满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In the Caucasus (高加索) region of Russia, ...

In the Caucasus (高加索) region of Russia, nearly 50 out of every 100,000 people live to celebrate their 100th birthday, and many don’t stop at 100! By comparison, in America only 3 people in 100,000 reach 100. But these Russian old people aren’t alone. The Pakistanis, who live high in the Himalaya Mountains, and the Ecuadorans (厄瓜多尔人) of the Andes Mountains seem to share the secret of long life, too.

These people remain healthy in body and spirit despite the passage of time. While many older persons in industrial societies become weak and ill in their 60s and 70s, some Caucasians aged 100 to 140, work in the fields beside their great-great-grandchildren. Even the idea of aging is foreign to them. When asked “at what age does youth end?” most of these old people had no answer. Several replied, “Well, perhaps at age 80.”

What accounts for (解释) this ability to survive to such old age, and to survive so well? First of all, hard physical work is a way of life for all of these long-living people. They begin their long days of physical labor as children and never seem to stop. For example, Mr. Rustam Mamedov is 142 years of age. His wife is 116 years old. They have been married for 90 years. Mr. Mamedov has no intention of retiring from his life as a farmer. “Why? What else would I do?” he asks. All these people get healthful rewards from the environment in which they work. They all come from mountainous regions. They live and work at elevations (海拔) of 1,660 to 1,000 meters above sea level. The air has less oxygen and is pollution-free. This reduced-oxygen environment makes the heart and blood vessel (血管) system stronger.

Another factor that may contribute to the good health of these people is their isolation. To a great extent (程度), they are separated from the pressures and worries of industrial society. Inherited (遗传) factors also play some role. Most of the longest-living people had parents and grandparents who also reached very old ages. Good family genes may, therefore, be one factor in living longer.

1.The example of Mr. and Mrs. Mamedov implies that some Caucasians aged 100 to 140 _________.

A. become weak and hopeless

B. benefit from physical work

C. are too old to work in the fields

D. are still working in the fields

2. What is the main way of life for all of these long-living people?

A. Retiring from their lives as farmers.

B. Having been married for 90 years.

C. Hard physical work.

D. Having no intentions.

3.Which of the following factors is NOT helpful to people’s health and long life?

A. Clean mountain air.  B. Daily hard work.

C. Good genes           D. Stress and pressure.

4.What does the underlined word “isolation” mean?

A. the state of being separated   B. pressure

C. lack of physical labour        D. worry

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Russian people live longer than Americans

B. People in the city live longer than those in the country

C. The reason why mountainous people live longer

D. Pressures and worries contribute to long life


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文描述了很多地方人民健康长寿并始分析人民长寿的原因—干净的空气,体力劳动,远离压力以及遗传。 1. 细节题。根据第三段2,3句First of all, hard physical work is a way of life for all of these long-living people. They begin their long days of physical labor as children and never seem to stop.可知这些地区人长寿的秘密之一就是体力劳动,接着就举例说明了Mr. and Mrs. Mamedov。故B正确。 2. 细节题。根据根据第三段2,3句First of all, hard physical work is a way of life for all of these long-living people. They begin their long days of physical labor as children and never seem to stop可知这些人长寿的第一个原因就是他们长时间参加体力劳动,让他们的身体很健康。根据Mr. Mamedov has no intention of retiring from his life as a farmer.可知A项说法是错误的;B项也只是个别现象,没有普遍性。D项叙述不清楚。故C符合题目要求。 3. 细节题。根据文章最后两段The air has less oxygen and is pollution-free和Another factor that may contribute to the good health of these people is their isolation. To a great extent (程度), they are separated from the pressures and worries of industrial society. Inherited (遗传) factors also play some role. 可知ABC三项都是这些人健康长寿的原因。D项不是,实际上D项是很多人不健康的主要原因。 4. 猜测词义题。根据下一句To a great extent (程度), they are separated from the pressures and worries of industrial society.这些人与工业社会的压力和担忧隔开很远。所以该词表示的是“隔离的状态”。故A正确。 5. 主旨大意题。作者在1,2段描述了很多地方人民健康长寿,从第三段开始分析人民长寿的原因。本文主要就是告诉我们这些人长寿的原因—干净的空气,体力劳动,远离压力以及遗传。故C正确。 考点:健康类阅读理解

In China, if you are not married by the time you are 30, you are in for trouble: social blame and pressure from family and friends can get you down. And if you are a woman, it’s even worse.

Many young people get married simply to get other people off their backs (免受别人的指责) . This is a serious compromise. One ends up not marrying the ideal partner.

There are, however, a few young people who refuse to compromise: if they can’t find a good marriage partner, they say, they would rather not marry at all.

34-year-old Kate is a university lecturer in English. She said she would not describe herself as celibatarian (独身主义者) but simply a woman who hasn’t come across the right man yet. She has sharp comments for the way in which the old generation looks at marriage.
    “Many people think marriage is a duty---to your parents, family and society. Nobody cares if your marriage is happy or not, she said, I think this is very wrong and I intend to live and act according to my own will.”

Happily for her, her parents are open-minded and not lay stress on her. But the same does not apply to her friends. They are constantly trying to get her together with some young man or another. She always refuses politely.

1.The main idea of this passage is that _________.

A. marriage is a duty to society

B. people should get married before 30 years old

C. late marriage should be respected

D. women should get married earlier than men

2.Miss Kate refuses to get together with some young man or another because __________.

