满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Peter Onruang, a Hollywood businessman, ...

Peter Onruang, a Hollywood businessman, has paid $310,000 to clone his best friend Wolfie, a lovely dog. He said, “Wolfie was more than just a pet to me.” Wolfie died two years ago, at the age of 15. But long before she and her sister Bubble passed away, Onruang had plans to bring them back to life. Onruang said, “I buried them at home. Each time I visit them, I say, ‘Hi, I’m making a new body for you.’”

Finally, Onruang found the South Korean biotechnology company RNL Bio, which can and will clone animals. Onruang collected his dogs’ stem cells (干细胞), and then he started a website MyFriendAgain.com, so he could earn and save the $310,000 that the cloning would cost.

The new dogs should look identical (完全相同的) to Wolfie and Bubble. When the cloning process is done, Onruang may end up with several clones of each dog. But Onruang admits he’s still not sure that they will be exactly the same.

Scientists cloned the first animal, a sheep named Dolly, in 1996 in Scotland. That project has raised ethical (伦理的) questions about where science should draw the line. Another question is whether such technique will lead to a day when humans could be cloned.

“If I had an opportunity to clone myself, I would do it readily,” Onruang said. “Because it’s me, I’m raising myself. I have already known exactly my strengths and weaknesses. This person is going to be the new and improved me, and will live the life I’ve always wanted to live.”

1.Onruang started the website MyFriendAgain.com in order to       .

A. encourage more people to clone their pets

B. draw people’s attention to cloning

C. raise money to pay for the cloning

D. collect his dog’s stem cells

2.The purpose of the fourth paragraph is to tell us       .

A. when and where scientists cloned the first sheep Dolly

B. people are in favor of the clone technology

C. cloning will be of great benefit to humans

D. there are arguments about the clone technology

3.What is Onruang’s attitude towards cloning humans?

A. He is enthusiastic about it.

B. He doesn’t care about it.

C. He strongly opposes it.

D. He never thinks about it.


1.C 2.D 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:文章大意:好莱坞商人Peter Onruang的宠物狗去世了,为了让它们起死回生,他决定通过干细胞来克隆它们。 1.Onruang collected his dogs’ stem cells (干细胞), and then he started a website MyFriendAgain.com, so he could earn and save the $310,000 that the cloning would cost.可知Onruang创办网站的目的是为克隆筹集资金。故C正确。 2.That project has raised ethical (伦理的) questions about where science should draw the line.可知此段主要告诉我们关于克隆技术仍然有争论。故D正确。 3.“If I had an opportunity to clone myself, I would do it readily,” Onruang said.可知Onruang对克隆技术很有热情。故A正确。 考点:考查社会类短文阅读



1. 现象:有些同学不吃早餐;  有些同学吃早餐,但营养不均衡。

2. 后果:严重影响身体健康; 影响学习效率。

3. 建议:(1)早起,吃营养均衡的早餐。(2)营养均衡的早餐包括:含有碳水化合物的谷类,以提供每天所需的能量; 鸡蛋、牛奶等提供蛋白质; 蔬菜、水果等帮助消化。谷类:grain;碳水化合物: carbohydrates;蛋白质:protein; 消化:digestion

I’m very much honored to give you a speech on healthy breakfast._____________________










增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park. The park was full of   beauty of spring, with the sun shining and birds sing. When I was enjoying the fantastic scenery around, something unpleasant caught their eyes. A young couple in a boat was eating, talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only people in the world. Which is worse, they spat and even threw rubbish into the lake, total ignoring the noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby. What shame!

Such behavior leaves me deep in thought. If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do as the couple did so, the lake will be severely polluted or soon turned into a huge dustbin.




ZY:   But how can I listen carefully while ___1.___notes?

HX:  This is a __2.__ of the trade, If the interviewee agrees, you can use a recorder to get the facts__ 3.___. It's also useful if a person wants to challenge you. You have the evidence to support your story.

ZY:   I see! Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

HX:  Yes, but it was a long time ago. This is how the story __4.__. A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. We went to interview him. He__5.__ taking money but we were skeptical .

First aid treatment

1.Remove clothing using __6._ if necessary unless it is __7._ to the burn. Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.

