满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If a friend snaps at you or is unfriendl...

If a friend snaps at you or is unfriendly, step back, and with a sense of compassion, try to experience life from his____.

A. perspective         B.priority

C.privilege           D. policy


A 【解析】A 考查名词辨析 A. perspective观点;B.priority优先权;C.privilege特权;D. policy政策;句意:如果一个朋友冒犯了你,或不太友好,退后一步,怀着同情心,试着从他的角度体验生活,故选A项。  

Entertainment activities can surely bring you pleasure; however, it is the same with helping to do the housework.

注意: ①无须写标题;














1.The only decent hotel in town had hung out a “Full House” sign, so their only choice was __________________at a small inn. (put)


2.—He is so lucky to win the gold medal in the world championship.

—But I guess he __________________ tough training. (go)



3.What a shame! Not at all __________________ at that time that we should start developing good habits to save our planet. (strike)


4.Experts' advice to university students is that __________________ not only pay and benefits but also working conditions and the job's outlook when landing a job. (account)


5.With __________________ in global economy, the cooperation between Chinese manufacturing enterprises should be intensified. (grow)


6.Up to now, we __________________ if we can all work together, we will be able to create a better tomorrow! (convince)


7.My family are fascinated by the program “Running Man” and we will watch it every week __________________ our work. (busy)


8.China Dream is meant to let Chinese people __________________ those in any other country in the world. (live)


9.There are three kinds of cloth to make a dress with, none__________________ easily. (tear)


10.__________________ by the government to stop pollution is one of the issues that concern the public most. (measure)





Before we start a voyage, we usually try to find out more or less definitely where we are bound and how we are supposed to get there.

I happen to have the “Concise Oxford dictionary” on my desk and that will do as well as any other. The word I am looking for appears at the bottom of Page 344. edition 1912.

“Geography: the science of the earth's surface, form, physical features, natural and political divisions, climate, productions and population.”

I could not possibly hope to do better, but I still stress some of the aspects of the case at the expenses of others, because I intend to place man in the centre of the stage. This book of mine will not merely discuss the surface of the earth and its physical features, together with its political and natural boundaries. I would rather call it a study of man in search of food and shelter and leisure for himself and for his family and an attempt to his background or has reshaped his physical surroundings in order to be comfortable and well nourished and happy with his limited strength.

Among the two million human beings in the world, there is of course the widest possible range for all sorts of experiments of an economic and social and cultural nature. It seems me that those experiments deserve our attention before anything else. For a mountain is after all merely a mountain until it has been seen by human eyes and has been walked on by human feet and until its and slopes and valleys have been occupied and fought over and planted by a dozen generation of hungry settlers.

The Atlantic Ocean was just as wide and deep and as wet and salty before the beginning of the 13th century as after, but it took the human touch to make it what it is today—a bridge between the New World and the Old, the highway for the commerce between East and West.

For thousands of years the endless Russian plains lay ready to offer their abundant harvest to whoever should take the trouble to sow the first grain. But the aspect of that country today would he a very different one if the hand of a German or a Frank, rather than that of a Slav, had guided the iron-pointed stick that plowed the first furrows (犁沟).

The island of Nippon would shake and quake just as continually, whether they happened to be settled by Japanese or by the Tasmanian race, but in the latter case they would hardly be able to feed 60,000,000 people.

Generally speaking, I have paid more attention to the purely “human” side of geography than to the commercial problems which are so important in a day and age devoted to mass production.

1.In the first four paragraphs, the author wants to share with the readers ______.

A. his approach to planning a voyage

B. his emphasis on using a dictionary

C. his definition of the word “geography”

D. his altitude to the earth's physical features

2.Which of the following will the author NOT consider to be on experiment according to Paragraph 5?

A. Exploring a mountain.

B. Climbing a mountain.

C. Planting on slopes and valleys.

D. Becoming hungry.

3.Which of the following is implied about the Atlantic Ocean?

A. It is wide, deep, wet and salty.

B. Human touch makes it important.

C. There is a bridge over it.

D. The highway is busy there.

4.The author mentioned the Russian plains and the island of Nippon to show that _____.

A. they both feed a lot of people

B. they enjoy very good natural conditions

C. different people may make the same place different

D. their natural conditions haven't changed for many years




“The really big concern over the last decade,” according to Dr. David Whitehead, “is the relative loss of opportunities for children to engage in child-led play.” That's true. One of the exhausting aspects of modern parenting is that everything, even doing nothing, has to be purposeful. Now that “parenting” has become a verb a state of doing, rather than simply being it can fed unnatural to leave your children to their own devices. Yet it creates spaces in which good things can happen. The psychology lecturer is responding to a survey showing that 80 percent of parents of small children feel under pressure to fill their days with “structured” activities. This, says Dr. Whitehead, is a mistake. Leaving your children to play on their own or with their peers enables them to develop “self-regulation abilities”, which in turn leads to better academic achievement.

