满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A My father wasn't a king, he was a taxi...


My father wasn't a king, he was a taxi driver, but I am a prince-Prince Renato II, of the country Pontinha, an island fort on Funchal harbour. It's in Madeira,Portugal, where I grew up. It was discovered in 1419.

In 1903, the king of Portugal sold the land to a wealthy British family, the Blandys, who make Madeira wine. Fourteen years ago the family decided to sell it forjust €25,000, but nobody wanted to buy it either. I met Blandy at a party. and he asked if I'd like to buy the island. Of course I said yes,but I had no money-I was just an art teacher.I tried to find some business partners, who all thought I was crazy.So I sold some of my possessions,put my savings together and bought it.Of course, my family. my friends-all thought I was mad.

When the King originally sold the island,he signed a document, selling all the “possessions and the dominions”of the island.It means I can do what I want with it-I could start a restaurant, or a cinema but nobody thought someone would start a country.So that's what I did:I decided it would be my island, about the size of a one-bedroom house.

I have both a Portuguese passport and one for Pontinha (where my passport number is 0001).There are four citizens: me, my wife, my son and my daughter.I am the police, the gardener,everything.I am whatever I want to be-that's the dream,isn't it?If l want to have a national flag,it could be blue today,red tomorrow.I can change it any time.Of course,my power is only absolute here, where I am the true sovereign.

I don't live in my country full time, but I am often there.My family sometimes drops by, and other people come every day because the country is free for tourists to visit; I never close for bad weather.Sometimes I come here when I'm feeling lively,after a few drinks.

Madeira is surrounded by water,but for some reason we all have to pay to swim in the ocean now,at the swimming spots.However.I have my island,which means I can come swimming whenever I want-it's as if someone has given me the key to the waters.

Our lives are gone in a flash.All change in the world begins with something very small, and this is my country-just a small island.

1.How did the author get the island?

A.It was a present from Blandy.

B.The king sold it to him.

C.He inherited from his father.

D.He bought it from Blandy.

2.It can be learned from the passage that____.

A.the author made his living by driving

B.the author's wife supported to buy the island

C.blue and red are the main colors of his national flag

D.people can travel around the island free of charge

3.What did the author do with his island?

A.He set up a restaurant.

B.He started a cinema.

C.He founded his own country.

D.He opened a swimming pool.

4.From his own experience, the author wanted to tell the readers that____.

A.you can change your life through small things

B.you should buy your own country and become a king

C.becoming a real ruler is of much fun

D.life is too short, so enjoy it to the fullest


1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】 1.推断题。根据第二段提到Fourteen years ago the family decided to sell it forjust €25,000, but nobody wanted to buy it either. I met Blandy at a party. and he asked if I'd like to buy the island. Of course I said yes,四十年前,这家人想把土地卖掉,但没有人买,我在聚会上碰到Blandy,他问我是否想买那块地,我当然同意,故选D项。 2.推断题。根据第五段提到My family sometimes drops by, and other people come every day because the country is free for tourists to visit我的家人有时到访,其它人每天都来因为这个国家对于游客来说是免费参观的,故选D项。 3.推断题。根据第三段提到It means I can do what I want with it-I could start a restaurant, or a cinema but nobody thought someone would start a country这就意味着我可以做我想帮的,我可能开个餐馆,或电影院 但没有人会想到有人居然建立了一个国家,故选C项。 4.推断题。根据最后一段提到Our lives are gone in a flash.All change in the world begins with something very small, and this is my country-just a small island我们的生活转瞬即逝,世界上所有的改变都是从小开始的,这就是我的国家,我的小岛,故可知你可以通过小事来改变你的生活;



On Nov. 18, 1995, violinist Itzhak Perlman performed a concert at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City.

Stricken with polio (小儿麻痹症) as a child,Perlman       walked with the aid of two crutches(拐杖)to a chair in the middle of the stage.He carefully laid the crutches on the floor,    one leg forward and the other underneath his chair, picked up his instrument and nodded to the       to begin.

But something went wrong. After only seconds of playing, one of the strings on his violin        .The audience immediately knew what happened and fully expected the concert to be       until another string or even another insrument could be found. But Perlman         them. He quickly calmed down, closed his eyes and then        the conductor to begin again.So the orchestra played from where they had                and Perlman played on three strings. He played         passion and power. All the time he worked out new fingering in his mind to make up for the        string. A work that few people         play well on four strings Perlman accomplished on three.

When he finished, a(n)       silence hung in the room.And then as one, the crowd rose to their feet and        wildly.Applause burst forth from every corner of the auditorium        fans showed deep       for his talent and his courage. Perlman smiled and wiped the sweat from his forehead.Then he raised his bow to        the crowd and said, not proudly, but in a       quiet, holy tone, “You know. sometimes it is the artist's        to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left.”

Such was Itzhak Perlman. a great violinist. Playing a concert on three strings is not unlike his philosophy of life -- he         what he had left and still made music.And isn't that true with us?As for me I'm        that the world, more than ever, needs the music only you and I can make.

1.A. hopefully       B. painfully      C. immediately     D. eventually

2.A. exposed        B. exported       C. expanded        D. extended

3.A. conductor       B. audience       C. assistant       D. performer

4.A. burst          B. erupted        C. broke          D. collapsed

5.A. continued       B. paused        C. proceeded      D. organized

6.A. confused        B. amused        C. concerned      D. surprised

7.A. signaled        B. marked       C. consulted      D. indicated

8.A. cut off         B. put off        C. taken off       D. left off

9.A. with            B. for            C. to              D. of

10.A. original        B. similar        C. vague          D. missing

11.A. might           B. should       C. could          D. would

12.A. awesome         B. deliberate     C. subtle         D. evident

13.A. pursued        B. cheered       C. responded      D. observed

14.A. before          B. until          C. while           D. as

15.A. reputation      B. impression     C. appreciation   D. attention

16.A. delight         B. emerge         C. relax           D.quiet

17.A. thoughtful      B. tough         C. blank          D. weak

18.A. status          B. explanation    C. responsibility  D. intelligence

19.A. got accustomed to   B. gave way to  C. looked forward to   D. held on to

20.A. convinced       B. reminded      C. disappointed    D. informed



It may be necessary to stop _____ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.

A. at intervals        B. at random

C. at ease             D. at length



The driver stopped his car so _____ that he was hit by the cab right behind him.

A. impolitely     B. violently

C. abruptly     D. cautiously



None of the students in the class likes the professor, who is used to being _____ of everything they do.

A. optimistic     B. criticaL

C. interested     D. emotional



Africa is a very _____ continent, with each country, or even each part of a country having its own unique culture.

A. diverse         B. abstract         C. remote         D. vacant



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