满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.The new car ________(属于) to our Chine...


1.The new car ________(属于) to our Chinese teacher.

2.It was Mr. Li who _________(设计) the building.

3.In the past, farmers hunted the animals without _____(仁慈

4.Later they may give_________(节目) in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash.

5.He was taken to a ______(远处的)land where he could find the strange animal.

6.________(就我个人而言),I think the team will win the game.

7.Anyhow, their songs were ________(幽默的)enough to be copied by other groups.

8.He is one of the famous_______(男演员) who were loved by many people.

9.This is the fastest ________(计算)machine in my lab.

10.I would__________(感激) it if you lent me a hand.


1.belongs 2.designed 3.mercy 4.performances 5.distant 6.Personally 7.humorous 8.actors 9.calculating 10.appreciate 【解析】 试题分析:考查名词、动词、副词、形容词,注意运用正确形式。 1.new car是第三人称单数,故用belongs 2.designed 3.mercy是不可数名词 4.performance是可数名词,故用其复数形式performances 5.distant表示远处的 6.Personally表示就我个人而言 7.用幽默humor的形容词形式humorous 8.actor是可数名词,故用其复数形式actors 9.appreciate it if 固定搭配,如果你...我将很感激。故用appreciate 考点:考查动、名词、副词和形容词


A.See how well our new schedule works

B.Plan by the week

C.Cut out wasted time

D.Divide big tasks into small ones

E.Plan by the semester

F.Plan each day

How to manage your time

It is very important to manage your time wisely.As you get older, you will have more responsibilities.You will find it easier to succeed if you learn to manage your time well.


Write down major due dates on your calendar for the semester.Estimate how long it will take to do each project.Allow yourself more time than you think you will really need.Make a master schedule which should include the following activities:

—all required school activities

—work schedule

—after school activities

—blank spaces for unknown activities

A master schedule can help you keep track of all the things that you need to do.If you know what you have to do and when you need to do it, you can prepare better to finish it on time.


Plan when to do all your tasks for the week.Schedule time to study for tests, read your textbooks, write papers, go to work, be at meetings.Leave enough time for your household duties.


Make a “to do” list the night before or the first thing in the morning.If you write down what you need to do, your mind will be free to study.You won't worry and spend time thinking about what you have to do next.


Use it for a few weeks, then ask yourself some questions.Are you getting your schoolwork done on time? Are you getting more things done? Do you feel you have control of your time?

Yes? Then you should look at your schedule to see how it can be improved.The following things may help you.


Break the big tasks down until they are small enough that you feel you know about how long it will take to complete them.Then fit them into your schedule.Follow your schedule closely.Even a well¬-planned schedule can't help you if you don't follow it.



Finding summer jobs for teenagers has not always been easy, but now you no longer have to worry about what your kid can do to earn their own money.Recently I found some different sites online that offer information about what kids can do.Below is some of that information, along with questions to think about to help you come up with your own ideas.

Ideas for summer work:

●Parks and Recreation Programs.

●Babysitting (当临时保姆) during the day of school.

●Working part-time at a day care for the summer.

●Car washing.

●Working at local vegetable stands.

The easiest way for you to find ways for your child to make money is to think about others’ inconveniences (不方便).Think of things you need done, or would like to have done, and what you would consider paying for these things to get done.Once you have some ideas, you can sit down with your child and talk to them about what they would be interested in doing.Then once you have an idea of what they want to do you can help them come up with fair prices.

Preferably you would want to only have your child working with people you know and trust, or in the least bit you could have your child pick a partner.That way with each of them carrying cell phones, even those without service can call 911, they will be much safer.

You can find out more information and many more ideas for kids to use to make money during their summer holidays by visiting http://www.kidswantmoney.com.

1.The author wrote the passage to _____.

A.share his discoveries online

B.introduce jobs for teenagers

C.advertise a website for teenagers

D.talk about his summer work experience

2.The passage is mainly written for _____.

A.teenagers        B.teachers

C.parents         D.website designers

3.Which of the following is NOT considered when teenagers look for summer jobs?

A.Who they’d better work for.

B.How much should be charged.

C.Whether the jobs are safe.

D.Where the workplace is.

4.What can we learn about http://www.kidswant-money.com?

A.The author set up the website.

B.It gives information about educating children.

C.People need to pay to visit the website.

D.It offers ideas for children to make money.



One day, Jack’s parents told him that his grandpa would retire (退休) after working for forty years.Jack said in surprise, “I’m only seven, so it means Grandpa has been … er… A really long time!”

His parents said, “Yes.That’s why we are going to have a surprise party for him.”

Jack loved his Grandpa and wanted to do something special for him.He remembered the business card his grandpa had given him two years before.He knew that his grandpa would no longer have the position (职位) on that card, so he decided to build a new one for his grandpa.

When the big day came, Jack was ready.But he didn’t want to put his gift together with others’.He carried it around with him the whole evening.

When all the other people left, he took his grandpa’s hand and brought him over to a chair and gave him the gift.