One afternoon last autumn, sitting on a bench doing no parenting at all, I suddenly felt I was getting the hang of it.

That afternoon, my sister and I took our children to the park. We had lots to talk about, so we sat down on a bench and drove the children away. After briefly complaining, the cousins wandered off and started jumping into puddles (水洼).

They jumped and jumped, and then one of them kicked some muddy water at the others. My sister and I, deep in conversation, didn't notice this. So my nephew became more adventurous. He scooped up a handful of mud and threw it on my son's head. My son caught his breath happily, wiped the mud out of his eyes, and threw one back. My nephew, who has a talent for naming things, puffed out his tiny chest and roared: “Let's play Muddikins!”

The rules of Muddikins are simple. You run around throwing mud at each other until everyone is so thickly coated that you can no longer be sure which child is whose. Nothing is learnt from it; nobody is improved. It is pure fun, of the sort that can only happen when parents drop the reins (缰绳). They did it. Whoa, that's so cool,” said one. “I wish my mum was like you.”

1.What is stressed in Paragraph 1?

A. Child-led play matters in the development of children.

B. Parents' concern over their children is unnecessary.

C. Children's activities should be well organized.

D. Parenting is everything in a family.

2.What does the author think of the behavior of the children in the puddles?

A. Amazing.               B. Troublesome.

C. Adventurous.           D. Worthwhile.

3.By saying “They did it” in the last paragraph, the author means that ______.

A. The reins were dropped.

B. She failed to distinguish her child.

C. The children learned from the Muddikins.

D. She confirmed Dr. David Whitehead's theory.

4.The text is mainly about the relationship between _____.

A. parents and children

B. individual and group

C. play and acquisition

D. theory and practice




In 1932 the warning of the British politician, Stanley Baldwin, that “the bomber will always get through” made a deep impression in Britain, the only state to make serious plans to evacuate civilians from large towns before the war started.

The British Government developed plans for evacuating 1 million children to the United States and Canada and other Commonwealth nations. It established the Children's Overseas Reception Board (CORB) in May 1940. After the fall of France, many people thought the war was lost and some saw this as one way of ensuring that Britain could survive even if invaded.

The Germans eventually began bombing British cities in September. Some children were evacuated by ship to British Dominions, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa. The CORB selections were not done on a first-come, first-served basis. CORB classified and prioritized the children. Charges soon appeared in the press that the well-to-do were being given priority. CORB arranged for the transportation. The Government paid the passages. Quite a number of children had already been evacuated. This tended to be children from rich families with money and overseas contacts. The British public eventually demanded the government pay so that less privileged children were also eligible.

World War II occurred before the beginning of trans-Atlantic air travel. Liners were used to transport the children and this proved to be dangerous because the U-boats quickly emerged as the greatest threat. And this put the evacuee children trying to cross the Atlantic to safety in danger. Two ships carrying child evacuees were torpedoed (破坏)in 1940. One was the Dutch liner Volendam with 320 children on August 30. The crew managed to get the life boats off and saved the children. They were returned to Glasgow. The other was the City of Benares, an ocean liner with 200 British and foreign civilian passengers and 93 British children with a guard of nurses, teachers, and a clergyman. It was torpedoed on September 13. The crew attempted to launch the life boats as Benares began to sink. The rough weather made this difficult, so many of the passengers in the life boats died in the extreme conditions. Only 15 children survived. Churchill, when he learned of the disaster, decided to end the overseas evacuation scheme.

1.The whole passage is mainly about _____.

A. bombing Britain

B. children evacuation

C. German U-boats

D. loss of children

2.What can we learn about the British people according to the passage?

A. They were concerned about their children.

B. They were threatened by Stanley Baldwin.

C. They were frightened by German invasion.

D. They longed to go to commonwealth nations.

3.The underlined word “eligible” in the last sentence of Paragraph 3 probably means _____.

A. qualified             B. accessible

C. hopeful               D. popular

4.Churchill decided to end the evacuation scheme mainly because _____.

A. so many people needed evacuating

B. the weather in the Atlantic was rough

C. the crew were inexperienced in saving people

D. liners easily became the targets of the German U-boats



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