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Beginning to learn gymnastics even befor...

Beginning to learn gymnastics even before she could barely walk, Svetlana had always dreamed to enter the Olympics scene some day.

However, her         ended in the car on the winding road when a lorry appeared out of nowhere. The last thing she         was a blinding flash of light. In hospital, when told she would never         again, she couldn’ t believe it. Three months later, she was         out of hospital on a wheelchair. Then a friend came to her house to visit her with an old child’ s storybook. A bookmark in it made her         to page 117. The name of the         was‘The Day Clara Walked’ . She was determined to return to stage whatever it might cost.

        , after a year’ s hard exercise, Svetlana recovered and was able to display her gymnastics. While she was sitting on the green bench         the Athens Stadium, memories         : first, the pain and the tears, the book under her pillow, the words of relatives full of advice and comfort, and the pity in those eyes that had once held         for her talent. Then followed the trips to the gym where everyone looked on         , their disbelief transforming slowly to wonder,         she could balance the hoop(健身圈)as well as her teammates. She registered for 2004 Olympic Games, and finally she received         from the Olympic Committee.

Her         was interrupted by the attendant who said,“It’ s time” , two words that she had been         to hear for so long. Smoothing her dress, she walked into the stadium, each         firm and steady. Everything was         , and the applause rang loud in her ears, her heart         violently against her chest.

Later that night, Svetlana pulled the gold medal out of her pocket and placed it on the old         on the shelf, which opened to page 117, to the chapter‘The Day Clara Walked’ , tears         her vision.

