying        B.comfortable        C.tough           D.challenging

17.A.work         B.pick              C.set             D.keep

18.A.visited       B.met               C.heard           D.called

19.A.empty        B.open               C.absent          D.free

20.A.after all     B.for nothing        C.in return      D.above all




Amazing Activities for a Mental Health Day

Mental health is an important part of your life. It makes you able to function during everyday life and helps you feel confident to rise to a new challenge. There are many ways to improve your mental health.

Pay a visit to your friends. 1.    It is a good idea to visit your best friend and spend your mental health day together. You will have an opportunity to laugh, relax and reflect together on some interesting topics.

Go for a walk. Walking is one of the best ways to increase both mental and physical health. If you make long walking a regular habit, you will always feel peaceful and calm. 2.   Moreover, it can help you erase a bad day, as you start concentrating on the surrounding environment.

3.    Go to a park in your neighborhood or take a short trip to more rural areas, because nature is a perfect medicine when you are suffering from stress. Just looking at greenery can ease your mind. It seems to be the healing for tired minds and for overburdened spirits.

Read. If you prefer a passive way of spending time, you can spend your mental health day reading, a good book. 4.   When you read, you can escape from reality, fears and obsessive thoughts. Reading is a good de-stressing activity that takes your mind off everyday life.

Go shopping. Shopping sprees can offer wonderful health benefits linked to great mental health. 5.   It surely rids yourself of stress. The heightened emotions of happiness release endorphins in your brain, which help you refocus your mind on your body movements, improving your mood.

A. Nature heals.

B. Human interaction seems to keep our minds refreshed.

C. Go out for a picnic.

D. Shopping with your friends provides a bonding experience.

E. Getting lost in a wonderful book will help you refresh your mind.

F. Use your mental health day to make up for sleep and have a good rest.

G. A long walk is a perfect time to clear your mind and focus on yourself.



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