满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Hi Li Hua,

As an ordinary middle school student, I plan to study abroad some day, but when is the properer time, before or after graduation from college? And what should I prepare before I go abroad?

Best wishes.


注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好。


Dear Mandy, I am delighted to receive your letter. And I am willing to share my opinions with you about the time to study abroad. My advice is staying in the USA to get your bachelor’s degree and then going abroad for your master’s, because this means you will be a little older and more able to appreciate the differences between life in your country and life overseas. The older you are, the greater your experience is, the more you will understand the differences and be able to form opinions about what you’re seeing. You should concentrate on your language if you hope to go to a non-English-speaking country and there are no specific preparations except to have spirit of adventure and to be ready for new experiences. Best wishes. Li Hua   【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇书信写作。主要针对对方的来信写一封回信。来信说Mandy是一个很普通的中学生,她想出国留学但是不知道应该去国外上大学呢还是上完大学再出国,所以需要朋友李华的帮助。在回信中李华首先要针对来信给出自己的建议以及原因,最好理由要充分。写作过程中要注意书信的格式以及书面用语。 【亮点说明】 首先,书信的格式要正确。第一段主要表达了自己对出国留学的一些建议,建议在国内上大学,然后出国上研究生。作者还罗列一些比较充分的理由,比如说上完大学会更成熟稳重,经验也更丰富等。用到了比较级结构the older....the greater....the...more 越……就越…… 越……第二段主要表达自己对课程的看法,两种课程选择了3周40小时的哪一个。并且说明了原因,时间充足可以游览城市等。第三段表达了自己对用于出国前的一些建议。作者建议朋友平时要注重对外语的学习并做好新生活的准备。整篇文章语言言简意赅,感情真挚,所有要点都没有遗漏。文章连贯通顺。 考点:考查应用文写作  


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Boys and girls,

Attention, please! I have an announcement to make. Our class is going to pay visit to a model high school in Wednesday morning. We will go there by school buses at 8 a.m. All the students are required to gather at the school gate on time.

Having been reached the model high school, I will start from the main building. Then we willvisit the lab building, which students usually do experiments. After that, we will go to the art center opposite to the lab building. Farther outside you will hear the students playing musical instruments. But between the lab building and the art center lie a beautiful fountain, the center of the schoolyard. Finally we would arrive at the playground at the back of the school, a place for students to do all kinds of sports. That’s all. Thank you.



Blood is important to support our lives. But for now, the only way we can get more of it is through donation. And donated blood has its own problems. First of all, certain blood types are extremely rare. Type O negative blood (O-), for example, only    1.(exist) in 7 percent of people, according to Sunday Times. There are fewer    2.(donate) and therefore there isn’t enough of this type of blood for everybody who needs it. In addition, donated blood comes from various people, which means that it has to   3.  (examine) carefully for diseases such as HIV to make sure that it’s safe for transfusion(输血).

This is__4. scientists all over the world have been trying to make blood in labs. And now, someone finally succeeded—Marc Turner at the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service has produced blood fit for transfusion, reported Forbes. Different from many ____5. scientists, who have tried to make blood by mixing up different ingredients together, Turner chose to grow blood      6.(direct) from human stem cells. He developed    7. special technique to create a chemical environment similar to that in our bone marrow (骨髓). This environment encourages stem cells to develop fully     8. red blood cell.

According to Turner, his artificial blood is    9. (likely) to contain disease viruses or produce side effects. And the best part is that     10. he managed to produce was type O- blood. Not only is it a rare blood type, it’s also a universal type, which means it can be transfused into any patient.



An old friend once came visiting Nasruddin. And he brought along a big     to him. Nasruddin’s wife       it and they enjoyed the feast for dinner. The next morning, they had delicious chicken soup. The friend enjoyed his     stay with Nasruddin. When he was      , Nasruddin returned his friend’s thanks by thanking the     for bringing the big chicken along. An hour later, Nasruddin heard a knock on the door. When he opened it, a man         himself and     entered, “I’m a friend of your friend who brought you that big chicken!”

Not wanting to turn away the     of a friend, Nasruddin invited the man inside and     him to stay for lunch. The man     immediately. They had some lovely chicken cooked for lunch, which the man also enjoyed. After lunch, the man left thanking Nasruddin for the     chicken.

The next day there was no pause as another     entered with the same     : “I am a friend of the friend of the friend who had come here with a huge chicken!” Nasruddin     and asked the man to come right in and have a     . A few minutes later, a bowl of soup was     before him. Just one sip(一小口) told the man that this “soup” was nothing but     water.