1.A. dream  B. intension  C. life  D. career

2.A. forgot B. remembered  C. experienced  D. suffered

3.A. see  B. dance  C. walk  D. sing

4.A. rushed  B. rocked  C. thrown  D. wheeled

5.A. open  B. relate  C. point  D. adapt

6.A. bookmark  B. page  C. chapter  D. story

7.A. Suddenly  B. Surprisingly  C. Fortunately  D. Certainly

8.A. opposite  B. beneath  C. inside  D. outside

9.A. flooded in  B. faded away  C. mixed up  D. squeezed out

10.A. fright  B. regret  C. sympathy  D. admiration

11.A. doubtfully B. thankfully  C. nervously  D. cheerfully

12.A. until  B. as  C. while  D. once

13.A. access  B. praise  C. support  D. approval

14.A. plan  B. attempt  C. thought  D. sight

15.A. content  B. eager  C. upset  D. proud

16.A. breath  B. wake  C. step  D. look

17.A. unexpected B. awful  C. perfect  D. finished

18.A. fighting  B. striking  C. kicking  D. hammering

19.A. hoop  B. book  C. letter  D. dress

20.A. clouding  B. filling  C. rolling  D. Rushing


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇小短文讲述了斯威特拉娜在蹒跚学步之前就开始学习体操,从那时起她就梦想着有一天能够亲临奥运会现场参赛。然而,这个梦想被一场突如其来的车祸打碎了。但是最终通过她的不懈努力,她重返赛场并夺得金牌。 1.考查名词辨析。A.梦想B.意图C生活D.事业。从文章开头可得知她参加奥运会的梦想破灭了,故选A 2.考查动词辨析。A.忘记 B.记得C.经历D.遭受。原文意思为在一条蜿蜒公路上行驶时,她的车被一辆不知从哪冒出来的货车给撞了。她能记起的最后一件事就是一道刺目的亮光。故选B 3.考查动词辨析。A看见B跳舞C走路D唱歌。在医院里,当她得知从此再也不能走路时,她简直不敢相信这是真的。故选C 4.考查动词辨析。A冲 B摇晃 C抛;扔 D 滚动。三个月后,她坐着轮椅被推出了医院。故选D 5.考查动词辩析。A打开B认同C表明D适应。题意是顺着里面的书签,他打开了117页。故选A 6.考查名词辨析。A书签B页码C章节D故事。句意这章的标题是“克莱拉的行走日”。故选C。 7.考查副词辨析。A 突然地 B 令人惊奇地 C幸运地D.当然地。令人惊奇地,经过一年艰苦的康复训练,斯威夫特拉娜痊愈了。故选B 8.考查介词辨析。A.与……相反 B. 在……下面C. 在……里面D. 在……外面。当她坐在雅典体育场外的绿色长凳上时,记忆像潮水一样汹涌而至,故选D 9.考查词组辨析。A 蜂拥而至B逐渐消失C混淆不清D挤下去。当她坐在雅典体育场外的绿色长凳上时,记忆像潮水一样汹涌而至,故选A。 10.考查名词辨析。A惊吓 B 遗憾 C同情 D钦佩、赞赏。起初的伤痛和泪水,压在枕头下的书,亲人们劝慰鼓励的话语,为她的天赋赞叹转而惋惜的眼神,故选D 11.考查副词辨析。A. 怀疑地B.感谢地C.紧张地D.兴奋地。然后是往返体育馆训练,围观的人们充满怀疑,直到她能够跟队友们一样可以平衡健身圈的时候,他们的疑虑慢慢变成惊叹。故选A 12.考查连词辨析。A直到B因为、随着C虽然、当……的时候D一旦。直到她能够跟队友们一样可以平衡健身圈的时候,他们的疑虑慢慢变成惊叹。故选A 13.考查名词辨析。A.进入B.赞扬C.支持D.认可。2004年的奥林匹克运动会,她报名参赛,最后获得了组委会的许可。,故选D 14.考查名词辨析。A.计划B.企图C.思考D视力。助理的一句时间到打断了她的思绪。故选C 15.考查形容词辨析。A.满意的 B.渴望的C.心烦意乱的D.骄傲的。这句话她已经盼望已久了。故选 16.考查形容词辨析。A呼吸B醒来C脚步D样子、面容。她整理好衣服,走向赛场,每一步都走得坚定有力,故选C 17. 故选C 18.考查动词的辨析。A奋斗 B 打 C 踢 D敲打,锤击;她耳畔掌声雷动,她的心砰砰直跳。故选D 19.考查名词的使用。A铁环B书C信D裙子。那天晚上,她把金牌从兜里拿出来,放到书架上的那本旧书上,故选B 20. 考点:考查记叙文阅读

Article writing has been a way of conveying information through the web. If you’ re a writer, being able to let them stay on your article for more than two seconds is already a success. Your writing style can create more readers for your content if you know how to catch the attention of readers.1.

Be Direct-to-the-Point

Website writing differs from print writing. People do not want to spend much time on a website because they want to get the information they need.2.

Be Informative

Articles for web content are briefly written. They flesh out the information without decorations. Be sure that your articles are not confusingly worded. 3.Make sure you organize your facts logically so that your reader can effectively process them.

Be Conversational

4.Be conversational so that readers can grasp what you mean in your article. With quality content, engage your readers so that your article will have that personal and human touch.

Be Connected

Most article writers just place sentences that state a certain fact to form a paragraph. However, in readers’ hopes, these writers fail to establish a human connection.5. So it is important to make the connection smooth and not abrupt.

A. Stay away from decorations when writing online content.

B. Most readers like to read articles that“speak”to them.

C. Connection will allow the readers’ minds to effectively process what is written.

D. Get to your point directly so that your readers can process the information.

E. Here are some important points to consider before writing online.

F. Article writing is a fun way of establishing a connection with a reader and a writer.

G. Complex sentences tend to wrongly lead your reader and make them confused.



You may have experienced the frustration of receiving a parking fine or finding your car towed away (拖走)after leaving it parked for a couple of minutes.

