满分5 > 高中英语试题 >













参考词汇:pedestrian n.(行人);jay-walk vi.(乱穿马路);reprimand vt.(批评,训诫)








Recently we held a class meeting to discuss the problem of pedestrians crossing the street while the traffic light is red. As we can see, some pedestrians don’t obey traffic rules and jay-walk frequently. This blocks traffic, seriously affects drivers and causes accidents to happen, endangering the safety of pedestrians and driver alike. In a word, jay-walking produces negative effects and does not help to develop food social behavior. It is really a pity to see all this in our society and to deal with the situation, the government has taken some measures. When caught jay-walking, pedestrians are reprimanded so that they will become aware of the dangers of doing this, or they are fined on the spot. Sometimes the traffic police will report jay-walkers to their workplace and expose them to the public. However, it will still take a long time to stop pedestrians from jay-walking. 【解析】 试题分析:分析要求可知,假定你班在“珍爱生命,拒闯红灯”教育活动中,召开了一次主题班会。请你根据下表中的内容,用英语写一篇短文。短文应该用一般现在时,第一人称和第三人称。词数120左右,不要太多或太少。尽量多使用较高级的词汇和短语以及固定句式,注意句子之间的连贯性。 【亮点说明】 文中用了一些高级的短语和句式。如:endangering非谓语动词、As we can see 引导的定语从句,expose them to等都很不错。 考点:邀请信类作文。  









Many of us feel somehow nervously whenever we are taking an important exam. Nervousness not only does harm to students' health but disturb their studies. So it’s necessary for our students to learn to relax. I think it's very important to have a right attitude for exams.  Exams are only a means of checking how we have leaned. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much the results of the exams.  Before an exam, make a scientific study plan and keeping a peaceful mind must help to reduce the pressure from the exam. We can also relax ourselves by doing sports and listening to music. Beside, enough sleep and a balanced diet will work as well.

Follow my advice and so you will enjoy your school life.



(Reuters) - The search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is likely to drag on for years, a senior U.S. defense  official told Reuters on Friday, as an underwater search for any trace of the plane off west Australia appeared to have failed.

The official, speaking under condition of anonymity(匿名)because he was not authorized to comment on the search effort, said two weeks of searching the Indian Ocean floor with a U.S. Navy had turned up no wreckage(残骸).

He said the search for the plane, which disappeared on March 8 with 239 people on board, would now enter a much harder phase of searching broader areas of the ocean near where the plane is believed to have crashed.

”We went all-in on this small area and didn't find anything.  Now you’re got to go back to the big area," the official said.  "And now you're talking years.”

On Friday, the undersea drone. Bluefin-21 is expected to finish what may be the last of its 16-hour trips to depths of  more than 4.5 km (2. 8 miles) searching a 10 square km (6.2 square mile) area of the seabed about 2,000 miles northwest of Perth.

Authorities had identified the area as their strongest lead in determining the plane's final resting place after detecting what they suspected was a signal from the plane's black box recorder on April 4.

But the U. S.  official said Malaysia would have to decide how to continue the search, including whether to bring in more underwater drones,  even with the understanding that the search could continue for years without a refined (精确的) search area.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?  ( no more than, 12 words)


2.Where did the recent search for the plane take place? ( no more than, 3 words)


3.Why didn't the official want others to know his name? ( no more than 11 words)


4.What led people to determine the plane's final resting place? ( no more than 9 words)


5.According to the passage, which country is in charge of the arrangement of the search? (1 word)





M: Overseas Travel Agency. May I help you?

W: Yes, my husband and I are planning a vacation to an island. 1.

M: Certainly. Off the top of my head, I would suggest the island of Bali.

W: 2.

M: At this time of year it rains a lot in most regions, but it is the dry season in Bali. 3. And I must say that the shopping is absolutely great !

W: 4. Jason loves to dive and I love to shop and eat.  Can you tell me how much it will cost for the two of us?

M: It will take me a day or two to get accurate prices, but I will call you as soon as I do.

W: Thank you. 5.

M: I'll need your credit card number to make a reservation, but you won't actually have to pay for it until you get there.

W: That sounds great.

A. Why Bali?

B. That sounds amazing!

C. You can fly to the island.

D. Do you have any recommendations?

E. Will we have to pay for it right away?

F. There are many scenic spots on the island.

G. Also, Bali is known for its surfing and diving.



Planet Earth would be a scary place for humans if dinosaurs still ruled the world.

Though there are still some traces of life from the Jurassic Period, the Age of Dinosaurs more than 65 million years ago.

