满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I am the mother of a five-year-old girl ...

I am the mother of a five-year-old girl now, but I’ll never forget some of the best lessons my mother taught me.

Lesson 1---Always be there for your child

I can’t tell you the last time my parents missed a big event in my life; it never happened. Whether it was a play, or even just a practice---my parents were always there for me. As an only child, they cherished everything in my life.

Lesson2---Hide in the bathroom

For years I wondered why my mother had made the bathroom her own personal library and would stay there forever. Now I know it’s the only place for her to have at least two minutes of peace and quiet. Well, I try to, but that’s quite difficult with two cats, a dog, a kid, a husband and only one bathroom.

Lesson3---Get involved(参与)

I was lucky in having parents who let me do anything they think was good. Now today, I am fond of being active and involved. Whether it is a sports game or a volunteering group, or just playing with my daughter, I love to be involved.

Lesson4---It’s OK to fail

My parents weren’t perfect and that was OK. I know I’m not perfect and I hope my daughter knows that’s OK. Families love one another no matter what happens. If you fail, you learn from the mistakes and keep right on going.

Parents are so important to a child’s growth and development and I’m so glad that I had great parents to follow.

1.The big event in the writer’s life         .

A. was seldom missed by her parents

B. was never missed by her parents

C. didn’t include her musical performances

D. wasn’t noticed by her dad sometimes

2.What does the underlined word “cherish” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Find out clearly.       B. Run after carefully.

C. Care about gently.      D. Give up completely.

3.What is difficult for the writer to do?

A. To set up her own personal library.

B. To do her housework well every day.

C. To find a quiet or peaceful place to read.

D. To stay in her bathroom for a long time.

4.When her kid knew it was OK that she wasn’t perfect, the kid         .

A. thought being bad was nothing

B. would love her more than others

C. tried her best to do better than she

D. would have a good mind if she failed

5.What can we learn from this passage?

A. The writer hardly follow her parents now.

B. The writer has raised two dogs, a cat and a kid.

C. Getting involved leads to the writer’s active life.

D. The writer’s mom likes reading in the bathroom.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了作者在她身为母亲时对她母亲以前教给她的一些人生哲理进行了总结的故事。这些道理使她懂得了如何去教育好孩子。 1. can’t tell you the last time my parents missed a big event in my life; it never happened可知父母从未错过我生活中的事。故选B 2. parents were always there for me.可知父母对我事无巨细都关怀备至。故选C 3. the only place..of peace and quiet. Well, I try to, but that’s quite difficult可知找一个安静的地方很难。故选C 4. you fail, you learn from the mistakes and keep right on going可知失败了要吸取教训并做对,要有一个好的思维。故选D 5. am fond of being active and involved可知作者喜欢参与,这主导着她的生活。故选C 考点:考查故事类阅读

I’ve always known that dogs are clever, but even I was surprised when I heard about a dog called Red, at the Battersea Dog’s Home in London.

The home has been caring for lost and unwanted animals for over 140 years. Recently, the staff there got a shock when they came to work in the morning. They found that some of the dogs had got out of their kennels(狗窝) during the night, opened cupboards and taken out food and toys. And it happened again and again. The manager described how as many as nine dogs were escaping every night. When we came in, dogs were running around having fun and causing a lot of mess.

Someone or something was unlocking (开锁) the kennels during the night. The manager decided to put in cameras to record how the dogs were getting out.

When she and her staff played back the recording, they saw Red, a three-year-old dog, put his nose through the bars of his kennel and use his teeth to press the button(按钮) that opened his door. That was clever enough, but Red did more: he unlocked the kennels next to his and let the dogs out too. The group broke into cupboards and stole dog biscuits and toys to play with.

The manager said, It’s surprising that Red worked out how to open his own kennel and let all his friends out.” I suppose, Red didn’t like to party alone.

The story has a happy ending: after Red was shown on TV, several people came and offered to give him a new home as a family pet.

1.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To ask people to look after unwanted dogs.

B. To describe dogs escaping from the Dog’s Home.

C. To give an example of how clever a dog can be.

D. To introduce the work done by the Battersea Dog’s Home.

2.What did Red do after he got out of his kennel at night?

A. He slept in a cupboard.

B. He let the other dogs out.

C. He took biscuits and toys back to the other dogs.

D. He showed the other dogs how to unlock their doors.

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. Red didn’t like being at the Dog’s Home.

B. Red and his friends had a good time when they escaped.

C. Red and his friends enjoyed being recorded by the cameras.

D. Red and the other dogs escaped because they were hungry.

4.The underlined phrase worked out” in paragraph 5 means         .

A. found the way and dealt with

B. made the plan of

C. thought carefully about

D. was ready for

5.Which of the following was the topic of the TV program about Red?

A. A dog that can unlock doors.

B. A night when kennels were unlocked.

C. Parties for the missing dogs.

D. Battersea Dog’s Home.



Today my husband wanted to have McDonald’s, so I     to go to the nearest one and take the food home together with my 10-year-old daughter.

Right behind me was an elder woman who wasn’t     and seemed sad,     I took out a piece of paper and wrote a note. On this note, it said, Everyone should     to smile.” I pulled forward to pay for our     with my debit card (借记卡), pulled out extra cash and     the cashier to let me pay for the lady’s food     me. My daughter looked at me ,     . But all that I told her was to turn around and     what random(随意的) acts of kindness could do to someone. She turned around, watched and     . I started to get our     and the lady pulled forward and started to hand her cashier    . The cashier shook her head , smiled, looked at us, and handed her the     . The lady was so puzzled at this moment that it was almost     . The lady read the note, smiled, and started to dry tears from her eyes.

We got our food and started to     when my daughter turned around with tears in her eyes and said, Mom, you     she was by herself? Maybe we were the     ones today to show we cared. We didn’t do anything     but just gave her a smile and a sandwich.

I told her that was why we should be     because a smile may be all others have. Oh, random acts of kindness, thank you again for     me that a smile can worth a million dollars.

1.A. agreed              B. promised             C. decided         D. advised

2.A. standing           B. smiling    C. reading          D. laughing

3.A. so     B. though                C. but          D. for

4.A. try                 B. want               C. like         D. mean

5.A. meal               B. tickets                 C. vegetable       D. clothes

6.A. ordered            B. asked               C. persuaded       D. begged

7.A. by             B. around                C. behind           D. without

8.A. shocked            B. disappointed          C. educated      D. puzzled

9.A. guess             B. believe                C. watch            D. record

10.A. ate              B. talked                 C. sat               D. waited

11.A. idea              B. message            C. present            D. order

12.A. money             B. equipment            C. a list            D. a place

13.A. card              B. note                 C. menu          D. number

14.A. upset             B. mean               C. different          D. funny

15.A. discuss             B. search                C. leave             D. look

16.A. announced          B. explained            C. understood        D. noticed

17.A. rich               B. stupid              C. only             D. brave

18.A. big                B. equal            C. fair               D. necessary

19.A. unique             B. kind               C. special          D. smart

20.A. praising           B. teaching           C. challenging      D. warning



--- How do you find the movie last night?

--- ______, but the background music sounded wonderful.

A. I really like it.

B. I’m crazy about it

C. I think little of it

D. It couldn’t be better.



It’s that time of the year again, ______ Apple fans go crazy about the coming of the new iPhone.

A. who            B. when

C. which          D. where



---Look at the girls swimming over there! How wonderful!

---Yes, ______ they were the fishes!

A. as if          B. even if

C. what if        D. only if



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