His grandpa smiled, “Well, it must be a beautiful gift.May I open it now?” “Sure!” Jack said excitedly.

As Grandpa opened the gift, tears (眼泪) came into his eyes.Jack gave him the greatest gift he had ever got! They were business cards with his new position: FULL-TIME GRANDPA! Jack said, “Now your full-time job is my grandpa!”

“Well, how much do I get paid?” his grandpa asked, smiling.“As many hugs (拥抱) as you want!” With these words, Jack gave Grandpa a hug.“Well, I guess that means I’m the richest man in the world!” said Grandpa.

1.What did Jack decide to do for his grandpa?

A.To build a new position for him.

B.To draw a picture for him.

C.To sing a song for him.

D.To buy a gift for him.

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Jack was the first one to give his gift to his grandpa.

B.Jack was the last one to give his gift to his grandpa.

C.Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with other people.

D.Jack gave his gift to his grandpa together with his parents.

3.Why were there tears in Grandpa’s eyes?

A.Because he would lose his position.

B.Because he was not cared for.

C.Because he was moved by Jack’s gift.

D.Because he was unhappy.



Farmer John and Farmer Bob were neighbours.For more than 30 years, they had been getting along very well.

Then their good relationship broke.It began with a small thing, then bitter words, and then weeks of silence.One morning Farmer John woke up to find a stream between the two farms.“It must be Bob,” John thought.

Then one day there was a knock on John’s door.He opened it to find a carpenter(木匠) standing at the doorway.

“I’m looking for a few days’ work,” the carpenter said.

“I do have a job for you,” John said.“Look across the stream at that farm.That’s my neighbour Bob.He dug a stream between the two farms.I want you to build a fence—an 8-foot fence.I don’t want to see his place or his face any more.I don’t have such a neighbour!”

The carpenter said, “I think I know what to do, sir, and I’ll be able to do a job that pleases you.”

Farmer John helped the carpenter get the materials(材料) ready and then he was off for the day.

About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job.The farmer’s eyes opened wide.There was no fence there at all!

It was a bridge! And the neighbour, Bob, was coming across, with his hand outstretched(伸出).“Hi, John! You’re quite a fellow to build this bridge!”

Then they met in the middle, taking each other’s hands.“I’m terribly sorry for what I have said and done.We should be good to each other.” said Farmer Bob.

Then they turned to see the carpenter, who was ready to go.“No, wait! Stay a few days.I have a lot of other jobs for you,” said Farmer John.“I’d love to stay,” the carpenter said, “but I have more bridges to build.”

1.What does the sentence “You’re quite a fellow to build this bridge!” mean?

A.John was great to build this bridge.

B.John was not good at building bridges.

C.John was foolish to build such a bridge.

D.John should build the bridge earlier.

2.What do you think of the carpenter?

A.Shy.        B.Wise.        C.Proud.       D.Careless.

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A.What a Big Fence!                B.A Strong Bridge

C.Three Kind Men                   D.A Fence or a Bridge?



    Friends are very important in our everyday life.When in trouble, we need friends to      us encouragement and help.As a human being, one can hardly do anything without a friend,        life without friends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea .Everyone          friends.We all like to feel close to someone.        is nice to have a friend to talk to, laugh, and do things               , sometimes we need to be alone.We don’t always want people         .But we would feel lonely if we        had a friend.

A person should make as many friends as he can.The more friends he has, the         meaningful his life will be.No two people are       .Friends        don’t get on well.That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other.Most of the time they will make up (言归于好) and become       again.

Sometimes friends move away.Then we feel very      .We miss them very much, but we can       them and write to them.And we can           new friends.It is encouraging to find out how      we like new people when we get to know them.

There’s more good news for people who have friends.They live         than people who don’t.Why? Friends can make us feel happy.        happy helps you stay well.Or it could be just done that someone cares.If someone cares about you, you take      care of     

1.A.bring       B.take        C.offer        D.buy 

2.A.for         B.so         C.but         D.yet

3.A.loves     B.hates    C.needs    D.becomes

4.A.It          B.He      C.There      D.Someone

5.A.at          B.in          C.on            D.with

6.A.Hardly     B.Nearly      C.Suddenly    D.Certainly

7.A.alone       B.away     C.all over     D.around

8.A.ever     B.never      C.just      D.really

9.A.more       B.much       C.little           D.less

10.A.friendly     B.kind     C.just the same   D.quite different

11.A.always    B.sometimes   C.often       D.usually

12.A.friendly    B.good       C.pleased    D.friends

13.A.angry     B.sad           C.happy      D.alone

14.A.call      B.ask        C.tell     D.talk with

15.A.look for   B.find        C.make       D.know

16.A.long      B.much       C.far           D.many

17.A.longer   B.shorter     C.slower     D.faster

18.A.Smelling  B.Being      C.Sounding   D.Making

19.A.less      B.better      C.little      D.no

20.A.you      B.your       C.yours        D.Yourself



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