This mass extinction is believed to be the result of an asteriod(小行星)hitting Earth. A new report by the journal Biological Reviews called " The Extinction of Dinosaurs” concludes that this impact was, indeed, the cause of the dinosaurs’ demise. But the space blast(爆炸) wasn't the only reason these creatures aren't still around today.

Dinosaurs need food to survive. Meat-eating monsters like the Tyrannosaurus Rex(霸王龙) were at the top of the food chain,  and fed off plant eaters like the horned Triceratops (三角恐龙).  These herbivores (食草动物)  were decreasing in population after the asteroid hit Earth, which left the meat-eating species less food to survive on. “In any ecosystem where you remove links to key species, that community has problems," Richard Butler, one of the review's authors, told National Ceographic.

While the herbivore population was going down, Earth's temperatures were rising when volcanoes erupted. Hot vapors and gases began wiping out some of the dinosaur population and weakening the survivors.

These changes made the asteroid's impact especially powerful. It caused more volcanoes to erupt, heated up Earth's atmosphere, and led to a sharp drop in the level of oxygen in the oceans.

With the dinosaurs gone, mammals(哺乳动物) began to evolve into bigger and more diverse species. Many animals we see today, like birds, sharks, and even some cats and dogs, appeared after the asteroid hit Earth. But none rule Earth quite like the dinosaurs did..

1. Which of the following words can replace the underlined word’’ demise" in Paragraph 2?

A. Death.       B. Evolvement.

C. Presence.    D. Decrease.

2. According to what Richard Butler said, what caused dinosaurs to die out?

A. A shortage of clean water.

B.A break in the food chain.

C. A small variety of animals.

D. The constant warming climate.

3. What was the negative effect of the asteroid hitting Earth?

A. Oceans became too hot for animals.

B. There was less oxygen in the oceans.

C. Earth's climate became violent.

D. The majority of the plants gradually died out.

4. The text is mainly about         .

A.the evolvement of mammals on Earth

B.the gradual process of climate change

C.the importance of the balance of ecosystem

D.the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs



A group of Russian criminals have stolen l.2 billion username and password combinations for more than 500 millione-mail addresses. It's the largest known theft on the Internet, according to a report of The New York Times.

Cyber security firm Hold Security discovered the security breach(漏洞 ).  The firm found that the group of criminals collected personal information from 420,000 websites, including household names and small Internet sites. The criminals were based in a small city in south central Russia. They hacked websites inside Russia as well as big companies in the U.S. and other countries ,The New Times reports.

The criminals found hundreds of thousands of weak websites and attacked their coding,Hold Security said. Alex Holden is chief information security officer of Hold Security. “The hackers did not just target U.S. companies;they targeted any website they could get,” Holden said. “And most of these sites are still easy to attack”.

According to Hold Security, the criminals have been using the stolen information to send junk mail through e-mail and on social networks like Twitter.  They can also use the 500 million stolen e-mail -addresses to plan other crimes.  They could use information from bank e-mails to steal your identity or sell the e-mail address to other criminals to make quick cash.

The reported break-ins are the latest events to raise doubts about security at big and small companies. Last winter, hackers stole 40 million credit card numbers and 70 million addresses, phone numbers and other personal information from the retailer Target Corp. The brand is still working to regain its shoppers' trust.

John Prisco is a CEO of a security firm. He says security hacks are more common than many people and companies realize. "This issue reminds me of an iceberg, where 90% of it is actually under water," Prisco said in an e-mailed statement. So many cyber breaches today are not actually reported, because companies are losing information and they are not even aware of it. "

Security experts believe hackers will continue breaking into computer networks unless companies become more protective of personal information.

1. What did a group of Russian criminals do according to the report?

A. They stole e-mail addresses of the Internet users.

B. They destroyed the websites of some big companies.

C. They attacked American companies in southern Russia.

D. They downloaded the secret information of some banks.

2. According to Alex Holden, the criminals entered some websites easily because          .

A. some websites don't have their own coding

B. most of the websites lack protective measures

C. Russia is more developed in computer science

D. the hackers are equipped with high technology

3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A. The criminals are fond of using social networks.

B. The criminals sell the stolen information for money.

C. The stolen information causes great economic losses.

D. The stolen information could bring harmful effects.

4. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 imply?

A. We cannot tell how large an iceberg is just from the part on the water.

B. Many companies are unwilling to report their information stolen.

C. Many companies are not aware their information has been stolen.

D. People usually can see just a small part of an iceberg.



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