满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The cold smile on her face just kept us ...

The cold smile on her face just kept us _______.

A. at a distance       B. in the distance

C. in a distance      D. at distance


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查介词短语。句意:她脸上冷漠的笑容只能增加我们的距离感。A. at a distance有一些距离; B. in the distance在远处; C. in a distance远距离;D. at distance在远处;根据词义,故选A项。 考点:考查介词短语  

When we were young, my brother and I    stay at home waiting for our mother every evening.

A. would       B. might        C. should         D. Could



Do you think that bridge ______ 2,000 meters long? It doesn’t appear ______ long.

A. measures; so                   B. is measured; so

C. is measured; such             D. measures; much



As far as we see, ______ is no possibility ______ he will win the tennis match this time.

A. it; that            B. there; that

C. it; whether         D. there; whether



    Mo Yan had been awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature made us very proud.

A. As      B. That         C. Which         D. What



In our childhood, we were often      by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A. reminded    B. permitted

C. confirmed      D. Performed



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