满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My life is a lot easier at high school b...

My life is a lot easier at high school because my ___1.___ students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me __2.___, and I just ignore them.

My ambition is to work for a __3._ that develops computer software when I grow up.

As a __4._ Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant. So Claire borrowed a __5._ of books from the library for him to read, or other, _6.__.

Without _7.__ we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and _8.__ out into the bay.

Within a moment or two, the baleen whale’s body was __9.__ swiftly by the killers down into the __10.__ of the sea.


1.fellow 2.annoyed 3.firm 4.favour 5.pile 6.scan 7.pausing 8.headed 9.dragged 10.depths 【解析】 试题分析:考查名词、动词、形容词,注意运用正确形式。 1.fellow 考查名词。Fellow students同学,用fellow。 2.annoyed 考查形容词。Make me annoyed使我烦恼,用annoyed。 3.firm 考查名词。公司,可数名词,根据a填单数形式,用firm。 4.favour 考查名词。帮助,As a favour作为帮助,用favour。 5.pile 考查名词。A pile of books一堆书,用pile。 6.scan 考查动词。浏览,与前面的read是并列的,省略了for him to,用scan。 7.pausing 考查动名词。Without doing sth ,without pausing毫不犹豫,用pausing。 8.headed 考查动词。与 jumped into 并且,用相同的时态,用过去时,用headed。 9.dragged 考查动词。拖动,与主语质之间是被动关系,用dragged。 10.考查名词。The depths of the sea大海的深处,用depths。 考点:考查名词、动词、形容词

One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about __1.___ (be) late for school. There were many people waiting at the bus stop, ___2.___ some of them looked very anxious and __3.__(disappoint) . When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next ___4.___ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike __5._ (catch ) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused _6.__ (stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept ____7.___(ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked,“__8.___ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It ‘s ___9.___ (I )”. She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully, Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers   __10.__(sudden) became friendly to one another.



A story is told about a soldier who finally came home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from  ____  “Mom and Dad, I  ____ home ,but I’ve a favor to ask .I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.” “  ____ ,” they replied, “We’d love to meet him.” “There’s something you should know,” the son continued , “he was ____ in the fighting. He ____ on a land bomb and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go ,and I want him to  ____ us.” “I’m sorry to hear that ,son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.” “No, Mom and Dad ,I want him to live with us.” “Son,” said the father , “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such  ____  would be  ____ on us. We have our own lives to live ,and we can’t let something like this  ____  with our lives. I think you should just come home and  __25__ about this guy . He’ll find a way to live  ____  his own.

At that point, the son ____  the phone. The parents heard  ____ more from him. A few days later , ____ ,they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building .The police believed it was a  ____.They grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco to  ____ the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn’t know, their son had  ____.

The parents in this story are like many of us .We find it  ____ to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around ,but we don’t like people who are  ___ to us or make us feel uncomfortable. Thankfully, there’s someone who loves us with an ____ love that welcomes us into the forever family.

1.A. Chicago   B. San Francisco   C. Boston   D. London

2.A. am leaving   B. was coming   C. am coming   D. was leaving

3.A. Sure   B. Sorry   C. possible   D. No way

4.A. fairly good   B. very healthy   C. very well   D. hurt badly

5.A. sat   B. slept   C. stepped   D. lay

6.A. live with   B. keep with   C. work with   D. play with

7.A. disadvantagesB. disabilitiesC. advantages   D. shortcomings

8.A. a happy familyB. pleasant companyC. deadly disease   D. a terrible burden

9.A. disturb   B. stop   C. improve   D. strengthen

10.A. bring   B. forgive   C. forget   D. remember

11.A. of   B. on   C. at   D. in

12.A. hung on   B. hold on   C. hung out   D. hung up

13.A. anything   B. something   C. nothing   D. everything

14.A. otherwise   B. however   C. besides   D. and

15.A. suicide(自杀)B. accident   C. murder   D. coincidence

16.A. bringB. take   C. identify   D. fetch

17.A. only one arm and one legB. one arm and two legsC. no arm and no legD. two arms and one leg

18.A. simple   B. easy   C. difference   D. difficult

19.A. friendly   B. familiar   C. smart   D. inconvenient

20.A. unconditionalB. precious   C. unique   D. valuable



Looking back on the first twenty years of my life, I feel grateful to have been so healthy and happy. I owe my happiness to so many people and lucky events, but there are many key factors that have guided and supported me in my life. They are my physical health,healthy finances(经济情况) and my family’s happiness.

Health comes first for me, because without health everything else is meaningless. Imagine starting a career without good health. Imagine starting a family without good health. Imagine achieving anything without good health. 1.

Good health is not enough to be happy.  2.Money obviously pays for the basic necessities of life----food, housing, clothing, etc. It is also necessary for other reasons. Money guarantees we always get good medical treatment when we fall ill. 3.

Family is another important factor in having a happy life because it provides the love ,joy, and support that everyone needs. I love my family with all my heart. I get pleasure from their pleasure. I suffer when they suffer. 4.   They give me advice when I have misunderstandings with my friends. More importantly, they are always there to share everything with me.

