满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mr. Jin Yongxun is honest and never tell...

Mr. Jin Yongxun is honest and never tells lies, so everyone thinks of him as a


A. confident     B. famous

C. reliable      D. depend


C 【解析】考查形容词辨析。 A. confident“自信的”; B. famous“出名的”; C. reliable“可靠的,可信赖的”; D. depend (v.)“依靠”,该句句意:“Mr. Jin Yongxun诚实且从不说谎,所以每个人都认为他是个‘可以信赖的’人。”根据语境可知,该题正确答案为C. 考点:形容词辨析  

He was about to tell me the secret      someone patted me on the shoulder.

A. as       B. until      C. while       D. when



Four policemen rode past on their motorbikes, and then came the television broadcasting car, and       the marathon(马拉松) runners.

A. finally      B. in the end

C. at last     D. lately



Wang Kun and Wang Wei will begin their bike journey at a(n)        of more than 5,000 meters.

A. attitude  B. altitude

C. detail     D. shortcoming



“Could you please show me how to send an e-mail?”he asked.

      show him how to send an e-mail.

A. He asked if I can              B. He told me to

C. He asked me that I could       D. He asked me to



Sales director is a position        communication ability is just as important as sales skills.

A. which     B. that      C. when       D. where



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