满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—It is reported that the Shanghai auto s...

—It is reported that the Shanghai auto show stops using models. How about yours?

—We will_______.

A. follow suit    B. sink or swim together

C. set eyes on it   D. get to the bottom of it


A 【解析】考查情景交际。A. follow suit跟着做;B. we will sink or swim together. 我们将是一根绳上的蚂蚱了。C. set eyes on it把眼睛(目光)放在这个(事情,东西)上,注意盯着这个(事情,问题,东西);D. get to the bottom of it了解真情;弄得水落石出;该题语意为:——据报道上海车展停止使用车模。你们的车展呢?——我们会跟着做。故该题正确答案为A. 考点:情景交际  

—With this New Year_______ new challenges.

一Sure. Global economy remains uncertain, and many countries continue to struggle.

A. comes     B. will come

C. is coming   D. come



He hasn’t got any hobbies --_______ you call watching TV a hobby.

A. when     B. if    C. unless    D. since



2014年全国发生数起严重的校园暴力事件,某中学高三8班围绕校园安全问题召开主题班会。假定你是班长李华,以“How to protect ourselves in campus violence”为标题写一篇发言稿,主要包括如下内容:







How to protect ourselves in campus violence

Dear friends,

This year, some seriously violent incidents happened in campus, resulting in very bad results.




That’s all. Thank you!









2015 Spring Festival is coming now. I plan buy something for my parents. What I want to give them back is a VIP card for a health club but they need enough exercise. My father works hardly as a teacher, spent most of his time at school. My mother loves reading and often buried herself in her books. Therefore, all of them should exercise more from now on.

I want to give them this card to express my thank and love. I hope that they will be able to get relaxing in the health club and make more friends there. At the same time, I hope that they can take care with their health.



Steve is interviewing the famous biographer(传记作家)Caren Thomas.

Steve: Thomas, 1.       a famous writer, would you please tell us something about yourself and your new books?

Garen: Of course.

Steve: Where were you born?

Garen: I was born in Chicago, but I spent most of my childhood in New York.

Steve: 2.       was your childhood like?

Garen: I had pretty strict parents. They wished me to be successful in studies. So I think my childhood was 3.        (bore)and I was always complaining about it.

Steve: Do you get along well 4.        your parents now?

Garen: Oh sure, I have reached middle age now. So far I 5.         (understand)their loves to me.

Steve: Where did you go to university?

Garen: I graduated 6.        Yale University with a degree in English Literature.

Steve: How did you start writing?

Garen: I like writing from young, 7.        it is not easy for me to enter this occupation. You know, I once worked in companies. I started writing for magazines and eventually was

8.        (ask) to write books, so I was pretty lucky.

Steve: 9.        did you begin to write the book about the president Obama?

Garen: From the beginning of 2008, it 10.        (take) me 6 months to prepare for it, interviewing and finding information about him. Obama told me many stories about his life and family.

Steve: Sounds interesting.



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