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根据中文补全句子,并将答案写在相应位置。 1.我不仅听说过那位女艺术家,我还亲自...



Not only ________________ the young woman artist, but I also interviewed her in person.


Please ________________ the last page of the book for answers.


She ________________ what she has done in the past year.


Computers ________________ people though they have many advantages.


Jim will come to China during the Spring Festival ________________ Chinese traditional culture.


________________, the injured driver was able to be sent to hospital and treated in time.


________________ for too long. You'll get burnt.


1.did I hear of 2.refer to 3.is satisfied with 4.won’t take the place of 5.so as to learn more about 6.Thanks to your help 7.Don’t expose yourself to the sun 【解析】 1. I hear of 考查倒装。Not only but also引导两个句子,第一个句子需要部分倒装 ; 2. to 考查动词短语。Refer to 查阅。 3. satisfied with 考查形容词短语。Be satisfied with 对。。满意; 4. take the place of 考查动词短语 take the place of 代替; 5. as to learn more about 考查短语。So as to 为了; 6. to your help 考查介词短语。Thanks to 由于,幸亏; 7. expose yourself to the sun 考查动词短语。Expose sth to ..把。。暴露在。。 考点:完成句子


absorb, intend, accuse, approach, amuse, conclude, thorough

1.This dictionary is __________ for senior high students.

2.It’s too cold for children to play outside today, so they have to __________ themselves indoors.

3.Tony __________ Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!

4.Once my neighbour next door __________ me of playing the piano too loudly in my room.

5.Having been __________ cleaned, the garden looked more beautiful than ever before.

6.It seems reasonable to __________ that people’s behaviour is influenced by what they see on TV.

7.He was so __________ in reading a novel that he didn’t notice his teacher coming up to him.



The Beagle Brigade

When returning to the United States from a trip abroad, passengers will have their baggage inspected at U.S. airports by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Beagle Brigade, a team of beagles and their human partners. Working with their human partners, the beagles search for agricultural products carrying diseases and pests which are likely to infect American agriculture.

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An orange or apple, for example, might harbor a Mediterranean fruit fly. Ham could carry a disease such as cholera. These and other pests could do harm to farmers’ crops. “Once we introduce something that is not part of the environment, there may not be any controls for it in the environment,” notes USDA’s Lisa Davis at the National Dog Detector Training Center in Orlando, Florida. “The best thing for us to do is to prevent it from coming across the border and spreading.”

When a beagle smells food smells, it signals its partner by sitting there. The human partners then investigate. When the dog is right--which happens 90 percent of the time—it gets something to eat.

“The dog is not out there working,” explains Davis. “It’s out there playing. It’s a game to the dog.” The partners give the beagles plenty of food and loving. They make sure they get first-class medical attention, too. When the dogs finally retire after 9 to 11 years, the USDA finds caring homes for them. It’s a dog’s life indeed!

Their people partners work and study somewhat harder. As specialized quarantine(检疫) officers, most hold degrees in the biological sciences or related sciences.

How well does the Beagle Brigade do its job? “On the average,” notes Davis, “each year our 54 teams prevent around 75,000, restricted(限制的) items.” Since even one infected item could cause widespread destruction, that’s a great result for America’s agricultural environment.

1.The beagles at the airport in the USA are used to __________.

A. conduct the check on foreign passengers’ baggage

B. stop the local products from being taken abroad

C. help inspect the baggage brought from abroad

D. keep their people partners safe

2.What will the beagle do when it finds a possible food product?

A. Signal by sitting next to it.

B. Bark and run around it.

C. Draw it to its partner.

D. Play a game.

3.How is the last paragraph mainly developed?

A. By listing the restricted food.

B. By analyzing the result.

C. By providing the facts.

D. By using examples.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the use of beagles?

A. Curious.               B. Uninterested.

C. Doubtful.              D. Positive.



David Cameron mistakenly left his eight-year-old daughter in a pub by herself when he drove off without her, as was reported last night.

The Prime Minister(首相)--who had been enjoying Sunday drinks with his family near Chequers--only realized his eldest daughter was missing when he arrived back at his official country house.

The Camerons had been drinking at the Plough Inn, in Cadsden, Buckinghamshire, with their three children and two other families. As they were to leave, Nancy went off to the toilet without telling them.

The Prime Minister was driven back to Chequers, which is two miles from the pub, with protection officers in one car. Mr Cameron thought that Nancy was in the car with his wife, while she thought that their daughter had jumped in with the Prime Minister.

A spokesman for the Prime Minister last night said he was worried when he realized what had happened. They later confirmed that Mr Cameron returned to the pub to pick up Nancy.

“Thankfully when they phoned the pub she was there safe and well,” the spokesman said. “The Prime Minister went down straight away to get her.”

When Mr Cameron arrived back at the pub, he found his daughter happily helping the owner of the pub. It is understood she had been left by herself for 15 minutes.

The spokesman refused to discuss whether Mr Cameron had drunk alcohol. “He had gone with friends at lunchtime, with a number of families with children, and they left in various different vehicles. As you know, the Prime Minister is a very busy man but he always tries to live as normal a life as possible with his family.” he said.

