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Who do you think was the most important ...

Who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?

Jane Addams(1860~1935)

Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She created shelters, education opportunities and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Noble Peace Prize.

Rachel Carson(1907~1964)

Rachel Carson was born in the rural river town of Springdale, Pennsylvania in America. The popular book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson in 1962 made people realize the dangers and the harmful effects of pollution on humans and on the world’s lake and oceans.

Angela Merkel(1954~)

In 2005, German chose Angela Merkel as their first woman head of the country. She had been a scientist in the past. As Germany ’leader, she has had an effect on the whole world.

Sandra Day O’Connor(1930~)

When Sandra Day O’Connor finished her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work because she was a woman. However, she became the first woman to join the US Supreme Court in 1981 after years of hard work.

Margaret Thatcher(1925~)

In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s first woman Prime Minister. She served until 1990, which made her the first Britain leader to serve three terms in a row. Because of her high standards and strong will, people called her Britain’s Iron Lady.

Marie Curie(1867~1934)

Polish-born scientist Marie Curie discovered that some types of metal give off energy called radiation. Her research led to new medical treatments and arms. She received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1911.

1.Who once won the Nobel Prize?

A. Jane Addams and Marie Curie.

B. Jane Addams and Margaret Thatcher.

C. Marie Curie and Angela Merkel.

D. Marie Curie and Rachel Carson.

2.We can infer from the passage that Rachel Carson worked to ______.

A. help the poor

B. spread geographic knowledge

C. protect the environment

D. protect the rights of women

3.What do Angela Merkel and Margaret Thatcher have in common?

A. Both of them were scientists before coming to power.

B. Both of them are the first woman head of their country.

C. Both of them are famous for being strict.

D. Both of them have worked for three terms.

4.Who once failed to find a job?

A. Jane Addams   B. Sandra Day O’Connor

C. Rachel Carson  D. Margaret Thatcher


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 【解析】 试题分析: 本文主要讲述了过去的一世纪中最有影响力的几位女性,她们分别是Jane Addams、Rachel Carson、Angela Merkel、Sandra Day O’Connor、Margaret Thatcher、Marie Curie。 1.A考查细节理解题。从文中Jane Addams 部分里“In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. ”和Marie Curie部分里“She received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and in Chemistry in 1911. ”知Jane Addams和Marie Curie获得了诺贝尔奖,故选A 2.C考查细节理解题。由第三段的句子:The popular 1962 book “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson made people realize the dangers and the harmful effects of pollution on humans and on the world’s lakes and oceans..可以知道Rachel Carson的工作是保护环境,故选C项。 3.B考查细节理解题。从文中Angela Merkel部分里“In 2005, Germans chose Angela Merkel as their first woman head of the country”和Margaret Thatcher部分里“In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s first woman Prime Minister.”可知这两位女性的共同点是她们都是她们国家的第一位女领导人,故选B项。 4.B考查细节理解题。从文中Sandra Day O’Connor部分里“In 1952, she could not find work because she was a woman.”可知Sandra Day O’Connor在1952年由于是一名女性的原因没能够找到工作,故选B项。 考点:人物类阅读。

Parents are a child’s first teachers.But some parents never learned from good examples.In New York City, a nonprofit agency called Covenant House tries to help homeless young mothers become good parents.

The twelve or so teenagers who live at the shelter attend parenting classes four days a week.The class is called Mommy and Me.Teacher Delores Clemens is a mother of five and a grandmother.She teaches basic skills, like how to give a baby a bath and how to dress a baby depending on the season.

She remembers one student who learned from her mother not to pick up a crying baby.The mother said that would only make the child needy and overly demanding.Delores Clemens says, “that's not true.You have to hold your baby! He is crying for a reason.If you never pick him up, he's going to keep crying.Pick your baby up.Cuddle your baby.Hug him! And she started to do that.They just want a little cuddling and a little love.And it works!”

Delores Clemens says her students also learn how to be good mothers by letting themselves be mothered.Around three hundred fifty teenage mothers graduate from Covenant House's Mommy and Me class every year.

In class, with her baby son is Natasha.She lived on the streets.She is glad not only for the warmth and shelter of Covenant House.As she told reporter Adam Phillips, she is also glad for the help they offer in seeking a more secure life.

The World Health Organization says the United States has forty-one births for every one thousand girls age fifteen to nineteen.That is higher than other developed countries, as well as some developing ones.By comparison, northern neighbor Canada has fourteen births and southern neighbor Mexico has eighty-two.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Parents who are a child’s first teachers.

B.A class where teens learn mothering and are mothered.

C.A nonprofit agency that offers a more secure life.

D.A kind teacher who help homeless young mothers.

