满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When you were a child you had a pure min...

When you were a child you had a pure mind which was free from worries and anxieties. However, as time goes by, you’re faced with so many problems in life. Below are five techniques that can help you get relaxed.

1. Mind your own business.

Yes, please mind your own business. When you start being concerned about things which are not related to you, you lose your control on your thought process, which often has negative results disturbing the mental peace. Basically, your mind starts wandering here and there. So next time an unnecessary thought comes to your mind, think whether this is really something you should be worrying for? If not, keep it away and focus on something positive, practical and fruitful.

2. Surround yourself with positive people.

Overlook negative comments and stay away from negative souls. When someone is negative, he spreads negativity and you get affected. Staying with such people will have long term influence on your character so think about your company.

3. Don’t think about others too much.

Remember: Small minds discuss people; Average minds discuss events; Higher minds discuss ideas and Great minds act in silence. Don’t allow your brain to compare yourself to others as this is an insult (侮辱) to yourself. Don’t be jealous; it’s a heart killing disease, get rid of it as soon as possible. When you are jealous you focus on finding faults in others even if they don’t have. This poisons your soul and steals the mental peace.

4. You can’t keep everyone happy.

Don’t be oversensitive (过于敏感的). Be natural in what you do. Be positive and constructive in your deeds and then don’t really care too much about others. Be aware, don’t apply this to too closed relations. Develop trust to build up powerful relationships.

5. Don’t believe yourself to be unlucky.

Remember this: Bad luck happens to everyone. It’s not your fault at all. Time, whether good or bad, passes quickly. Develop the power of not looking back into your past. Believe in the power of Now. Believe in your skills. Work hard and you will get what you have been entitled for. Be patient and see what has been planned for you.

With these recommendations, I believe if you can make it, it’s probable that you can bring changes in your lifestyle and get back your mental peace.

1.This passage is written for those who want to _________.

A. seek learning skills

B. find positive people as friends

C. make their mind pure

D. get mentally peaceful and relaxed

2.The underlined word “Overlook” can be replaced by _________.

A. Ignore     B. Pass   C. Master    D. Support

3.The underlined sentence means _________.

A. People with different minds do different things

B. people should discuss different aspects of life

C. people should never compare themselves with others

D. people should never be jealous, or they’ll be poisoned

4.Which of the following should NOT be done according to the five techniques?

A. Stay with positive people.

B. Care about the business of strangers.

C. Be sincere with others and never care too much about them.

D. Believe in the magic power of what the present can bring you.


1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:当你还是孩子的时候你是无忧无虑的,但是随着年龄的增长,你会遇到很多麻烦,文章介绍了5个可以减轻烦恼带来的压力的方法。 1.D事实细节题。根据短文第一段However, as time goes by, you’re faced with so many problems in life. Below are five techniques that can help you get relaxed.可知本文是为了那些想要得到精神上的平静和休息的人写的,故选D。 2.A词义猜测题。根据Overlook negative comments and stay away from negative souls.可知是要我们忽视那些消极的评论,远离身上带有消极因素的人,故选A。 3.A句意猜测题。根据短文Remember: Small minds discuss people; Average minds discuss events; Higher minds discuss ideas and Great minds act in silence.分别谈到了有小志向的人,平庸的人,以及有大志向的人的不同做法,说明不同的人的做法是不同的,故选A。 4. 考点:考查人生感悟类短文阅读


The France company that spread a Europe-wide cheating of food supply by passing off(冒充)750 tons of horse-meat as beef was allowed on Monday to restart production of minced meat, sausages and ready-to-eat meals. But the company will no longer be allowed to stock frozen meat, Agriculture Minister Stephane Foll said.

United Kingdom

A new virus that broke out in the Middle East last year and killed five people is well adapted to infecting(感染)humans but could practically be treated with drugs that improve the immune(免疫)system. “The virus is from the same family as the common cold and as SARS.” a scientist from Oxford on Tuesday.

South Africa

Olympian runner Oscar Pistorius broke into the door of a small bathroom where his girl friend was bathing after a shouting match on Valentine’s Day, hitting her three times, a South African prosecutor(检察官) said on Tuesday as he charged the sports star with planned murder.


Former Egyptian prime minister and presidential(总统的) candidate Ahmed Shafiq was referred to the Cairo Criminal Court on Tuesday over corruption(腐败)and money laundering charges, the official News Agency reported. Shafiq has left Egypt for the United Arab after losing the presidential race.

1.According to the passage, the French company_________.

A. spread a virus across Europe.

B. sold 750 tons beef as horse-meat.

C. restarted production of frozen meat.

D. was again allowed to produce sausages.

2.The planned murder took place in _________.

A. Egypt        B. America

C. South Africa        D. The United Kingdom

3.We can learn from this passage that_________.

A. the French company once cheated its customers.

B. patients with the new virus can not be cured by now.

C. Pistorius killed his girl friend all by chance on Tuesday.

D. the former prime minister of Egypt has left the United Arab.

4.This passage is taken from the section of _________in a newspaper.

A. Nation       B. World            C. Sports             D. Science



She was returning from teaching out in a small community (社区). It was a moonless night, and a heavy snow was falling.

She remembered back to when she had first started teaching out in small communities. In those days she had always picked up hitchhikers (搭便车者), until the day her sister told her of a friend who had been shot (中枪) in the head by a hitchhiker, all because she had stopped out of kindness to help him during a storm.

Her family didn’t become concerned (关心的) about her safety over the hitchhikers until the family heard the promise: “No more hitchhikers!” The snow that night was making her think back to this.

