满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

While talking to you, your could-be empl...

While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you _____ your abilities must be you displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.

A. while           B. when           C. and           D. but


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查连词。根据句意可知,前后句之间为并列关系,故用连词and。句意:在跟你谈话的时候,可能成为你的雇主的人就一直在衡量你的教育、经验和其他资格是不是值得他雇用你,而你的能力一定要以一种有条不紊而且合情合理的相互关联的方式被展示出来。 故C正确。 考点:考查连词  

The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, it is almost compulsory that you ______ optimistic.

A. be             B. need to be

C. will be       D. shall be



--- _______ the plane have taken off on time?

--- Im afraid not. So many flights were delayed due to the bitterly cold weather.

A. Will         B. Should

C. Can          D. Must



Nowadays, many parents are trying to either prevent their children from failure, or protect them from the knowledge ______ they have failed.

A. when          B. where   C. what          D. that



Last year alone, the temporary unemployment insurance lifted 2.5 million people out of poverty, and ________ the blow for many more.

A. corrected        B. cushioned

C. compensated      D. corresponded



___________the many ways illegal immigrants come into the United States every year, the vehicle crammed with crowds seems to be the method of choice lately. However, tragedies such as deaths on the journey to the destination, are sometimes reported nowadays.

A. In     B. For      C. Of       D. On



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