2.Covenant Houses’ Mommy and Me class is intended to _____.

A.help homeless young mothers become good parents

B.provide homeless young mothers with a warm shelter

C.help mothers in New York be good parents

D.teach some parents how to love their children

3.What can we know about Delores Clemens from the text?

A.She has a mother of five and a grandmother.

B.She thinks a crying baby should be picked up and hugged.

C.She teaches advanced skills on how to be good mothers.

D.She is very glad for the warmth and shelter of Covenant House.

4.According to the World Health Organization, which country has the highest births for girls age fifteen to nineteen?

A.Canada       B.the United States of America

C.Mexico       D.Britain



假定你是李华,刚刚从内黄一中毕业并进入北京大学,最近你应学校的邀请给高一的学妹学弟写一封公开信,就“ How to live a healthy life in High school 这个话题提出了如下建议:

1. 学习和放松兼顾,求得两者的平衡

2. 保持均衡饮食

3. 定期进行锻炼

4. 遇到问题时,多和朋友、老师、家长交流


2. 文章开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总字数。

可能用到的词汇: 1. nutritious 有营养的  2. function vi. 发挥功能

3. regularly 定期地, 有规律地    4. communicate vi 交流  5. anxiety 焦虑

Dear schoolmates,

I am Li Hua, a graduate from our school. Now I am studying in Beijing University. __________________________________________________________________________________



Yours sincerely

Li Hua




Today I visited the Smiths--my first  visit to a American family. They live in a small town. It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drive me to their home. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. They offered me coffee and another drinks. We have a good time talking and laugh together. They eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. In fact, they are planned to visit China in next year.



Eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a 1.  (say) –Eat good things for breakfast, “eat a big meal for lunch, but eat    2.   (little) at dinner. Many Americans agree that one should start the day with a good breakfast, 3.   their ideas about lunch and dinner are    4.  (difference).

Most Americans only give 5.  (they) a short time for lunch. So they eat a small lunch. After work they will have more time to eat a big dinner. Also a quiet dinner at home with all the family 6. (talk) about their day is a way to take 7.  good rest after a long. hard day of work.

Eating at restaurants  8. (be) also different. In China, people like to talk and laugh while eating. Very often you can hear people talking and laughing  _9. (loud), and they are just having a good time. In America it is not like this. They want a quiet place 10. they can eat a good meal far away from the noises of the outside world.




After a long day at school,I walked home with my heavy schoolbag. Sleepy and      , I threw my things on the couch and took something from the      to eat. I passed by the living room and wished I could watch TV, but I knew my      would take me the whole night. I took my schoolbag and went      to my room. I tried to understand chemistry and      sleepiness at the same time. I tried to keep my eyes      and I wanted something to cheer me up.

Later, I      the sound of the front door opening. And I waited for it—the sound of my mom singing. Though she sang off-key(跑调), it made me      that she was here. I ran down to      my mom. We hugged each other and talked for a while. I liked it when my mom was happy. Her      seemed to flow (流动) down to me and I got the strength to      the stress again.

Sometimes, I wonder how my mom can still be      after coming back from work. Every weekday, she wakes up      in the morning to go to work and spends an hour on the bus before getting downtown. At a clothing factory, she works standing for the whole day and      clothes. After work, my mom at times gets stuck (卡住) in        for two hours on her way back home. When I      my school life with her work life, I should not be the one to      . At least I have some interesting things to do at school, but while drawing patterns, one mistake at work can cost my mom her job. I      it when my mom has a positive attitude and lives her life with a joyous heart, which encourages me to do my work well.      there may be difficulties, seeing her happy makes me feel      , too.

1.A. heavy       B. busy       C. hungry    D. unlucky

2.A. classroom   B. kitchen     C. bedroom     D. apartment

3.A. dream      B. program     C. homework    D. experience

4.A. downstairs B. outside   C. upstairs    D. inside

5.A. break off   B. put off     C. take off  D. fight off

6.A. opening     B. opened    C. open        D. closing

7.A. felt        B. listened    C. raised     D. heard

8.A. disappointed B. tired      C. excited    D. stressed

9.A. look       B. greet     C. complain to D. help

10.A. stress   B. idea        C. belief     D. energy

11.A. face       B. change    C. support     D. leave

12.A. creative B. negative    C. competitive D. positive

13.A. early    B. soon        C. fast        D. late

14.A. managing B. organizing C. selling    D. designing

15.A. chat      B. traffic     C. duty        D. task

16.A. switch   B. exchange   C. connect     D. compare

17.A. complain   B. decide    C. study     D. play

18.A. achieve  B. notice    C. appreciate  D. challenge

19.A. However    B. While       C. As         D. Because

20.A. inspired B. bored       C. successful  D. important



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