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1. Penguins Mate for Life During the mid...

1. Penguins Mate for Life

During the mid-2000s, films like "Happy Feet" made penguins all the rage, and young lovers went around spreading the facts like "penguins mate for life." While the idea is sweet, it's not exactly true.

Penguins usually stick with their partners through the mating season, but when it's time to mate again, they choose whomever is convenient, not necessarily their old flame.

2. Vincent Van Gogh Cut Off His Entire Ear

This is not entirely true. It was not his entire ear - just the tip of the lobe(耳垂) - and some say he didn't even do it. Van Gogh lived with artist Paul Gauguin, who had quite a violent temper, and many believe Gauguin actually did the cutting.

Either way, Van Gogh did reportedly send the tip to a prostitute.

3. Napoleon Bonaparte was Short

Everyone knows Napoleon Bonaparte was a tiny man - after all, his nickname was "le Petit Corporal." His reputation for being short even inspired the phenomenon known as the "Napoleon complex."

In reality, Napoleon stood around 5 feet and 7 inches tall, which was very average back in the day. Many believe his nickname was meant as a term of endearment, not a reference to his height.

4. Ben Franklin Preferred a Turkey to a Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is certainly a well-known representation of America, but legend has it that if Ben Franklin had his way, a turkey would have been much better. In reality, Franklin wrote a letter to his daughter mocking the eagle symbol used in a seal(印章) by the Society of the Cincinnati, a private military group.

He said it looked like a turkey and may as well be one.

5. You Have Five Senses

If you remember learning about the senses in elementary school, you know humans possess five: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. Most scientists agree, however, that you have more like 10-20 senses, including pain, hunger, thirst, temperature, and more.

6. George Washington had Wooden Teeth

George Washington is known for three things: being the first president, chopping down a cherry tree, and having wooden teeth. At least one of these is certainly not true. While Washington did have bad teeth, his dentures(假牙) were not wooden.

7. Einstein was a Bad Student

If you ever made bad grades and pulled the old "Albert Einstein used to make bad grades" card with your parents or teachers, you are lucky you got away with it. In reality, Einstein was at the top of his class and mastered calculus when he was barely a teenager.

The reputation he developed for being a bad student had more to do with his behavior. He liked to talk back to his teachers.

1.Which is the true fact according to the passage?

A. Penguins usually stick with their partners through their whole lives.

B. Franklin laughed at the eagle symbol used in a seal and said it looked like a turkey.

C. Napoleon was much shorter than average.

D. George Washington’s false teeth were made of wooden.

2.Why do most people hold the idea that Albert Einstein used to make bad grades?

A. Because he used to like to talk with his teachers.

B. Because he used to be criticized by his parents.

C. Because he used to be different from other students.

D. Because he used to behave badly and usually didn’t respect his teachers.


1.B 2.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲的是关于一些我们所谓的事实却并非事实的现象,涉及到人们对动物、历史人物以及人类自身的错误认识。 1.Franklin wrote a letter to his daughter mocking the eagle symbol used in a seal(印章) by the Society of the Cincinnati, a private military group.”可以看出 富兰克林嘲笑老鹰标志并觉得它看起来像一只火鸡,“mocking”意思为“laughing”,故选B。 2.The reputation he developed for being a bad student had more to do with his behavior. He liked to talk back to his teachers.”可以看出人们对爱迪生持有这样的观点是因为他表现差,对老师不尊敬,经常与老师顶嘴,故选D。 考点:人文历史类阅读

I was raised on a farm in the Fraser Valley along with five sisters and one brother. When I was 15, I got addicted to drinking at weekends and then dropped out of school. By the time I was 17, I continued to drink heavily. I couldn't find a job to support myself. So, I had no other choice but to join the army. I retired and went back home three years later, still a heavy drinker. When I was 22, I met Sue whose father was also a heavy drinker, so my behavior didn't surprise her. We were soon married and later had two daughters.

I started my first business when I was in my mid-twenties. A few years later, I bought a large chicken farm. Even with this success, though, my drinking was always a problem. It affected my marriage and family so much that I knew I had to make up my mind to stop drinking. So I tried great efforts. But two years later, I began drinking again.

When I was in my mid-thirties, I sold both of my businesses, and bought the big house on the hill. I was not at all happy, although I had everything that was supposed to make me happy. I sold our big house on the hill and bought a large land, where I built a new house. Our marriage was in big trouble, and my finances would go down the drain. For the first time in many years, I had to go to work for someone as an employee. I took a job as a heavy equipment operator in a road building camp.