5. As long as I stay healthy, work hard to earn enough money and share both good times and bad times with my family, I will always be the happiest girl in the world.

A. Money is the most important factor which contributes to a happy life.

B. These three factors are all I need and want in this world.

C. My family help me get through worries, pressures and difficulties.

D. We still need to have money in today’s society.

E. Finally, I’m quite thankful that I am healthy, wealthy and happy.

F. Clearly, good health is much more important than any other aspect of one’s life.

G. Besides, we can also use money for entertainment that can add to our quality of life.



The events of Saturday night in Kunming are deeply engraved in the mind of Xie Qiming, who narrowly escaped death in the terrorist attack at the city's railway station.

The 48-year-old policeman intervened(介入) to stop the butchering of unarmed civilians, saving many from death and injury, but he was injured in the process. Lying in a hospital bed, his head and nose marked by serious hacking (砍)wounds - one more than 20 centimeters long - Xie recounted(详细叙述) his actions on the day he describes as a nightmare. "I shot at them but fell to the ground during the fighting. After the shots, the terrorists turned their attention to the police and several of them surrounded me and stabbed(刺,戳) me like crazy," he said. "There is no humanity in them."

Xie is from the Beijinglu Police Station, the closest to the attack, and four police officers from the station were the first to respond. He survived because he was wearing a bulletproof vest, which was damaged by the attackers. When the officers arrived, the attackers were running out of the ticket hall, attacking people with long knives.Xie and his colleagues tried to stop the attack, which is when Xie was injured. In addition to the deep cuts, his skull(颅骨) was fractured(裂缝), and at the time of writing he was awaiting further surgery.

Zhou Hongmei, director of the Medical Reform Office at the Yunnan Health Department, said a team of medical experts including 29 doctors had arrived in Kunming by Monday night. They have been working at the five hospitals treating victims of the attack. Chen Min, a Neurology Department nurse at Kunming First People's Hospital, said the department usually had seven nurses in the daytime and three at night. "But all the other nurses who were not on duty returned to the hospital voluntarily on Saturday night," she said. In the past three days, none of them had more than 10 hours of rest.

"The important factor in saving lives in such incidents is treatment without delay," said Chai Wenzhao, associate director of the Intensive Care Unit (重症监护室)in the Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Chai has participated in many emergency rescue efforts. He said that the victims will need psychological advice once their physical injuries have been dealt with, because the emotional impact of such an incident can be severe. Four psychologists from Anding Hospital in Beijing have begun treating some of the victims.

1.What does the underlined word “engraved” mean in the passage?

A. feared             B. disappointed

C. attacked        D. impressed

2.What can we learn from Zhou Hongmei,?

A. Victims of the attack have been treated by a team of medical experts.

B. the victims will need psychological treatment, because the emotional impact of such an incident can be severe.

C. Treatment without delay should be given to save lives in such incidents .

D. The attackers had obviously prepared and practiced for a long time,

3.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Survivors recount nightmare

B.Many people was injured in the attack

C.A terrorist attack happened in Kunming.

D.Police stopped the terrorist attack.



A recent experiment held in Japan shows that it is almost impossible for people to walk exactly straight for 60 metres. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology found 20 healthy men and asked them to walk as straight as possible to a target 60 metres away at normal speed. Each man had to walk on white paper fixed flat to the floor wearing wet colored socks. The footprints revealed(展现) that all walked in a winding rather than a straight line. Researchers found that people readjust(调整) the direction of walking every few seconds. The amount of the winding differed from subject to subject. This suggests that none of us can walk in a strictly straight line. We walk in a winding way mainly because of a slight structural or functional imbalance of our limbs (四肢). Although we may start walking in a straight line, several steps afterwards we have changed direction.

Eyesight helps us to correct the direction of walking and leads us to the target. Your ears also help you walk. After turning around a lot with your eyes closed, you can hardly stand still, let alone walk straight.

It’s all because your ears help you balance. Inside your inner ear there is a structure which contains liquids. On the sides of the organ are many tiny hair-like structures that move around as the liquid flows. When you spin (旋转) the liquid inside also spins. The difference is that when you stop, the liquid continues to spin for a while. Dizziness is the result of these nerves in your ear. When you open your eyes, although your eyesight tells you to walk in a straight line, your brain will trust your ears more, thus you walk in a curved line.

1.The experiment held in Japan proved that _______.

A. none of the participants finished the 60 metres

B. all the participants had a good sense of direction

C. the experiment was done in different ways

D. the participants kept readjusting(调整) their direction of walking

2.The underlined word “subject” in Para. 1 refers to ________.

A. a person with a functional imbalance

B. the subject one studies at school

C. a person chosen to be studied in an experiment

D. the direction of walking

3.The purpose of writing the article is to ________.

A. prove that ears and eyes help us to walk straight

B. point out the importance of noticing everyday science

C. explain why we can hardly walk in a strictly straight line

D. give background information about a latest study



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