But now a hightech car sticker could help motorists avoid such a situation by allowing a traffic warden(管理员)to get in touch with them. Car owners can buy the sticker and place it inside their car’ s windscreen, having set it up with vital information, such as their phone number. The slim design will include a sensor that will send a text message warning a driver about a coming fine when touched by a traffic warden. The message will ask them to move their car immediately. The driver could then type a reply for the warden using their smartphone, which will appear on the sticker’ s screen.They may choose to write something along the lines of“back in two minutes”in a bid to avoid a fine. Frankfurt-based IT consultant, Daniel Kalliontzis, came up with the idea and is raising funds on Indiegogo to put his 54 sticker into production.

The smart sticker system will rely on the good will of traffic wardens and critically, a German law. The law states:“An officer has to choose the most efficient and inexpensive way for the car owner to remove the vehicle.”It could be cheaper for the authorities to contact the driver than to tow his car.

At the time of writing, Mr Kalliontzis has raised just over 3,000 of his 50,000 goal on Indiegogo. If he manages to raise the money, the stickers will be shipped in June 2015. But it appears that car owners using the smart system could get some unnecessary warning messages, because anyone could touch the smart sticker.

1.The first paragraph is intended to ________.

A. highlight an awkward situation

B. complain about a parking fine

C. introduce the topic of the passage

D. remind motorists of the parking risk

2.What may probably contribute to the application of the TowStop sticker in Germany?

A. The sticker’ s low cost.

B. The mass production.

C. The goodwill of motorists.

D. The law of the country.

3.What can be concluded from the last paragraph about the TowStop Sticker?

A. It takes time and efforts to put it to use.

B. Only traffic wardens can touch the sticker.

C. All car owners will use the sticker in 2015.

D. Kalliontzis is experienced in raising money.

4.What’ s the right order of the following statements according to the passage?

①A message is sent by the sensor.

②The sticker is put inside a car’ s windscreen.

③A traffic warden touches the smart sticker.

④The sticker is set up with vital information.

⑤The motorist sends a message.

A.②④⑤③①    B.④②③①⑤

C. ④②③⑤①    D.②④①③⑤



The Silver City Council recognizes that citizens have certain needs. To better meet your needs, we have made several changes to community facilities in 2014. The followings show how we have tried to make your life better.


☆Three stations for the suburbs have been added to the western train service.

☆20 new buses for the southern line were purchased in January.

☆50 per cent of city busstops have been upgraded.


☆Broadband cable is now available to all parts of the city.

☆All of the new Government buildings are smartwired for better computer service!

Medical Facilities

☆The new stateoftheart Nightingale Hospital was opened in June.

☆To overcome a shortage of trained medical staff at Dover Hospital, 10 doctors have been employed from overseas.

☆Some facilities at Station Street Hospital have been upgraded.


☆Textbooks will be free to all primary students in 2014!

☆Rental for private schools has been reduced.

Protection and Security

☆Extra police now patrol(巡逻)the tourist areas.

☆50 new police officers graduated in July and have taken up duties in the city area.

Entertainment / Recreation

☆The new Central Community Building opened in May.

☆5,000 new fiction books were bought for the Silver City Library.

1.What is the purpose of the changes in Silver City?

A. To satisfy all the needs of the citizens.

B. To make public service improved.

C. To better the citizens’life.

D. To meet the needs of the Silver City Council.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Travel books are provided in the new library.

B. More bus lines and stops are bought in Silver City.

C. Free medical treatment is available at Station Street Hospital.

D. There are more police officers on duty now.

3.The public notice is from _______.

A. the community    B. the local government

C. the Silver City Library  D. a travel agency



Shake Shack is a new kind of restaurant becoming more popular in the U.S. The restaurants are not“fast food” . They are known as“fast casual” .

Observers say Americans want more choices and fresh food when choosing where and what to eat. This trend is one reason why the fast food restaurant McDonald’ s has struggled financially. In the last quarter of 2014, McDonald’ s net income dropped by about $300 million. The January earnings report brought more bad news. Worldwide sales dropped for the eighth month in a row and even more than expected. While McDonald’ s is struggling to get their customers back, Shake

Shack, is doing well in making money. The New York-based burger chain had a very successful IPO, or initial public offering, of shares at the end of January. On its first day of trading, Shake Shack went from $21 a share to just under $46 a share. Being part of the “fast casual ”trend has helped Shake Shack. Other fast casual restaurants in the U.S. include Chipotle and Panera.

