满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I lost my sight when I was four years ol...

I lost my sight when I was four years old when falling off a train to Atlantic City. But I was          . My parents and my teachers saw something in me -a potential to live, you might call it -which I didn't see, and they encouraged me to           blindness.

The hardest lesson I had to            was to believe in myself. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have walked with a stick for the rest of my life. When I say belief in myself I am not         _ talking about the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an            staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that. Although imperfect in some aspect, I am a real, positive person. There is a special place where I can make myself fit.

It took me years to discover and            this self-confidence. It had to start with the most basic things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was making fun of me and I was           .

"I can't use this," I responded.

"Take it with you," he urged me, "and roll it around. "

The words stuck in my head.  "Roll it around! " By rolling the ball I could            where it went. This gave me an              how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible: playing baseball. At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a new kind of baseball. We called it ground ball.

All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to            them one by one. I also knew my limitations. It was no good trying something that I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only           the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made           .

1.A. unfortunate  B. disappointed  C. lucky    D. ashamed

2.A. share with    B. play with   C. toy with    D. fight with

3.A. meet        B. learn          C. avoid    D. prepare

4.A. simply       B. slightly         C. frequently      D. directly

5.A. unusual      B. unfair     C.unfamiliar        D. uncomfortable

6.A. lengthen  B. strengthen       C. deepen         D. widen

7.A. hurt    B. amused         C. greeted         D. praised

8.A. find        B. see            C. smell           D. hear

9.A. event       B. offer           C. idea            D. excuse

10.A. receive    B. achieve         C. classify        D. follow

11.A. refused    B. removed        C. caused          D. replaced

12.A. sense     B. mistakes        C. friends          D. progress


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了作者是怎样克服双目失明的遗憾来使生活过的和平常人一样,努力追求自己的梦想和目标。 1.C;考查形容词。文章开头说道“我”在四岁那年因为从火车上摔下来而失明,这本来是一件不幸的事情,但是第二句作者用了一个but作为转折,可知作者想表达与不幸相反的意思,故选C 2.D;考查动词词组。A. share with和……分享 B. play with同……一起玩耍 C. toy with玩弄 D. fight with与……作战;句意:我的父母和老师鼓励我同失明作斗争。根据句意,故选D 3.B;考查动词。根据第二段的开头:The hardest lesson可知“我”要学习的最难得课程便是相信“我”自己。故选B 4.A;考查副词。A. simply简单地 B. slightly轻微地 C. frequently频繁地 D. directly直接地;句意:当我对自己讲要相信自己的时候,我不仅仅是在简单地讲那种能够帮助我单独下不熟悉楼梯时的那种自信。那只是一部分。根据句意,故选A 5.C;考查形容词。根据上下文和句意:当我对自己讲要相信自己的时候,我不仅仅是在简单地讲那种能够帮助我单独下不熟悉楼梯时的那种自信。那只是一部分。故选C 6.B;考查动词。A. lengthen使延长,加长 B. strengthen加强,巩固 C. deepen加深,变深 D. widen变宽;根据后文:It had to start with the most basic things.可知“我”在慢慢寻找和加强上文所说的“我”需要的那种自信,故选B 7.A;考查形容词。根据此句的前半句:I thought he was making fun of me可知“我”觉得那个男人在取笑“我”于是“我”感到很受伤,故选A 8.D;考查动词。“我”的眼睛已经失明,当那个男人叫我把球抛出去的时候“我”看不见,只能用耳朵去听它的动向。故选D 9.C;考查名词。句意:这给了我一个主意:怎样去完成我之前觉得不可能的事情。根据句意,故选C 10.B;考查动词。根据上一段:This gave me an how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible…可知“我”努力去实现“我”给自己所设立的目标。故选B 11.C;考查动词。因为“我”的局限性,所以“我”知道完成给自己所设定的目标没有好处和不可能一蹴而就,因为“我”会尝到失败的苦涩。但这失败是短暂的,故选C 12. 考点:考查记叙文阅读

-Where can we get Mo Yan's new novel?

-I'm sorry, it        and will come out next week.

A. has been printed                        B. will be printed

C. is being printed                        D. is printed



The world today        different without the amazing discoveries produced by great scientists.

A. were                              B. had been

C. would have been                      D. would be



The captain as well as his team        interviewed shortly after they won the gold medal.

A. are         B. was            C. is              D. were



The boy,         with his school work every day, felt rather tired and uncomfortable.

A. occupied                         B. occupying

C. to occupy                      D. being occupied



Tired of her endless complaints, I walked out of the room           she could open

her mouth.

A. before      B. until           C. when          D. once



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