满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_________ that causes heavy haze sweepin...

_________ that causes heavy haze sweeping over china remains unknown to many scientists.

A. what it is     B. what is it

C. who is it   D. who it is


A 【解析】 试题分析:考察强调句。该句是强调句的疑问句,陈述句应该是it is … that cause heavy haze。又因为原因并没有查明是人还是物,所以疑问词用what。该句意思为:是什么导致了席卷中国的雾霾对于很多科学家来说还是未知的。 考点:考查强调句  

If you put a stone in the way of an ant, it will go around, over, under or on top, without stopping, until it finds a way to get ______ it needs to be.

A. what             B. how              C. which            D. Where



As the Internet is expanding day by day, the opportunities for crime ______ as well.

A. has been    B. is     C. have been    D. are



We will gather for the National High School Basketball game at the school gate at 8 tomorrow morning unless _______.

A.otherwise informing   B.otherwise being informed

C.otherwise informed   D.having otherwise informed



____ Britain has agreed to join the China-led international development bank - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), German and Italy will follow suit(跟风,学样).

A. Now that        B. In case

C. Even if        D. As if



Since the new prohibition of drunk driving_____, the number of accidents in the area has fallen sharply.

A. has been introduced  B. introduced

C. was introduced   D. has introduced



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