My marriage still came apart when I was 38, and my kids had to go through our divorce. I spent 6 months in giving up drinking on a school camp. Nearly a year later, I met my childhood neighbor girl, June. We were married not long afterwards. My kids learned to trust me again and I have two stepchildren that also love me.

Happy life continued about ten years. Everything was going so well when I felt there was something wrong with my body. I went to see a doctor, and the medical examination came out that I had ALS(肌肉萎缩症). Record shows that people with ALS generally survive between two to five years after symptoms appear. I've probably had the symptoms for one-and-a-half years already, so I don't know how much time I have left.…God knows…

1.Which of the following is the right order for the author’s experience?

a. He married June.

b. He married Sue

c. He bought the big house on the hill.

d. He bought a large chicken farm.

e. He succeeded in giving up drinking.

f. He tried but failed to get rid of drinking.

A. a, d, c, b, f, e        B. b, d, f, c, e, a

C. b, c, d, a, f, e        D. f, b, d, c, e , a

2.The underlined phrase “go down the drain”(in Paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to “__”.

A. be out of expectation          B. be totally successful

C. become worse and worse         D. be safe in one’s pocket

3.What can we know about the author?

A. He began drinking at the age of 17.

B. He ended his army life at the age of 19.

C. He was not happy, although he lived in the big house at the age of 35.

D. He bought the big house on the hill when he was 25.

4.What can we infer about the author’s marriage?

A. His two kids didn’t trust him before he remarried.

B. His finance was the first thing that led to the failure of his first marriage.

C. His first wife didn’t know about his drinking before marriage.

D. He gave birth to two children in his 40s.

5.What is true according to the last paragraph?

A. The author is hopeless because he will be dead in a few years because of ALS.

B. The author has hope because the doctor concluded that he had 2-5 years left.

C. The author is uncertain whether the symptoms of ALS have appeared or not.

D. The author will ask God whether the disease is curable or not.



Parents today are wealthier than their parents and they want their children to have more than what they had. Yet parents often    to give their children what they had when they were young.

For example, today’s generations of children mostly have their own private      with a television, their own cell phone, their own computer, and finally when they are      enough they will even have their own cars.        all of these things, children do not        these gifts as much as previous generations did.      , children are often __    _  just spoiled(被宠坏的) , and all these things give them        enjoyment when they really need some        to their own development. Finally, children    these short-term activities in order to fight against their boredom, and as a result of this, kids        shorter periods of attention with little      .

The obvious question that you may be asking is probably that:        patience is a virtue, then why don’t parents        it?

In today’s society, it is far easier to make children lose concentration than to teach personal development        and that’s a common problem. For example, it is much easier for parents to buy a new toy or turn on the television for their children than to      their curiosity (好奇)in a natural way. This strong      to know the world will lead them through self-learning, by which they would slowly value the      of hard work and patience.

Basically, the easiest method for parents to teach patience to their children is not by        them things, but by giving their children an opportunity to learn what they are interested in. Thus, parents can teach their children the same        lessons that they have painfully learned too. The point is, realize what they lack and take action immediately.

1.A. neglect (忽略)  B. refuse    C. promise   D. hesitate

2.A. teachers    B. doctors   C. houses    D. bedrooms

3.A. clever    B. old    C. rich    D. good

4.A. As a result of B. For the purpose of C. Instead of   D. Regardless of

5.A. prepare    B. understand   C. value       D. accept

6.A. Besides    B. Otherwise   C. Somehow   D. Therefore

7.A. less than    B. more than    C. not more than  D. no more than

8.A. positive    B. little    C. natural    D. immediate

9.A. attention       B. help    C. attitude   D. contribution

10.A. provide    B. organize   C. watch    D. require

11.A. need    B. develop   C. draw    D. improve

12.A. time    B. patience   C. effort    D. hope

13.A. As     B. Unless    C. Since     D. Though

14.A. learn    B. research   C. teach    D. have

15.A. directions   B. experiences   C. courses   D. skills

16.A. satisfy    B. show    C. study    D. follow

17.A. position   B. point    C. order    D. desire

18.A. cost    B. rewards   C. relations   D. differences

19.A. passing    B. reading   C. buying    D. making

20.A. interesting   B. hard    C. special    D. strange



New technologies have made      possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.

A.that    B.this     C.one     D.it



The audience        when they watched his funny performance.

A.burst into laughing   B.burst out laughter

C.burst into laughter  D.burst in laughing



Every day we are using so many raw materials which _________that they _________.

A. are running out; will be used up

B. are being run out; will run out

C. have run out of; will be using up

D. have run out; will run out of



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