满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉




Li Yan was awarding the title of “Star Student of the Week” because what she did for our class. On the hot afternoon of last Saturday, Li Yan went to downtown and walked from one store to other, looking for the clothes we would wear in the singing contest. While the rest of us were enjoying our leisure times in cool rooms, she spends the whole afternoon searching for the right clothes. Deeply moved by her, we tried our best and won first prize in the contest. Li Yan is always warm-hearted and care a lot about the class. Beside, she often devotes her spare time to help others. She has set the good example for us.


1.awarding--awarded 2.because后加上of或者because--for 3.went to去掉to 4.other--another 5.times--time 6.spends--spent 7.care--cares 8.Beside--Besides 9.help--helping 10.the--a 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了本周学生之星—李艳。讲述了李艳为了班上同学选择合适的参赛衣服所付出的努力。 1.1】awarding—awarded 考查被动语态。根据句意可知,李艳被授予本周之星这个称号,存在被动关系,故把awarding改成awarded。 2.2】because后加上of或者because—for 考查介词。本句中的what she did for our class是一个宾语从句,故其前为介词。所以在because之后加上of或者把because改成for都可以。 3.3】went to去掉to 考查介词用法。单词downtown为副词,其前不需要介词,故去掉to。句意为:上个星期六那个炎热的下午,李艳去了市中心,一家店接一家店地寻找我们歌咏比赛时所要穿的衣服。 4.4】other—another 考查固定用法。考查短语一个接一个,from one to another 。故把other改成another。 5.5】times—time 考查名词。单词time作时间讲时,为不可数名词,没有复数形式。故把times改成time。句意为:当我们其他人都在凉爽的房里享受着休闲时光时…。 6.6】spends—spent 考查时态。根据上文可知,此处讲的是已发生的事情,故把spends改成spent。句意为:她却花了整个下午去找合适的衣服。 7.7】care—cares 考查主谓一致。本句主语为Li Yan,单数,故谓语动词应用cares。句意为:李艳总是热心肠的,很关爱班集体。 8.8】Beside—Besides 考查副词。本句考查副词besides和介词beside的区别,beside意为在…旁边;而besides则指的是除此之外。根据句意,把beside改成besides。句意为:除此之外,她经常用业余时间帮助他人。 9.9】help—helping 考查非谓语动词。本句考查devote…to…的用法,此句型中的to为介词,其后用动词的ving形式,故把help改成helping。 10.10】the—a 考查固定短语。本句考查短语:set a good example for…,意为:为某人树立一个好榜样。故把the改成a。句意为:她为我们树立了一个好榜样。

Jim:Hey, Jean. Hows it going?

Jean: Oh, the same old thing, I guess. I   1.  (go) to Washington next week to meet with my publishers. And Im looking forward to  2. (have) a good rest during the summer vacation.

Jim: Yeah, me too. How is your book coming?

Jean: Pretty well, I think. I just have to talk about some 3.  (detail) with the publishers about 4.  last chapter of my book.

Jim: What does   5. mainly talk about?

Jean: Well, it just focuses   6.  a great British poet.

Jim: If you werent so busy with going to Washington at all, Id love   7.  (invite) you to come and discuss the great poet Poe with my English literature class. We 8. (study) poetry of the 19th century for two weeks.

Jean: Id love to, but I dont know 9.  I have enough time when I am back. Well, if I come back   10.  (early) than expected, Ill call you.

Jim: Great! It would be great if you can come.



A friend and I were talking about our trip in the airport, when behind us we heard two small children screaming at the top of their voices, Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!     we turned to see that the Daddy they were     to see was their soldier father who was obviously returning from a     in the desert.

They     to him and jumped into his arms. They hugged him and kissed him. He hugged them and kissed them. They could not tell him everything they wanted to tell him     enough. He kneeled down to their level and     hugs and kisses the little girl and her younger brother       crawling(爬) on his back and shoulders.

The soldiers young wife and mother of the two children     patiently, allowing the children to enjoy this     with their daddy. When     turn came, they hugged and kissed each other. At one point I thought about applauding(鼓掌) as a way of thanking the family for their sacrifice(牺牲;贡献) and     his safe return, but it seemed     . This was a private moment     by everyone in that part of the     . We were all frozen      and immersed (沉浸在)in the joy of the moment. We simply allowed this soldier, his wife, and their two children the freedom to       their joy without limit.

Oh, it should be noted that    their mom and dad reconnected, the little boy was crawling up his dads back and the little girl stood next to them jumping up and down     her next moment with her dad. I felt     with the opportunity to see the unlimited joy of a little boy, a little girl, a loving wife, and a travel weary soldier. Blessed, but also ashamed of the     of that kind of joy in my own life.

