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用括号里的词的适当形式填空(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 1.Try not ...


1.Try not to say anything about the idea until you have understood it __________ (entire)

2.We did a lot of _________ (cycle)in France last year.

3.We crossed into _________ (German)from Switzerland last week.

4.The coal _______ (mine)were working underground in uncomfortable conditions.

5._________ (cruel) to animals will be strongly punished in some countries.


1.entirely 2.cycling 3.Germany 4.miners 5.cruelty 【解析】 试题分析:主要考查考生的单词基本功以及对整个句子的理解。 1. 2. cycling表示骑车,故填cycling 3. Germany表示德国,故填Germany 4. 此处译为:这些矿工在底下极度不好的条件下工作。coal miners表示矿工,故填miners 5. 考点:考查单词形式与句子把握

短语填空 (从下列短语中选出一个合适的并用其适当形式填入每个句子中,使其句意完整,共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

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1.Suddenly a strong wind came and __________ the roofs of their new houses.

2.Peter has lost his job, and the family is __________ a very difficult time.

3.He didn’t want to come at first , but at the last minute he _________.

4.When the party _________ , there was a great change in education policy.

5.The workmen have _________ a deep channel for the water.




1.Jim was very  u_______ that you didn’t reply to his letters.

2.Police are trying to discover the  i________ of the baby found by the side of a road.

3.In my opinion, travelling by trains is still one of the safety ways of  t________.

4.It was very hot and the workers were standing under the  s_______ of a huge tree.

5.Lily is so g_______ that she always gives the money and clothes to the poor.

6.It was ten in the morning but the _________ (窗帘)were still closed.

7.The ________ (航行)from England to India used to take six months.

8.John is very _________ (固执的)and it drives me mad sometimes.

9.Believe it or not, ________ (极度的)poverty still exists in many rural areas.

10.It’s against my ________ (原则)to accept gifts from students.





Scotland is traditionally regarded as the home of golf. There are over 400 golf courses in Scotland alone. The most important golf club in Scotland is in the seaside town of St.Andrews,near Dundee.

B.Horse racing

Horse racing, the sport of Kings, is a very popular sport with meetings being held every day throughout the year. The Derby orginated here, as did the Grand National which is the hardest horse race in the world.

C.Table Tennis (ping pong)

Table tennis was invented in England in 1880. It began with Cambridge University students using cigar boxes and champagne corks. Although the game originated in England, British players didn’t have much luck in international championships.


Badminton takes its name from the Duke of Beaufort’s country home, Badminton House, where the sport was first played in the 19th century.

E. University Boat Race

In the 19th century, students at Oxford  and Cambridge were huge fans of rowing. In 1829, the two school agreed to hold a race against each other for the first time on the Thames River. The Oxford won and a tradition was born

F. Fishing

Fishing is one of the most popular sports in the UK,with an estimated 3.3 million people taking part in the sport on a regular basis. Fishermen can be seen sitting beside rivers and lakes waitting for the unlucky fish to get caught.


1.Bill is a university students in Oxford University, who enjoys boat race. Having lived beside a river for more than ten years,Bill has developed great skills in rowing boat. Therefore, he would like to become a member of a boat-racing team in the city.

2.David retired last year from his company. He would like to find proper means to kill his time.However,as an old man, he would like some quiet sports so that won’t get too tired.

3.Mr. White , a successful businessman, admires the sports star Deng Yaping from China who can play table tennis very well. However, he has no time to learn to play table tennis, so he would like to choose a traditional sport of Scotland in his spare time to relax.

4.Tommy is a five-year-old boy whose parents have a high expectation on him. They want him to be one of the best table tennis players in the world and win honor for his motherland where the game was born.

5.Young Brown  grew up on a farm where he learned to ride horses when he was still young. He used to watch Derby every year. But recently he has become very interested in playing badminton with his family and friends after a stressful work.



Tigers are among the most admired and most feared animals in the world . When we think of a tiger, we think of danger. We think of the big teeth and large feet of it. We also think of beauty.

