满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It has been said that “happiness is like...

It has been said that “happiness is like a butterfly, which, when _      _, is always beyond our grasp but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."

A. pursuing        B. pursued

C. to pursue       D. having pursued


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查时间状语从句的省略结构。本题中主句是happiness is like a butterfly,which is always beyond our grasp是做butterfly的非限制性定语从句,when引导的是时间状语从句,且是省略主语的形式,从句的主语就是主句的主语即是happiness,快乐应是被追逐,动词ed形式是表被动,动词ing形式是表主动,句意:有句谚语“快乐就像蝴蝶,当你追逐它时,你总是抓不住,但如果你安静地坐着,快乐也许会降临。”。故选B 考点:考查时间状语从句  

随着老龄化问题的日趋严重,空巢老人越来越多,有的老人呆在家里无所事事,感到空虚寂寞。请你向“China Daily”报社专栏写一封关于让这些老年人欢度老年时光的建议信。




空巢老人(empty nester)

Dear editor,







Sincerely yours,

Wan Ming



Fast food and too much TV time should not take all the blame for the weight problems. A group of researchers say that a number of aspects of modern living from lack of sleep to environmental chemicals and to living with air conditioning—may be closely related to the weight problems of many people.

Lack of sleep is one of factors. Researches in animals and humans suggest that a lack of sleep over a long time can increase appetite. Studies also show that many adults and children are sleeping less than they used to. In recent decades, adults have gone from sleeping for all average of nine hours to about seven hours.

There is also evidence that industrial chemicals may increase body fat. These chemicals, which are used in products, change hormonal(荷尔蒙的) activity when they get into the body. Studies suggest that people have been getting more and more of these chemicals through the food chain in recent decades.

Another factor that may be making people overweight is air conditioning. The body burns calories when forced to eat less in hot and wet weather, but air conditioning makes it unnecessary for the body to make any adjustment.

Researchers also list other possible risk factors for overweight, including more older mothers, whose children may become overweight more easily; a number of medicines which can lead to weight gain; and fewer people who smoke, since people often gain weight when they stop smoking because nicotine can make people eat less.

No one is suggesting that people should stop working and sleep more, or keep smoking. When it comes to saying any person’s weight, what really matters is how much they eat and how much of the food they use every day. That means diet and exercise are still the key.

1.Why does lack of sleep will result in weight problem?     (No more than 5 words)


2.How long do adults averagely sleep nowadays?          (No more than 2 words)


3.How do the industrial chemicals affecting our weight come into our body?

(No more than 4 words)


4. What is the main idea of this passage?             (No more than 18 words)




Being active in your local community is important because it is an essential part of living a satisfying life.

Humans by nature are social beings. We need to be around other people to feel happy, secure and safe. Hanging out with friends helps, but that isn’t quite enough. We need to be active in our local community.

Everyone benefits from a strong community. Being active within our society helps individuals feel less lonely, have a more vital and interesting life, stay healthy and feel happier. Being active within our society brings us inspiration, helps us succeed in business and helps us find our way in life.

Communities thrive﹙兴旺﹚ when people are better connected. Local economies expand, businesses succeed, education grows, support systems become more efficient, and so on.

There may be some obstacles on the way to being active in the local community. People may become disconnected from their community. It is a modern day reality that people turn to their computers for connection with others. This can be a great thing, but it can also go too far and we can become separated from our local, physical world society. Computers are usually at their best when used as a tool to accomplish tasks and not as a portal (传送门) into an online existence that controls our life. Online communities have become very real and they help millions feel more connected, but they must not take the place of our physical life community.[来

It is also common for people to find jobs online and to migrate to different locations around the world. This uproots﹙使人迁移他处居住﹚ us and takes us away from the local society we grew up in, forces us to make new friends and establish ourselves in a new community.

Becoming active in our community does require effort, but it’s well worth it. Understanding the importance of community and becoming more active within yours will greatly increase your quality of life.


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Bicycles, roller skates and skateboards are dangerous. I still have scars (伤疤) on my knees from my childhood run-ins with various wheeled devices. Admittedly, I was a foolish kid, but I’m glad I didn’t spend my childhood trapped indoors to protect me from any injury.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” But parents can’t handle it when teenagers put this theory into practice. And now technology has become the new field for the age-old battle between adults and their freedom-seeking kids.

Locked indoors, unable to get on their bicycles and hang out with their friends, teens have turned to social media and their mobile phones to gossip and socialize with their friends. What they do online often mirrors what they might otherwise do if their mobility weren’t so heavily restricted (限制) in the age of helicopter parenting. Social media and smartphones have become so popular in recent years because teens need a place to call their own. They want the freedom to explore their identity and the world around them. Instead of climbing out of windows, they jump online.

