满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Having friends may well keep you healthi...

Having friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal with stress better. Some studies show that people with close friends have a greater ability to fight disease than people who are alone.

Make friendship a priority(优先). Find the time to be with friends even if it means letting the lawn go unmowed(未割草) or the dishes unwashed for a while. When you can’ t get together, use the phone to keep in touch.

Open up to close friends. Keeping a deep friendship requires a level of heartfelt intimacy(亲密). Don’t be afraid to express your inner fears and disappointments. Listen to your friends when they have problems, but offer advice only when it’s wanted. Help raise friends’ self-esteem when they are sad by a job loss, or other such events.

Have different friends for different activities, such as going to the movies, singing in a choir(合唱), and joining in a bowling league.

Don’t wait for a friend to ask a favor. When a friend has the flu, offer to go to the store or drive his or her children to their after-school activities.

Never take a friendship for granted. Like a good marriage, friendship needs care and patience. Become a joiner. Find a group that matches your interests.

Talk to strangers. Conversations started in museums, laundry rooms, or bookstores can lead to firm friendship.

Enroll in an adult-education course. A classroom is an ideal place to meet others with similar interests.

1.What should we do to have friends according to the author?

A. Make friendship a priority.

B. Open up to close friends.

C. Never take a friendship for granted

D. All the above.

2.Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You should have different friends for the same activities.

B. You should wait for a friend to ask a favor.

C. You should avoid talking with stranger in museums, laundry rooms of bookstores.

D. You should never take a friendship for granted.

3.The underlined word “enroll” in the last paragraph means _____.

A. give            B. join           C. get       D. catch


1.D 2.D 3.B 【解析】 试题分析:朋友对我们是非常重要的,拥有友情可以帮助我们度过人生中的困难,可以让我们活的更快乐、更长寿。但是我们应该怎样获得一份纯真的友谊呢?我们应该如何维系友谊呢? 1.可知,保持好友谊有:优先考虑友情、对朋友保持亲密、不要把友谊视作理所当然等都是需要做的。所以选D。 2. take a friendship for granted.”可知,不要把友谊视作理所当然。故选D。 3.结合本句的意思:加入一个成人培训班,在这里你有更大的机会结识与你兴趣相同的朋友。可知选B。 考点:科普类短文阅读。


1. 羞涩、不自信可能是问题所在;

2. 微笑拉近与同学的距离;

3. 多与同学单独交流。

注意:1. 词数100左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,

From your letter I know that you spend most of your time studying and hardly talk to your classmates. You feel quite lonely and wish to have good friends!








Li Hua



A man and his friend were walking through the desert. During the trip they had a quarrel, and the man hit his friend in  1.  face. His friend was hurt, but 2.  saying anything, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me.”

They kept on   3.  (walk) until they found a lake, where they decided  4.  (take) a bath. The man’s friend fell into the lake and was in a   5. (danger) situation, but the man saved him  6.  (immediate). After he came back to life, he wrote on a   7.  , “Today my best friend saved my life.”

The man  8. had hit and saved his best friend asked, “When I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you wrote on a stone. Why?” His friend 9.  (reply), “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand, where wind can blow it away. However, when someone does something good for  10. (we), we must write it down in stone, where it can last for ever.”




1.Everything was __________ (毁坏) in the earthquake.

2.I have a busy __________ (时间表) this week.

3.The material of this coat is of poor __________ (质量).

4.Believe it or not, but he _________ (事实上) won!

5.Hearing the bad news, he felt quite ________ (心烦意乱).



On the way to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man with a dirty face jumped up from a chair, opened the door for us and greeted us in a friendly way.

Once inside, my daughters said in a low voice, “Mom, he smells.” After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look beyond the dirt. Seeing this rudeness truly upset me, I wanted to set a good example to my children, but sometimes being a good example was difficult. When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truck. With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I went back to the car for them.

Just then, the “doorman” was opening the door for me, I said a loud “thank you” to him as I exited.

When I returned, we talked a bit. He said he was not allowed inside unless he bought food. I went back and told my family his situation. Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich. The kids looked puzzled, but when I said the order was for the “doorman”, they smiled. When it was time to continue our trip, I noticed the “doorman” enjoying his meal. Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily. He then lifted his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted. I suddenly noticed the tears in his eyes-tears of gratitude (感恩). What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the “doorman” a hug.

Back in truck, I fell into deep thought. While we can’t choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude. I said thanks to a man who had simply helped open a door for me, and also said thanks for that opportunity to teach my children by example.

1.What attitude did the children show to the doorman at first?

A. dislike    B. surprise

C. puzzle       D. interest

2.The author returned to the car for car-sick pills because ________.

A. seeing the doorman made her sick

B. she wanted the doorman to open the door for her

C. the kids needed them for the windiest trip ahead

D. the kids were concerned about the restaurant’s meal

3.For what purpose did the author say a loud “thank you” to the doorman?

A. She wanted to give the children a lesson of gratitude.

B. She showed her real love for him.

C. She wanted to give the doorman a hand.

D. She just showed her polite manner.

4.It can be learned from the passage that the doorman _________.

A. refused to accept the offer

B. took the offer for nothing

C. gave the author a thankful hug

D. was moved to tears for the kind help

5.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. We should learn to show gratitude.

B. Life is difficult for those in trouble.

C. Don’t judge a man by what he wears.

D. We should be polite to others.



Our children grew up on peanut butter and jelly (果冻) sandwiches. Even my husband and I sometimes ate one secretly at late night with a glass of milk. It was too delicious and tasty. My mother-in-law was the jelly maker in this family. The jelly was made of either grape or blackberry. The only job I did to the jelly making was to save baby food jars (罐子), which my mother-in-law would fill with the tasty gel (凝胶体), pack them up and send back to our home. For the past 22 years of my married life, whenever I wanted to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for ourselves, all I had to do was reach for one of those little jars of jelly. It was always there.

This past December, my mother-in-law passed away. Among the things in the house to be divided by her children were the remaining canned goods in the pantry (食品储藏室). When my husband brought his jars home, we carefully put them away in our pantry.

The other day I reached in there to get jelly for a quick sandwich, and there it was. Sitting all alone on the far side of the shelf was a small jar of grape jelly. As I picked up the jar, I suddenly realized something that I had failed to see earlier-this was the last jar we would ever have from my mother-in-law. Although she had been dead for nearly a year, so much of her had remained with us. Our children had never known a day without their grandmother’s jelly. It seems like such a small thing, and most days it was something that was ignored. But today it seemed a great treasure.

No longer was it just a jar of jelly. It was the end of a family tradition. I believed that as long as it was there, a part of my mother-in-law would always live on.

1.Why did the couple eat the jelly secretly at late night?

A. Because it was very delicious and nice.

B. Because it was only made for children.

C. Because it was made by mother-in-law.

D. Because it was good to health.

2.What can we know about the author in making jelly?

A. She could make baby food by herself.

B. She could only collect baby food jars.

C. She helped her mother fill the jars with the tasty gel.

D. She sent the jelly jars home with her husband.

3.What did the mother-in-law leave to the author?

A. The skills to make jelly.

B. Some baby food in the house.

C. Some canned jars filled with jelly.

D. A lot of money.

4.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. a quick sandwich     B. the shelf

C. grape               D. jelly

5.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To miss her mother-in-law.

B. To introduce the skills of making jelly.

C. To remember the family tradition.

D. To warn people to be nice to the old.



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