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(Reuters) — A group of Chinese scientist...

(Reuters) — A group of Chinese scientists and explorers are looking for international help to organize a new search for the country’s answer to Bigfoot, known locally as the “Yeren”, or “wild man”.

Over the years, more than 400 people have said they saw the half-man, half-ape (半猿) Yeren in a remote, mountainous area of the central province of Hubei, state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday.

Expeditions in the 1970s and 1980s found hair, a footprint, and a sleeping nest suspected of belonging to the Yeren, but there has been no conclusive proof, the report added.

Witnesses describe a creature that walks upright and is more than 2 meters tall with grey, red or black hair all over its body, Xinhua said.

Now the Hubei Wild Man Research Association is looking for volunteers from around the world to join them on another expedition to look for the Yeren.

“We want the team members to be devoted, as there will be a lot of hard work in the process,” Luo Baosheng, vice president of the group, told Xinhua.

But the team will have to come up with about 10 million yuan ($1.50 million) first, and is talking to companies and other bodies to secure the money, so there is no timetable yet for when they may start, the report added.

China is no stranger to cryptozoology. There are many tales about mysterious, monster-like creatures in remote parts of the country. For example, Tibetans have long talked about the existence of the Yeti (喜马拉雅雪人), or “Abominable Snowman”, in the high mountains of their snowy homeland.

1.What the volunteers for this expedition need most is _____.

A. devotion     B. enthusiasm

C. confidence      D. experience

2.The timetable for starting the trip depends on _____.

A. the number of explorers  B. government’s support

C. the finance     D. local people’s guiding

3.According to the text, the underlined word “cryptozoology” in the last paragraph probably refers to _____.

A. the study of mysterious animals

B. the study of human beings

C. dangerous expeditions

D. tourism industry

4.What would be the best title for this text?

A. Volunteers for an expedition needed

B. Scientists to look for China’s Bigfoot

C. International cooperation in finding wild man

D. Yeren appeared in Hubei again


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇新闻报道。多年来,超过400人说他们在中国湖北的边远地区见到过野人的踪迹,这些野人半猿半人。中国为此向国际求助,希望组建一个新的调查小组来调查这些野人的真实身份。 1.A细节理解题。根据文章“We want the team members to be devoted, as there will be a lot of hard work in the process,” Luo Baosheng, vice president of the group, told Xinhua.可知最需要的是奉献精神,故选A。 2.C细节理解题。根据文章But the team will have to come up with about 10 million yuan ($1.50 million) first, and is talking to companies and other bodies to secure the money, so there is no timetable yet for when they may start, the report added.可知只有收集到足够的资金他们才能展开这项调查,故选C。 3.A词义猜测题 。根据There are many tales about mysterious, monster-like creatures in remote parts of the country. 可知是对神秘动物的调查,故选A。 4. 考点:考查新闻报道类短文阅读




Form Teacher:  G. Baker            Pupil’s Name:  Simon Watkins

Term:         Summer 2014 Form:         Ⅳ B



Class work





Simon has reached a satisfactory standard but now needs to apply himself with more determination.




Sound work and progress throughout the year. Well done!




A disappointing exam result. He is unable to give attention to this subject for long.




His obvious ability in the subject was not fully reflected in his exam work, but I have high hopes for him nevertheless.




An excellent term’s performance. He goes from strength to strength. A born scientist, I feel.




This time next year he will be taking the “0” exam. He needs to concentrate on the work, not on class conversation.




Clearly he didn’t bother to revise. His general attitude is far too casual.





Weak. It’s time he exercised his body more and his voice less. He should try to work with a team.


Basically satisfactory work and progress              I shall be keeping an eye on his

though he will now have realized, I hope, that          progress in his weaker subjects

in certain subject areas he needs to make speedy        though his success in the sciences is

improvement.                                   most pleasing.

1.According to the comments of the Physical Education teacher, Simon_______.

A. is too talkative in the class

B. doesn’t exercise his body at the right time

C. likes to work with his classmates

D. becomes weak because he doesn’t exercise at all

2.Which of Simon’s subjects will attract the headmaster’s attention in future?

A. Biology and Maths.

B. History and French.

C. English and Chemistry.

D. Physics and Physical Education.

3.Which of the following statements best describes Simon?