As teens have moved online, parents have projected their fears onto the Internet, imagining all the potential dangers that youth might face.

Rather than helping teens develop strategies (策略) to deal with public life and the potential risks of interacting with others, fearful parents have focused on tracking, monitoring and blocking. These approaches don’t help teens develop the skills they need to manage complex social situations. “Protecting” kids may feel like the right thing to do, but it denies teens the chances of learning as they come of age in a technology-soaked world.

The key to helping youth in the modern digital life isn’t more restrictions. It’s freedom — plus communication. Urban theorist Jane Jacobs used to argue that the safest neighborhoods were those where communities collectively took interest in and paid attention to what happened on the streets. Safety didn’t come from surveillance (监视) cameras or keeping everyone indoors but from a collective willingness to watch out for one another and be present as people struggled. The same is true online.

What makes the digital street safe is when teens and adults collectively agree to open their eyes and pay attention, communicate and work together to deal with difficult situations. Teens need the freedom to wander the digital street, but they also need to know that caring adults are behind them and supporting them wherever they go. The first step is to turn off the tracking software. Then ask your kids what they’re doing when they’re online — and why it’s so important to them.

1.When he was a child, the writer ______.

A. became disabled

B. spent much time outdoor

C. always stayed at home

D. was ignored by his parents

2.Teens go online mainly because ______.

A. online games mirror real life

B. they want to fight against their parents

C. online experiences make them strong

D. they need a space of their own

3.By mentioning “helicopter parenting” (Paragraph 3), the writer means parents ______.

A. remove any hidden dangers their kids may face

B. use helicopters to track their kids

C. prevent their kids from going to school

D. protect their kids too much

4.According to the passage, helicopter parents may make kids ______.

A. lose the chances of learning

B. handle complex social situations well

C. adapt to the digital world quickly

D. develop strategies to deal with public life

5.The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A. kids should be given freedom to deal with online risks

B. safe neighborhoods come from joint efforts of all

C. the digital street is a threat to kids’ safety

D. kids should be warned against potential dangers in society



When Jeff Sparkman draws his cartoon superheroes with colored pencils, he often has to ask other people to tell him what color his masked men turned out to be because he's color-blind. Now, a new smart phone application (app) can help him figure out what colors he's using and how the picture looks to most everyone else.

The DanKam app, available for iPhone and Android for $2.99, is an application that turns the vague colors that one percent of the population with color-blindness sees into the "true" colors as everyone else sees them. In America, an estimated 32 million color-blind Americans—95% are males—can soon have their life improved.

“DanKam takes the stream of data coming in through the phone's camera and changes the colors slightly so they fall within the range that people who are color-blind see,”developer Dan Kaminsky told CNET. He came up with the idea after watching the 2009 film Star Trek with a color-blind friend.

It was then that he got to know more about colorblindness like its varying types and degrees. A vast majority, for instance, have trouble seeing red or green due to a genetic defect(遗传缺陷). Blue-yellow colorblindness, however, is rarer and develops later in life because of aging, illness or head injuries, etc. He started experimenting with one of the most common representations of points in the RGB color model. What the DanKam app attempts to do is to clean up the color space of the image or video signal so that colors can be visible to those suffering from viewing problems. “You can adjust the app to fit your needs. There is a range and not everyone who is color-blind sees things the same.” Says Kaminsky.

Sparkman, a copy editor at CNET, tried out the app and was pleased with the results. "It would be useful for dressing for a job interview," he said. But using it for his art is “the most practical application." It worked well on LED and other lights on electronic gadgets, which means Sparkman can now identify the power light on his computer display as green.

1.According to the first two paragraphs, we can know that DanKam ___________.

A. is designed to help people with colorblindness

B. can turn vague colors into real ones

C. is a phone used to help drawing pictures

D. appeared in the movie Star Trek

2.How does DanKam’s app work?

A. It puts LED and other lights on electronic gadgets.

B. It shows common representations of points in the RGB color model

C. It checks color-blind people’s types of degrees of colorblindness.

D. It changes the colors so that color-blind people can see them.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that colorblindness __________.

A. cannot be cured by any methods

B. is not necessarily inborn disease

C. is more commonly seen in women

D. makes people unable to tell any colors

4.The underlined word visible in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _________.

A. recognizable    B. enjoyable

C. adjustable      D. Portable

5.Which of the following is NOT included in the things that DanKam helps Sparkman with?

A. Choosing clothes.

B. Playing computer games

C. Drawing his pictures.

D. Handling electronic gadgets.



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