The tiger is a hunter that hunts alone. In fact , tigers are probably better than any other land mammal(哺乳动物) at catching large animals without help. Even so, the life of this big-game hunter isn’t easy. Finding food can be difficult, especially for a tiger that is old or weak. Most of the animals it tries to attack get away. A tiger sometimes goes weeks without eating. When that happens, it may hunt animals that can be dangerous even for a tiger.

When they are in a bad situation, some tigers may even attack humans. But in fact, tigers kill very few people each year. Most tigers run away when they see people.

What tigers have done to people can’t compare to what people have done to tigers. Over the last 200 years, we have almost killed tigers in the wild(野外). Today, the tiger is one of the most endangered animals on Earth.

A tiger may live 20 years or more, if it is not disturbed by humans. Female(雌性的) tigers usually live longer than male(雄性的)tigers, because the males live more dangerously.

It isn’t easy for people to tell a male from a female unless the female happens to be with her babies.Only females take care of the young. The big difference between males and females is size. Male tigers are much bigger.

Tigers are big eaters. In a single year, one tiger must eat about 70 deer or other large animals. That is one reason why tigers hunt alone. If they lived in big groups, they could never find enough animals to feed them all.

1.What’s the topic sentence of Paragraph 2?

A. The tiger is a hunter that hunts alone.

B. A tiger sometimes goes weeks without eating.

C. The life of this big-game hunter isn’t easy.

D. Most of the animals it tries to attack get away.

2.The easiest way to tell a male tiger from a female one is by looking at their______

A. size               B. running speed

C.way of hunting      D.claws

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. A tiger can only live about 20 years.

B.It is people who make tigers endangered

C.Many people are killed by tigers every year.

D.Male and female tigers take care of their babies together.

4.According to the passage, why do tigers hunt alone?

A.They can run faster hunting alone.

B.They can’t get along well with other tigers.

C.They can hide themselves easily in this way.

D. They can’t find enough animals to share with other tigers.

5..The passage is most probably taken from __________________

A. A library guide            B.a news story

C. a wildlife book            D.a pet magazine



Who doesn’t have a clingy friend? You know, that person who often calls,texts, and e-mails. He often needs your attention, your feedback,or your help.Worse yet, he often gets antsy when you don’t reply immediately.

Is there ever a moment when you just want to turn off your phone and be alone? But you won’t do that to a friend. Actually there are better ways to deal with a clingy friend.

Give Yourself Some Time

If you really need some time for yourself, or you’re just tired of being the listener, just explain to your friend honestly that you want or need some time of your own.Even the most determined friends will understand and give you some space. Of course, those extremely clingy friends will still call, text, and e-mail. If that happens, just reply gently that you need some time for yourself.

Suggest an Activity for Your Friend

If you ‘re tired of different get-togethers and outings, then you should advise your friend to do something alone. If you both like sports, you could tell your friend to have a try at the new gym. If your friend likes your suggestion, but insists that you go along, just explain that you’ve already visited the gym. Mention that you enjoy the gym. If you’re lucky , he’ll try it, and like it.

Introduce Your Clingy Friend to Others.

Your clingy friend may just be lonely or have trouble meeting new people. If that’s the case , introduce him to others with similar interests. He may just make some new friends.


There’s no reason for you to rudely tell your clingy friend that he’s a pain in the neck. Just follow the above advice to take your time back. After a while, your clingy friend should learn to value your time and your friendship.

1.What does the underlined word “antsy” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Busy          B. Silent

C.Nervous       D. Bored

2.What does the author suggest you do in the first advice?

A. Understand your friends.

B.Be honest with your friends.

C.Spend more time with your friends.

D.Keep your distance from your friends.

3.Which of the following can best fill in the blank of the last paragraph?

A. Give Your Friend Some Time

B.Take Your Time Back

C.Don’t Be Rude

D. Value Your Friendship

4.If a clingy friend calls you to play badminton with him but you want to be alone, you should NOT_________

A. reply gently that you want to be alone

B. introduce a new friend to him to play with

C. advise him to try another new game

D. tell him that you will meet an old friend soon

5.We can learn from the passage that clingy people______________

A. are very confident          B. have little free time

C.don’t respect others       D. don’t want to be alone



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