A. she doesn’t think he is the right man she wants

B. he is either too old or too young

C. he is either important or little learned

D. he doesn’t have good manners

3. In the first paragraph the underlined words in for refer to _________.

A. interested in      B. satisfied with

C. worried about      D. likely to suffer

4.Which is NOT TRUE according to this passage?

A. In China, one may face social blame and family pressure if one hasn’t got married by 30.

B. Miss Kate’s parents are always worried about her marriage.

C. Miss Kate won’t compromise if she can’t have her ideal marriage.

D. Miss Kate wants to marry a worthy young man.

5.If marriage is regarded as a duty to society, __________.

A. everybody will be happy and satisfied

B. nobody will pay attention to whether you are happy or not in your family life

C. you can easily find an ideal partner

D. young people will have nothing to worry about in marriage



If you want to find a part­time job or learn something different during your spare time, you can have a look at the following jobs offered by the DC Public Library.

Teens of Distinction Program

The DC Public Library offers part­time jobs for teens through the Teens of Distinction Program. Teens work 10­12 hours per week all year long, helping the library with important tasks and projects. The Teens of Distinction Program is now hiring! To apply, you have to:

be a DC resident

have and maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average

be 16 to 18 years old

be able to work 10­12 hours per week

be able to work for DCPL for at least 9 months

Oh, and of course you have to impress us with your wonderful personality!

Teen Volunteer Opportunities

If you want to earn community service hours for school, Youth202 is a good choice.

Youth202 is a radio program created by youth and for youth. You can learn radio production skills, interview people around you, and help keep other teens to learn news, events, and anything else you think is important.

Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)

Every summer, teens can work here to help library customers organize books and learn lots of new skills, such as program planning, writing and media production.

On Friday, January 25 at 12:15 p.m., the application for the 2014 SYEP will be open to teens between the ages of 14 and 21.

Applications will be processed on a first­come, first­served basis. Space is limited this year, so teens are encouraged to apply early, and remember not to miss the deadline, Saturday, February 16.

1.Working for the Teens of Distinction Program, teenagers will ________.

become a DC resident

work 10­12 hours per week

③ work for DCPL for at least 9 months

have a wonderful personality

A. ③④       B. ①②③

C. ②③        D. ①③④

2.If a teenager wants to interview people around him, he should apply for a job at ________.

A. Teens of Distinction Program

B. Youth202

C. Teens Library

D. Summer Youth Employment Program

3.What can’t teenagers get in Summer Youth Employment Program?

A. Community service hours.

B. Program planning skills.

C. Writing skills.

D. Book management skills.

4.Who has the biggest chance to work for the 2014 SYEP?

A. A teenager who is smart.

B. A teenager who is popular.

C. A teenager who applies early.

D. A teenager who gets high grades in exams.

5.The aim of the text is to ________.

A. introduce the DC Public Library

B. describe the job of library workers

C. teach how to apply for part­time jobs

D. offer teenager part­time jobs in the DC Public Library



Dear boys and girls,

I feel honored to speak here on behalf of all your teachers .I’m really sorry that it will be only three months   1.    you graduate from high school .We have spent an unforgettable time in the past three years, during  2.    I have been greatly impressed by your good qualities such as honesty, diligence, co-operation and so on. 3.  in my teaching career have I met such wonderful students   4.  you.

We have an endless journey in pursuit of knowledge. Graduation only marks a stage of one’s education .Set a high goal    5.   you’ll achieve more in your future life.

I do believe that all your efforts will eventually pay    6.  .I as well as your other teachers  7.  praying that every one of you will be admitted to    8. ideal college.


English teacher



With his leg lame and his teeth uneven, a boy thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. He seldom played with his classmates, and when asked to answer questions, he always       his head without a word.

One spring, his father brought home some saplings (树苗).      of his children would plant a sapling and he promised, “Whoever grows his sapling best shall get a gift.” The boy certainly wanted to get the gift.But seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees, he        an idea: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never      it.

Several days later, he was surprised to find it didn't die, but grew so many fresh     . Compared with those of his brothers and sisters, his appeared greener. His father kept his       ,bought the boy a gift and said he would become an outstanding      after growing up.

From then on, the boy slowly became optimistic and confident. One evening, he suddenly       his biology teacher once said that plants generally grow at night. Why not go to see the tree?

When he came to the courtyard, he found his father working near the tree! Instantly he       :Father had been secretly watering his tree! He returned to his room, tears      in his eyes.

Decades passed. The boy didn't become a botanist.        , he became the U.S. President. His name was Franklin Roosevelt.

      is the best nourishment (滋养品) of life. Even though it is just a bucket of water, it can make the tree of life grow well!

1.A. held            B.raised            C.lowered           D.covered

2.A. Both            B.None            C.One               D.Each

3.A. cared for        B.got rid of         C.hit upon           D.put on

4.A. appealed to     B.attended to         C.adapted to         D.turned to

5.A. roots           B.leaves             C.branches           D.seeds

6.A. word           B.balance           C.agreement          D.opinion

7.A. teacher         B.gardener          C.president           D.botanist

8.A. believed        B.recalled           C.repeated           D.knew

9.A. remembered    B.understood       C.wondered           D.admitted

10.A. welling         B.falling           C.dropping            D.crying

11.A. Therefore       B.Besides           C.Moreover           D.Instead

12.A. Love           B.Water            C.Disability            D.Father



I have already forgotten ______ you bought the computer.

A. that it was when      B. that it was what

C. what it was that      D. when it was that



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