A. He has made great progress in language classes.

B. His potential has been fully reflected in science classes.

C. His grade in maths makes him a born scientist.

D. He needs to improve his attitude on certain subjects.

4.Based on the school report, which of the following statements is true?

A. Simon didn’t bother his teacher to revise French.

B. Basically, Simon did a good job in science.

C. Simon is a determined learner in English.

D. Simon is able to pay attention to history for long.



Australia’s koalas could be wiped out within 30 years unless urgent action is taken to stop the losing in population, according to researchers. They say development, climate change and bushfires have all combined to reduce the number of wild koalas sharply.

The Australian Koala Foundation said a recent survey showed the population could have dropped by more than half in the past six years. Previous estimates put the number of koalas at more than 100,000, but the latest calculations suggest there could now be as few as 43,000.

The foundation collected field data from 1,800 sites and 80,000 trees to calculate the numbers. In one area in northern Queensland estimated to have 20,000 koalas a decade ago, a team of eight people could not find a single animal in four days of searching.

The foundation said besides problems caused by cutting down forests, hotter and drier conditions because of global warming had reduced the nutritional value of their staple food, eucalyptus leaves, leading to poor nutrition for them.

Koalas, which live in the forests in Australia’s east and south, are very fussy (爱挑剔的) about what types of the leaves they eat.

Foundation chief Deborah Tabart said: “The koalas are missing everywhere we look. It’s really no tree, no me. If you keep cutting down trees you don’t have any koalas.”

She is hoping the new figures will persuade the government’s Threatened Species Steering Committee (TSSC) to list the koala as threatened. But committee chairman Bob Beeton said a decision was not likely recently and the koala’s status as one of the country’s favourite animals would not be a factor. “There’s a number of species which are attractive and people have special feelings towards them. We don’t consider that,” Mr Beeton was reported as saying by the AFP agency.

1.The writer gives the example of the area in northern Queensland in Paragraph 3 to show that _____.

A. the forests are being damaged heavily

B. the environment is being polluted seriously

C. koalas usually live in wild mountainous areas

D. the number of koalas is dropping quickly

2.Global warming is an important cause of koalas’ reduction because _____.

A. koalas can hardly stand the hot weather

B. the leaves koalas eat are losing nutritional value

C. koalas cannot get enough water to drink

D. the leaves koalas eat cannot grow in hot weather

3.According to Bob Beeton, _____.

A. koalas are his favourite animals

B. a decision will be made to protect koalas

C. they needn’t pay special attention to koalas

D. koalas needn’t be protected at all




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2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇: 牛津------ Oxford    费用------ fee

Dear Sir/Madame,

I’m writing for more information about the day tour to London.





Li hua








I used to love science class ---- all of them biology, chemistry, geography, physics. I think I liked those classes because I felt that it helped me understand what the world works. For example, when I was a child, the rain was a mystery. In one class, I learned it rained. I think science classes clear up memories. But then there is always more mysteries look into. What was my least favorite class? hat was maths! After learn the basics of the subject, nothing else seemed very practically to me. I never saw how I could use it in my daily life.



Getting your children to study can be a little like getting them to eat their vegetables.

1.  Make a study time and have it at the same time every day. This will help your kids to learn to schedule their day and will give them a sense of control over how they spend their time.

Allow them to study in blocks of time, such as for half an hour with a five-minute break in the middle.   2.  Ideal (理想的) study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner.

Never allow your children to study in front of the television, as that will encourage passive activity.   3.

You’ll also need to help your kids find the right place to study. After you’ve set up a good study time for little learners, set up a good place where they can get those creative juices flowing.

4.  Make sure there is a table or a desk and a comfortable chair.

5.  This includes helping them out with their homework sometimes and being there for them with the answers to any questions. The input you give your children during study periods will help form a bond and help make studying enjoyable.

A. Pick a place where your children can study properly.

B. Hold them to the schedule they create for themselves.

C. Finally, spend time with your kids when they’re studying.

D. Keep the atmosphere light and offer lots of encouragement, too.

E. Instead, use TV as a treat or a reward when the homework is completed.

F. Try to stop this bad habit by offering some sort of reward.

G. One of the best ways to form good study habits for your kids is to design a schedule that they keep to.



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