1.A. Doubtfully  B. Disagreeably   C. Naturally  D. Unexpectedly

2.A. excited   B. surprised     C. polite   D. brave

3.A. search   B. tour      C. holiday   D. trade

4.A. danced    B. walked    C. ran   D. marched

5.A. early       B. slowly     C. clearly   D. quickly

6.A. in all       B. at all     C. in sight  D. in between

7.A. took turns   B. took action    C. went on  D. insisted on

8.A. stood up       B. stood out     C. stood around D. stood by

9.A. achievement  B. honor     C. reunion  D. party

10.A. his    B. their     C. my   D. her

11.A. celebrating   B. missing       C. memorizing D. supporting

12.A. useless    B. improper     C. unpleasant  D. unnecessary

13.A. created    B. shared     C. showed  D. seized

14.A. airport    B. street     C. house  D. world

15.A. in private   B. in time     C. in person   D. in advance

16.A. use    B. deliver        C. publish  D. express

17.A. why    B. how      C. as   D. if

18.A. in expectation of   B. in honor of    C. in place of  D. in memory of

19.A. lucky   B. puzzled     C. blessed  D. amused

20.A. performance   B. presence    C. existence  D. absence



Finding your dream job can be difficult. This month, the search will become even harder as new graduates start looking for work. With many companies still struggling, job hunters have a very difficult task ahead of them.

Don’t be disappointed. 1. Consider using these three methods to find and get the job of your dreams.

The Front Door

2. These include checking company websites and employment services. Since lots of people use the front door, make yourself stand out. This means understanding what a company really needs and creatively showing you can meet that need. 3.  Find out who is doing the hiring, and try to give them your resume (简历) in person. Then follow up with a phone call, letter or visit.

The Back Door

A back-door job search means finding a job through people you know. The back door can help you avoid the crowd of job applicants using the front door. 4. What if you dont have any connections at your dream company? Apply for an internship (实习期).

The Invisible Door

If youre still not getting hired, you might be running into an invisible (无形的) door. Invisible doors are things companies want from new employees but dont list as job requirements. Many companies have special company cultures. Others are looking for people with very specific skills. 5.

It’s not always easy to find a good job. But with a little work, a door will open!

A. Using the front door is convenient.

B. Create your own back door.

C. This type of job search uses traditional ways of getting hired.

D. If you aren’t showing you are a perfect fit, you won’t get hired.

E. There are still jobs out there for those who know what to look for.

F. But you still need to work hard to show you are the best person for the job.

G. Read about each company you apply to.




Sept. 5, 2011



Save My Planet (Repeat)

Learn how to keep electronics out of rubbish; a man that changes old shipping containers into homes; a community in Costa Rica that does well in eco-tourism.



Mary Talks Money (Repeat, TVPG) Tips on

lending money to family and friends.



Mirror Mirror Thrift

How to find the best deals in thrift stores (二手店); commonly asked beauty questions, breaking fashion rules.



Home with Lisa Quinn

Mixing traditional and modern design elements (元素); how to style impressive food; creating a comfortable home.



Say Ahh (Repeat)

The hosts discuss the causes of heart disease, its diagnosis, and the treatments for those with the disease.



Everyday Living

Quick beauty tips; protect yourself from money problems; the four most common parenting mistakes.

7:00 AM

My Green House

Jesse looks into global warming; Andy talks about sustainable (可持续的) cleaning; an eco-friendly supply store.

7:30 AM

Advice for Life (Repeat)

Can you save your father from himself Starting over at 60? Laughter really is the best medicine.

*TVPG: Programs  for children with parents guidance

1. According to the text, Save My Planet is mainly about _____.

A. science development           B. international tourism

C. environmental protection       D. ways to build homes

2. Which of the following content can’t children watch alone?

A. Tips on lending money to family and friends.

B. The four most common parenting mistakes.

C. Commonly asked beauty questions.

D. Creating a comfortable home.

3.Which of the following programs may help you deal with money problems?

A. Advice for Life.

B. Home with Lisa Quinn.

C. Say Ahh.

D. Everyday Living.

4. If you want to know Andy’s idea about cleaning, you should watch at _____.

A. 4:00 AM   B. 7:00 AM    C. 4:30 AM     D. 7:30 AM



“Gold Rush Alaska” has given America gold fever. A lot of young men put everything at risk to find gold in Alaska. They face problems with their machines and the Alaska wild animals. They’re just ordinary people out trying to realize a dream.

Todd Dorsey is one of them. He spent $100,000 on it and prepared for a year before going to Alaska. He brought his family and friends to help him out. He must get them mining (开矿) and a place to stay. He also had to keep their spirits up and kept everyone working as a team. They had to run off bears sometimes from their camp.

They had to face the fact that their lead mechanics (机修工的) health was not good. They called him Harness, and he was on medication that was hard for him to take, because out in Alaska it was not easy to get to the hospital and so he didnt enjoy good health. He was the only one who could keep things running the way they were supposed to. There was one guy that didn’t seem to get along with anyone. But didn’t there always have to be someone that didn’t get along and messed things up?

They got excited when they found a few small pieces of gold, but they needed a lot more to cover the cost of mining every day. It cost Todd $1,000 a day to run everything they needed to mine. They had to make money before the Alaska summer came to an end or they would go broke(破产).

1.We learn from the text that the young men joining the gold rush ______.

A. knew Alaska well before they set off

B. were poor before they went to Alaska

C. faced the threat of wild animals

D. got along well with each other

2.According to the text, Harness ______.

A. was the leader of the young men

B. never messed things up

C. was very important to everyone

D. had to be taken to hospital

3.What does the author think of “Gold Rush Alaska”?

A. He thinks highly of what Todd did.

B. He believes Todd can realize his dream.

C. He thinks Todd lacked team spirit.

D. He thinks Todd was taking a chance.



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