“There is nothing in the soup!” the man protested _  __.

“Not at all!” Nasruddin smiled. “This is the soup of the soup of the chicken!”

Moral of the story: When people     your generosity, don’t turn them away rudely. Instead, invite them in and serve them a     they will never forget---just as Nasruddin did.

1.A. Egg          B. basket C. dinner D. chicken

2.A. Valued       B. killed C. cooked D. ate

3.A. Short        B. safe C. sudden  D. secret

4.A. Promising    B. leaving C. standing D. explaining

5.A. Latter       B. next C. owner D. colleague

6.A. Expressed    B. praised C. admired D. introduced

7.A. freely        B. obviously C. quickly   D. frequently

8.A. Father       B. teacher C. relative D. friend

9.A. Asked       B. persuaded C. alarmed D. supported

10.A. Replied     B. accepted C. passed D. prepared

11.A. tasty    B. previous C. usual D. big

12.A. Child      B. thief C. friend D. stranger

13.A. Rule       B. invitation C. tale D. exploration

14.A. smiled    B. doubted C. shook D. agreed

15.A. rest    B. meal C. bath D. smoke

16.A. hidden    B. placed C. pushed D. thrown

17.A. Bitter      B. waste C. polluted D. boiled

18.A. Sadly      B. eagerly C. angrily D. violently

19.A. take pride in B. take advantage of C. lose sight of D. pay attention to

20.A. chance    B. term  C. lesson D. Report



5 Ways Pets Improve Your Health

Pets help relieve stress

________1.A powerful hormone(荷尔蒙) is released when you look at your companion animal, which brings feelings of joy. It is also accompanied by a decrease in a stress hormone.

Pets boost your fitness

A dog is the best companion for a stroll---even better than a friend. _______2. A separate study found that dog owners walked 300 minutes a week on average, while people who didn’t own dogs walked just 168 minutes a week.

Pets provide social support

Pets can provide social support for their owners, who tend to have more overall benefits than non-owners. The calming presence and the social bond that pets bring can be very powerful. Animals give something to focus on instead of the negative thoughts a depressed person may have. ________3.

Pets boost your self-esteem(自尊)

Pets are completely non-judgmental. ______4._ And that boosts self-esteem. Confidence can be improved by the fact that dogs love you no matter what, and to the same extent, cats are very loving to their owners.


Whether your parents and you take turns walking the dog or it is always your job to feed the cat, research has proven having a pet is good for the whole family. Pets can be a very important bridge between family members. Pets can also provide the ultimate learning experience---how to treat others with kindness, caring, and responsibility.

A. Pets improve relationships

B. Pets bring your family closer together

C. Dog walkers improved their fitness more than people who walked with other people.

D. Simply being in the same room with your pet can have a calming effect.

E. So they are more likely to take on leadership roles and tend to be more confidence.

F. When a pet pays attention to you, it is giving you unconditional love and acceptance.

G. They don’t care what you look like or how you behave---they love unconditionally.



Do Algebra (代数) problems 15 through 25. Give the different forms of the verbs on page 50 of your French workbook. Read page 12 through 20 of the Shakespeare play, and when you have finished that, don’t forget to fill the missing chemical symbols on the Periodic Table of Elements worksheet.

Homework is a major part of going to class, and it helps students grasp important concepts. Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less painful.

First, be sure you understand the assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about what is expected. It is much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later at night!

Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done. It is attractive to hang out with friends during study periods or unscheduled time, but the more work you can get done in school, the less you will have to do at night.

Third, pace yourself. If you don’t finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time. Most high school students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy-homework day and it seems like you have got an assignment on every subject but gym and lunch, you will need to devote more time to homework schedule, especially if you are involved in sports or activities or have an after-school job.

1.The first paragraph is probably _______.

A. examination items                 B. a list of homework.

C. some teacher tasks                D. some learning methods

2.What is the author’s attitude towards homework’s effect on students?

A. Opposing.                        B. Impatient.

C. Approving.                       D. Concerned.

3. One way to reduce your burden of homework at night is to _____.

A. take part in studying teams

B. appeal for teachers’ aid at any time

C. focus full attention on teachers’ lecture

D. make full use of the time at school

4.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A. Why students should do homework

B. How to make homework less work

C. It is high time teachers gave less homework

D. Who is to blame for children’s poor eyesight



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