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Nine thousand guests took part in the ou...

Nine thousand guests took part in the outdoor ceremony,        that impressed so many people at the White House.

Athat    B.this   C.it    D.one


D 【解析】考查代词及同位语的用法。此处one是ceremony的同位语,其后又带了定语从句that impressed so many people at the White House。  

Let us hope we can settle the matter without _____ more trouble.

A. any B. a little    C. some D. little



Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and         to ruins, the city took on a new look.

A. reducing        B. reduced       C. being reduced     D. having reduced



假如一家英语报社在征集有关未来生活变化的文章,现请你以“What Will Our Life Be in the Future?” 为标题用英语写一篇短文,词数不少于100,内容包括:







What Will Our Life Be in the Future?







1.White has always been a s_________of purity in western cultures.

2.He made every e_________to prevent his son from playing computer games.

3.After g____________from college , she went to a small village.

4.Don’t  t_______ that machine!  It’s very dangerous.

5.For his whole life ,he was waiting for o___________.

6.He successfully _____________(完成) his task and went home.

7.My brother is _____________(考虑)changing his job.

8.He owed his success to being __________(自信).

9.Nobody is_____________(完美的)

10.I picked some flowers to ___________(装饰)my room.



(This selection was originally published in 1992. Pluto (冥王星) is no longer classified as a planet.)

Pluto is in many ways the strangest of the planets. It is small and has a large moon(called Charon). Its orbit(轨道) is unusual, which may cause it to have seasons in the sense that when it is close to the sun, the liquid (液体)methane(甲烷)on its surface boils to form a kind of atmospheric haze(烟雾). When the planet moves farther away from the sun, it starts to snow solid(固体) methane.

Pluto is not dark. Despite its great distance from the sun, the surface of Pluto is probably as bright as a moonlit night on Earth. The reason is all that methane, which is as white as newly fallen snow.

The discovery of Pluto was more accident than design. The American astronomer Percival Lowell had predicted the existence of a ninth planet(he called it Planet X)based on what he took to be irregularities in the orbit of Neptune. Today astronomers argue that these "irregularities" weren't real, but the result of instrumental error. Nevertheless, Lowell produced predictions about where Planet X ought to be(although, to be honest, the predictions changed occasionally when he redid the calculations).In any case, in 1930 Clyde Tombaugh, doing a systemic sky survey that would have found the planet no matter where it was, discovered the planet we now call Pluto. By coincidence, its position was pretty close to where Lowell's last prediction said it should be. Was it just luck? We'll never know.

1.On Pluto's surface, liquid methane boils to form an atmospheric haze, which would be most similar to ____.

A. light      B.  darkness

C. liquid     D. steam(水蒸气)

2.What effect is produced by including the question "Was it just luck?" at the end of the text?

A. The question encourages the reader to think about why Pluto is a strange planet.

B. The question encourages the reader to think about how planets are discovered.

C .The question suggests that all discoveries are luck, not just design.

D. The question suggests that other planets were found in different ways.

3.What contributes to the brightness of Pluto?

A. Methane on its surface.          B. Its great distance from the sun.

C. Light from its moon, Charon.     D. Its closeness to the sun.

4.The text mainly wants to ____.

A. give a brief introduction of Pluto

B. talk about the discovery of Pluto

C. prove the exact position of Pluto

D. describe the strangeness of Pluto



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