Last night a pub “insider” said: “You’d have thought that someone would have done a headcount or something.”

It’s not like you can look up David Cameron in the phonebook and then ring to say you’ve left your daughter behind. It’s frightening that the Prime Minister of Britain can forget something so important as his own daughter.

1.What can we learn about the Camerons?

A. Mr Cameron drove home alone.

B. Nancy was left at the pub by chance.

C. Mrs Cameron drove to see her friends.

D. The children went to the pub for a party.

2.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. The British can telephone the Camerons easily.

B. The Prime Minister has the design to live a normal life.

C. The Prime Minister’s drunk driving annoyed the public.

D. The British were shocked at the news about the Camerons.

3.Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. A story book.     B. A biography.

C. A magazine.         D. A newspaper.



When I was a kid, I was just like every other kid. As usual, I liked being with friends and having fun. But I didn’t like school much. I didn’t like the rule of learning, studying, memorizing, etc. Too much work. As I got into high school, things changed for me. I started reading a lot of books. Books taught me about life and helped me learn about the world. I read around 30 books during each senior year. I learned to love reading then.

Little did I know at that time that I would write books by myself. I’ve written 7 books since then. One book I wrote, Powerful Attitudes, was a huge success within a network marketing company in the USA.

When I was 17 years old, I took about a dozen guitar lessons. I fell in love with guitar music no matter if it is blues, rock, flamenco or classical. I’ve attended concerts and have heard some great guitarists through the years.  Recently, I bought myself a piano and began to learn to play it. I’ve made great progress. My knowledge of music and playing guitar has helped me a lot in learning the piano.

Last week, I employed a Chinese teacher to teach me Chinese. I’ve learned about 200 words in my first week. I’m inspired and motivated to learn. In fact, I feel a bit obsessed, thinking of learning Chinese. It’s like a mountain I want to climb and conquer. I’m 56 years old and my love to learn it runs deep in my heart, mind and soul.

What I certainly learned while growing up is to love learning. I never want to stop learning. I never want to stop studying people, life, processes and new things. I think the openness of admitting what you don’t know, makes you a good learner. You never lie to yourself or to others about your knowledge and experience. I have the attitude that if I don’t know something, I will learn to know it.

1.What can we learn about the author from the passage?

A. He fell in love with reading when he was a child.

B. One of his books enjoyed a lot of success.

C. He began to love music recently.

D. He is good at Chinese.

2.What does the underlined word “obsessed” mean?

A. Absorbed.         B. Satisfied.

C. Concerned.       D. Difficult.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Learning skills.              B. Learning methods.

C. Learning attitudes.           D. Learning experience.



Have you dreamed of building your own machine? Do you wish you could invent something new? Here we look at a few British inventions of recent times.

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Adaptable Glasses

Do you wear glasses? If so, can you imagine life without them? In 1985, Joshua Silver, a professor at Oxford University, asked himself, “Can I invent a pair of glasses that could be changed by the wearer?” He designed two plastic lenses(透镜) that are filled with a special liquid. The liquid can be changed between the lenses until you can see clearly. The glasses are not beautiful but they are easy to use and cheap to make.

The Wind-up Radio

When you switch your TV on tonight, think about all those people without electricity. Thinking about this, Trevor Baylis came up with the idea of designing a radio that could be powered by hand. In common with Joshua Silver he wanted his invention to be cheap and easy to use. The radio has a generator (发电机) which is powered by turning a handle. In 1996 it won a BBC Design Award for Best Protect and Best Design.

The Dyson Cleaner

In many homes around the world you can see a cleaner that looks like a spaceship. This is the Dyson vacuum (真空) cleaner which uses something called “cyclonic separation” to separate the dirt. You do not need a bag for your cleaner and it does not get blocked so it is very practical. The idea came to Sir James Dyson after he kept having problems with his vacuum cleaner. He decided he could design a better one and in 1993 he opened his own factory. The Dyson is now one of the best-selling cleaners in the UK and Dyson is believed to have earned over a billion pounds.

The Zapata Fly-board

Ever dreamed of rising through the water and jumping high in the air like a dolphin? Now you can try a fly-board, built by water sports fan Frank Zapata. With it you can dive back in the water and out again. It’s possible to jump to unbelievable heights out of the water—over 30 feet. The basic fly-board model comes in at £4,200.

So keep dreaming and inventing. One day you might get it right.

1.Who invented Adaptable Glasses?

A. Joshua Silver.      B. Trevor Baylis.

C. James Dyson.       D. Frank Zapata.

2.Which invention won an award?

A. Adaptable Glasses.        B. The Wind-up Radio.

C. The Dyson Cleaner.        D. The Zapata Fly-board.

3.Who might be interested in the invention of the Dyson cleaner?

A. Those who need radios.

B. Those who have eye problems.

C. Those who are fond of diving.

D. Those who want to use cleaners more easily.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Kind Inventors.                             B. Cheap Inventions.

C. Creative Minds.                             D. Future Dreams.



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