满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_______ the best in a recent science com...

_______ the best in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships ________21,000 dollars.

A. Judging; would total        B. To be judged; totaled

C. Having judged; to total     D. Judged; totaling


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。句中的主语the three students与judge是逻辑上的动宾关系,即被动意义,故使用过去分词表被动意义,再者judge在句中的搭配为judge+宾语+形容词(判断……为……,认为……是……)。当judge用作不及物动词时,应使用judging from/by;scholarships和total之间是主动关系,用现在分词作定语。故选D。 考点:考查非谓语动词  

A warm thought suddenly _______to me _______I might take the place of the hero to buy some flowers for his mother’s 60th birthday.

A. came, if           B. crossed, when

C. occurred, that     D. struck, that



_______it took 200 years to move from the steam engine to the Internet, there could be major development in _______ are now considered frontiers(尖端) of science in just the past few ten years.

A. When, which   B. While, which

C. While, what     D. When, that



Would you drop in at my house this afternoon if _______?

A. you are convenient

B. it is convenient for you

C. it is convenient of you

D. you will be convenient



--- Did you try to _______the manager to come to attend the lecture?

--- Yes. He _______, but he was too busy at that moment.

A. recommend, meant to           B.persuade, meant to have

C. suggest, had meant to         D. request, was meant



With the situation worsening, the army threatens to_______ if a general election is not to be held as scheduled. So let's _______some serious work.

A. take over, get down to

B. take up, come up with

C. take on, come down with

D. take apart, live up to



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