Then she saw a man waving. She slowed down for him, but now as he ran toward the car in the dark she shook with fear. Yet she thought that if he was truly in need she couldn’t leave him here in this storm.

The stranger explained that his car was dead, and she told him to get in. They drove for an hour into the next city and she took him to a telephone booth (公用电话亭). She waited until he had made a call. When he reported back to her that a family member would soon come for him, she wished him well and left.

Tears fell on her cheeks as she drove away. She felt as though she had been holding her breath for an hour. “I hope they’ll understand why I had to break my promise,” she thought.

1.What can we learn about the woman?

A. She was a taxi driver.

B. She used to be a hitchhiker.

C. She taught in small communities.

D. She seldom picked up strangers.

2.What made her family worried about her safety?

A. She had been hurt by a hitchhiker.

B. Her sister’s friend was killed by a hitchhiker.

C. There were often snowstorms on her way home.

D. Her car often broke down on her way home.

3.We can infer from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph that _________.

A. she regretted picking up the stranger.

B. she felt too tired to breathe.

C. she had been afraid being with the stranger.

D. she had been too careful driving in the storm.

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. A Dead Car

B. A Dangerous Hitchhiker

C. A Struggle in the Snow

D. A Broken Promise



The city of Rome has passed a new law to prevent cruelty to animals. All goldfish bowls are no longer allowed and dog owners must walk their dogs.

This comes after a national law was passed to give prison sentences to people who desert (抛弃)cats or dogs.

“The civilization of a city can be measured by this,” said Monica Carina, the councilor behind the new law.

The newspaper reported that round bowls don’t give enough oxygen for fish and may make them go blind.

“Rome has tried to protect fish more than anywhere else in the world. It stands out for recognizing that fish are interesting animals that deserve over respect and pity every bit as much as dogs and cats and other animals,” said Karin Robertson, director of the People for the Ethical treatment of Animals.

Last year a law was passed in Italy that gives people who desert pets big fines and prison sentences. Since then local governments have added their own animal protection rules.

The northern city of Turin passed a law in April to give pet owners fines of up to $598 if they do not walk their dogs three times a day.

The new law in Rome also says that owners mustn’t leave their dogs in hot cars or cut their dogs’ tail to make them look lovelier. The law also gives legal recognition to the “cat ladies” who feed homeless cats. The cats live all over the city from ancient ruins to modern office car parks.

1.The new law passed in Rome will _________.

A. guarantee(保证)better conditions for goldfish

B. help improve fishing environment

C. stop people from catching goldfish

D. prevent keeping goldfish at home

2.People in Rome believe that the civilization of a city can be judged by _________.

A. exchanges with other cities

B. Protection of ancient ruins

C. recognition of animal lovers

D. people’s awareness of animal protection

3.People may break the law in Turin if they _____________.

A. keep their dogs or cats in cars

B. shut their dogs home all day long

C. raise their cats near ancient ruins

D. feed homeless animals in car parks



Not long ago my daughter’s favorite shoes were cut with a knife. She cried. I took them to the shoemaker to get them     . The young apprentice (学徒)     at the cuts quickly and said, “I can do     except replace the uppers. ” The master looked at them and said, “    you trust me, I will add more cuts to both of the shoes.” I was     and asked why. He     , “As if the cuts were made on purpose for special style.” I didn’t fully understand him,     I decided to leave the shoes.

Two days later, I went to collect the shoes. At first     I found there were indeed more cuts on each shoe, but all of them were     with red thread around. The shoes looked more unique and interesting than ever. I couldn’t help but praise his     .

Another time, my wife’s white skirt had an opening. My wife checked it     and said,  “I’ll mend it myself.” Three days later, seeing the skirt again, I was shocked: the     had been repaired by thin and white thread and it looked like a flower. I     with praise, “It’s just as beautiful as a piece of art!”

“I got the     from that shoemaker. Patches (补丁) are supposed to be ugly, but a skillful person can make it look perfect.” replied my wife.

      she said set me thinking: perfection is     to achieve in everything; patches are unavoidable(不可避免的), so is human’s life, which will appear     the form of injury, disability or disease.     you can’t change the existence of them, all you     do and have to do is to deal with the wound by patches and try your best to bloom(盛开)a most beautiful flower on the wound, and that is the meaning of     .

1.A. repaired      B. cleaned       C. sold            D. painted

2.A. glared    B. glanced      C. laughed   D. stared

3.A. something   B. anything   C. nothing   D. everything

4.A. Even if   B. If    C. Though   D. While

5.A. delighted   B. convinced   C. confused   D. embarrassed

6.A. declared    B. explained      C. announced      D. interrupted

7.A. and    B. but    C. or    D. so

8.A. sight    B. attempt   C. hand    D. light

9.A. occupied   B. filled    C. mixed    D. decorated

10.A. status    B. strength    C. skill    D. sweat

11.A. carefully   B. frequently   C. gradually   D. curiously

12.A. cut     B. wound   C. injury    D. opening

13.A. sighed   B. breathed   C. jumped   D. complained

14.A. plan    B. truth    C. idea    D. desire

15.A. What   B. That    C. When    D. Where

16.A. necessary  B. unnecessary   C. impossible   D. possible

17.A. on     B. by    C. at        D. in

18.A. Now that   B. In that    C. So that    D. In order that

19.A. must   B. can    C. may    D. need

20.A. life    B. study    C. work    D. Education



—Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?

—__________. I love getting close to nature.

A. I couldn’t agree more        B. I’m afraid not

C. I believe not           D. I don’t think so



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