Bonnie Riggs, a restaurant expert with NPD has studied Americans’ restaurant habits for almost 30 years. She says one reason why Americans like fast casual food is that it’ s new. It’ s creative, it’ s something different and people like to try new things. Her study shows Americans made 61 billion visits to restaurants last year. Three out of four visits were to fast food restaurants, like McDonald’ s. Fast casual is still a small percentage of restaurant visits, but it has developed fast. Just as Ms. Riggs says,“It’ s growing by leaps and bounds, because they meet consumers’ needs. They know it’ s being prepared while they wait, it’ s fresh, quality food, good tasting food at what they say are reasonable and affordable prices.”

Many Americans still like their fast food. They just are not going as often. They are finding other ways to have a meal.

1.What’ s the trouble with McDonald’ s?

A. Its share goes down to $21.

B. Shake Shack has taken its place.

C. It’ s not popular with Americans.

D. Its sales and income have dropped.

2.We can learn from Bonnie Riggs that Americans ________.

A. don’ t like fast food any more

B. care only about the quality

C. like to try something new

D. pay more restaurant visits to fast casual

3.What does the underlined phrase“by leaps and bounds”in Para. 3 mean?

A. Steadily. B. Rapidly.

C. Slowly.  D. Normally.

4.Which of the following best describes fast casual?

A. Fresh-made and tasty.

B. High-quality and expensive.

C. Farm-to-table and traditional.

D. Time-consuming and special.



We don’ t always get a second chance to achieve our dreams. But some people are lucky, like Matthew McConaughey. Once almost unknown, the actor has recently found himself back on the list of the best actors in Hollywood. His new movie Interstellar is just another sign that his career reinvention has been an incredible success. “The film relies on McConaughey’ s performance to hold together the emotional story of a father and his daughter against the background of space travel and the end of the world,”Forbes commented.

But only years ago, the Texas native was often the butt of jokes(笑柄)about being too handsome. In 1993, after meeting with director Richard Linklater, McConaughey starred in Dazed and Confused. And a Hollywood career was born, mostly in romantic comedies. For a long time, the whole world believed McConaughey was just a handsome guy with comic talent.

But McConaughey stopped starring in that type of movie, and began to use his looks differently. Slowly he built up his reputation as a serious actor. In 2013, McConaughey was offered to play an AIDS activist in Dallas Buyers Club. The role saw the normally muscular actor losing 50 pounds in order to appear sick. His performance won him an Oscar for Best Actor.

The actor gave thanks to someone he has always looked up to as a hero during his Oscar acceptance speech. When he was 15, the actor said, he decided that his hero would be himself in 10 years. But 10 years later, he pushed the deadline ahead another decade. Then 10 years later, another decade.“My hero’ s always 10 years away,” he said. “I’ m never going to attain that. That keeps me with somebody to keep on chasing.”Or perhaps constantly chasing the chance to be his own hero has given him a second chance to follow his dreams.

1.Why was McConaughey often the butt of jokes in his early career?

A. He was limited to handsome roles.

B. He was unknown to the audience.

C. He played in romantic comedies.

D. He was handsome and emotional.

2.What role won Mc Conaughey an Oscar for Best Actor?

A. A caring father.   B. An AIDS activist.

C. A serious buyer.   D. A strong hero.

3.What can we learn about McConaughey?

A. He was born in Hollywood.

B. He has become a hero of his own.

C. He wasn’ t famous until recently.

D. He isn’ t content with his achievements.

4.Which of the following can be the best title?

A. McConaughey, a Romantic Comedian

B. McConaughey, a Man Making a Hit

C. McConaughey, a Man Daring to change

D. McConaughey, Handsome and Talented



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