2.Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water. It is best to place burns under gently 8. __water for about 10 minutes.(The cool water stops the9.___process, prevents the pain becoming unbearable and10.___swelling.) Do not put cold water on third degree burns.



Finding a new and fun hobby can make you a happier person. Hobbies can be a great way to relieve stress and bring more joy into your life. Specifically when you find a new hobby. Hobbies are for everyone at any age. When you get older, you should not have fewer hobbies.  1.  You might be looking for a new hobby, but you're not sure what. A new hobby requires finding new interests, which means experimenting to find those interests.

Try new things. To find a new hobby, it will require trying new things. New hobbies won't usually just find you. Don't put things off. You might think to yourself, "I don't like that." If you've never done it, or given it a chance, how can you know?  2. __

Learn new things. You're never too young or old to learn more in life. If you take the time to learn new things, you'll develop new interests. Let your curiosity run wild, and develop more knowledge over the things you don't know or are familiar with.  3.  Reading the same sports newspaper every day doesn't count as a new and fun hobby.

Collect things. _4.  .Start collecting them. Maybe you have an interest in coins, or specific jewelry. Think about certain interests that pertain to(关于)what you can collect. If you're a sports fan, then collect sport cards, or jersey's. Simple hobbies aren't always a bad thing. You can collect just about anything.

5.__ Everyone has a creative side. Some people find different ways of expressing that side to them. It can be writing, drawing, painting, playing a music instrument, photography, dancing, or singing. These can be fun and relaxing hobbies to have that be a positive way of expressing your emotions.

A. Interact with others

B. Think of the things that you do like

C. Learning is not such a bad thing

D. Find and express the creative side in you

E. Have an open mind and give things a chance

F. Otherwise you'll develop more stress and gray hairs

G. write down a list of the leisure activities you enjoy



Tracey Hermanstorfer's heart stopped beating and her son Coltyn appeared lifeless after the Caesarean(剖腹产术)section on Christmas Eve. However a few minutes after he was born, both began breathing again. Dr Stephanie Martin told Good Morning America she could not explain how the pair survived. Mrs Hermanstorfer and her husband Mike told the American television show that their baby was now healthy and that they were doing “good” following the drama at Colorado Springs Memorial Hospital.

The couple, who already had two children, had to go into the hospital seven weeks earlier than planned. Her husband, 37, said his wife was tired after receiving an epidural(硬脑膜外麻醉)during the labour(分娩)but after closing her eyes, she “wasn't waking up”.She stopped breathing and she is believed to have suffered a heart attack before her heart stopped beating entirely.

Dr Martin said she was called in and that the outlook was grim(严酷的) since in most situations like this,“despite the best efforts of the team”, the mother was often unable to be revived. In that case doctors then tried to focus on delivering the baby but when he was born he was “completely lifeless”.

Mr. Hermanstorfer told the Associated Press news agency,“I had everything in the world taken from me, and in an hour and a half I had everything given to me.”

Dr Martin said she did not have a“great explanation”for why Mrs Hermanstorfer's heartbeat returned. “Somewhere between four and five minutes she had been without heart rate and had stopped breathing a minute or two prior to her heart stopping,”she said. The doctors were then able to bring the baby back to life, and the mother was alive after that.

Despite tests, she said doctors were still not sure about what had happened. However Mrs Hermanstorfer and her husband Mike have said they believed it was down to a miracle. She said:“I got a second chance in life.”

1.What might have happened to Tracey Hermanstorfer just before her heart stopped beating?

A.She became unconscious.

B.She took a nap.

C.She had a bad headache.

D.She suffered a heart attack.

2.Which of the following is the correct order of what happened to Tracey Hermanstorfer?

a.suffering a heart attack

b.stopping heart beating entirely

c.stopping breathing

d.coming back to life

e.receiving an epidural

f.producing a baby

A.a c f d b e         B.f c a d b e

C.e a c b f d         D. e a b c f d

3.Which of the following words best expresses Dr Martin's attitude towards Tracey Hermanstorfer's coming back to life?

A. Shocked.       B. Puzzled.

C.Normal.         D. Curious.



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